
Stage Image Name Boss Character Stats
The Black Crow
Tattoo Scar
(스카 타투)
Raven Common

Face Accessory (Middle):

Physical Attack +15

Magical Attack +15

Physical Defense +10

Magical Defense +10

[Unidentified * ?]

MP Recovery Attacked +1%

The Black Crow
Ghost Sword - Wall
Raven Elesis

Lv34 Claymore:

Physical Attack +2477

Magical Attack +2477

[Unidentified * ?]

[Unidentified * ?]

Critical +3%

Action Speed +2%

Return Plains
Purified Nasod Drill
(정화된 나소드 드릴)
Corrupt Nasod Driller Elsword

Lv34 Great Sword:

Physical Attack +2477

Magical Attack +2477

[Unidentified * ?]

[Unidentified * ?]

Critical +3%

Action Speed +2%

Return Plains
Ara 4-2 Drop.png
Automatic Drill Spear
(자가회전식 드릴 창)
Corrupt Nasod Driller Ara

Lv34 Spear:

Physical Attack +2477

Magical Attack +2477

[Unidentified * ?]

[Unidentified * ?]

Critical +3%

Action Speed +2%

Return Plains
Dynamo Crusher
(다이너모 크러셔)
Corrupt Nasod Driller Add

Lv34 Dynamos:

Physical Attack +2353

Magical Attack +2972

[Unidentified * ?]

[Unidentified * ?]

Critical +3%

Action Speed +2%

Transporting Tunnel B4-1
Alterasia Bud
(알테라시아의 눈)
Parasitic Alterasia Turret Rena

Lv34 Bow:

Physical Attack +2415

Magical Attack +2601

[Unidentified * ?]

[Unidentified * ?]

Critical +3%

Action Speed +2%

Transporting Tunnel B4-1
Flowers of Alterasia
(알테라시아의 꽃)
Parasitic Alterasia Turret Lu/Ciel

Lv34 Dual Weapon:

Physical Attack +2663

Magical Attack +2539

[Unidentified * ?]

[Unidentified * ?]

Critical +3%

Action Speed +2%

Transporting Tunnel B4-1
Alterasia Thorn
(알테라시아의 가시)
Parasitic Alterasia Turret Rose

Lv34 Guns:

Physical Attack +2477

Magical Attack +2601

[Unidentified * ?]

[Unidentified * ?]

Critical +3%

Action Speed +2%

Nasod Foundry
Crow Rider's Gloves
(크로우 라이더 장갑)
Crow Rider Common

Lv36 Gloves:

Physical Attack +𝑥

Physical Defense +𝑥

Magical Defense +𝑥

[Unidentified * ?]

Action Speed +2%

Altera Core

Fire Pendant
(불의 팬던트)
Fire Nasod: Ignis Common

Accessory (Necklace):

[Unidentified * ?]

Resistance to Fire Attributes +100

Altera Core

Water Pendant
(물의 펜던트)
Water Nasod: Leviathan Common

Accessory (Necklace):

[Unidentified * ?]

Ice Element Resistance +100

Altera Core
Nucleus Amplifier
(원소 증폭 가열로)
Fire Nasod: Ignis/Water Nasod: Leviathan Chung

Lv36 Cannon:

Physical Attack +2781

Magical Attack +2402

[Unidentified * ?]

[Unidentified * ?]

Ice Element Resistance +40

Resistance to Fire Attributes +40

Altera Core
Chaos Pendulum
(혼돈의 펜듈럼)
Fire Nasod: Ignis/Water Nasod: Leviathan Ain

Lv34 Pendulum:

Physical Attack +2477

Magical Attack +2477

[Unidentified * ?]

Critical +3%

Action Speed +2%

Altera Core
Mono Eye
(모노 아이)
King Nasod Eve

Lv38 Drones:

Physical Attack +2547

Magical Attack +3150

[Unidentified * ?]

[Unidentified * ?]

Critical +3%

Action Speed +2%

Altera Core
King Nasod's Runic Core
(킹나소드의 마력 코어)
King Nasod Common

Accessory (Top Piece):

Physical Attack +15

Magical Attack +15

[Unidentified * ?]

Action Speed +1%