

娜薇 EP.5:从地面到天空
娜薇 EP.6:重逢和面对
娜薇 EP.7:妮莎


[娜薇]EP.6 重逢和面对


任务需求 任务 描述
  • 完成‘[村庄] 不管我是谁’史诗任务


  •   娜薇: 又只剩我们两个了,妮莎。
  •   娜薇: 但是~这次和以前不一样!我知道该去哪,我不再是漫无目的或是迷路了!
  •   娜薇: 好想快点到达艾丽阿诺德然后找到师傅啊,我还没试过重逢的感觉呢!
  •   娜薇: 虽然与师傅一起的日子与森林里的相比只是一个好短的瞬间,但我真的感觉好久好久没见过他了,对吧?
  •   妮莎: ……
  •   娜薇: 但是~我们重逢之后我该说什么呢?‘师傅,你真是慢啊,居然要娜薇来找你?’
  •   娜薇: 还是说……要先问候问候他吗?嗯~
  •   娜薇: 好,到时候也问问师傅吧!我看看,我得尽快到达艾丽阿诺德……
  •   娜薇: ……嗯?是坏掉了吗?红色的箭头居然在转圈圈?
  •   娜薇: 卡隆都没告诉过我这种情况该怎么办……到底是什么让罗盘变成这样的?
  •   娜薇: 嗯?那是……之前在愿望的时候还以为是山呢……
  •   娜薇: 好大……好黑……好圆……
  •   娜薇: 对,就像玛奥家里的大铁锅一样!
  •   娜薇: 嗯……我感觉到了其他熟悉的气息……那是什么?和森林里的感觉不一样……
  •   娜薇: 或许走近一点就能知道了吧?好!靠近大铁锅看看吧!
  •   娜薇: 哦哦!妮莎,这些房子都飘在空中呢!
  •   娜薇: 上面还有好大的窗子!玛奥说房子的通风非常重要,这就是那么大的原因吗?
  •   娜薇: 不过这也太大了吧,开窗关窗很麻烦啊。嗯……老实说……
  •   娜薇: 这里的风也太~安静了吧。
  •   娜薇: 与玛奥的家不一样~斑驳的大地~时隐时现的漂浮物~
  • 嗖!
  •   娜薇: 地面慢慢向上移动了!这个地方好奇怪!
  •   娜薇: ……嗯?
  • 嗖!
  •   娜薇: 不……娜薇只是……
  •   娜薇: 会下降吗?!哇啊啊!!
  •   娜薇: 刚刚那是什么啊?!娜薇还没反应过来就沉下去了!
  •   娜薇: 这个蓝色的平台好可疑啊……这是什么,是想吃掉娜薇吗?
  •   娜薇: 越是靠近大铁锅,这种蓝色的平台就越多啊?那边是有什么吗?
  •   娜薇: 越靠近那里,我的脑海中就越是清晰。在很久很久以前……我是知道这种东西的。
  •   娜薇: ……呃,搞不明白!虽然娜薇很好奇,但我得赶到艾丽阿诺德,所以还是小心一点好了。我可不想被那种蓝色的平台吃掉了。
  •   娜薇: 我得小心一点,可不能掉进去了?妮莎,如果我摔跤了的话可得抓住我哦……
  •   博伦德: ……娜薇?
  •   娜薇: 嗯?这个声音是……
  •   娜薇: 啊!师傅!!
货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 3,193,800   Intermediate Flexible Weapon Cube x1  
EXP 16,762,703    
AP 0    
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • 完成‘不安的大地’史诗任务
  • 破坏活跃的尸鬼巢穴(在波鲁安中部-‘侵蚀的沙丘’登场) 0/8


Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  •   博伦德: 你真的是……娜薇吗?
  •   娜薇: 嗯!是娜薇!
  •   博伦德: ……
  •   娜薇: 师傅?菠萝!!
  •   博伦德: ……没事……啊。哈,没事就真的太好了……真的。
  •   娜薇: 是的,师傅!娜薇没事!师傅你也还好吗?
  •   娜薇: 啊!我有问题想问师傅!
  •   娜薇: 在和别人重逢后,你会想说什么?
  •   博伦德: ……你为什么会问和你脑子里的想法一样的问题啊。
  •   博伦德: 一般来哦说,会用‘好久不见,最近过得怎么样?’来打招呼。你刚刚的确问候我了,所以没有什么问题。
  •   娜薇: 我明白了!你不在的时候,我学习了好多东西呢!
  •   博伦德: 嗯,你比我上次见你的时候更可靠了呢。真是辛苦了。
  •   博伦德: ……
  •   博伦德: 话说娜薇,你之前都去哪了?我一直沿着波鲁安的海岸找你,但根本没有任何关于你的消息。
  •   娜薇: 嗯~关于娜薇是怎么到这里来的……

  •   博伦德: 我知道了……我不在的时候真是发生了好多事情呢。
  •   娜薇: 嗯!我交到了新朋友,还学习了好多东西!真是好有趣的!
  •   娜薇: 如果师傅你也在的话就更好了!!
  •   博伦德: 看到你那么开心,我也有点好奇了。
  •   娜薇: 没关系!下次和娜薇一起去参观玛奥的家吧!师傅一定也会喜欢的!那周围还有好多好多的怪物呢!
  •   博伦德: 啊哈哈,怪物?好,下次去那边看看吧。
  •   娜薇: 话说回来,师傅怎么没去艾丽阿诺德啊?是在等娜薇吗?
  •   博伦德: ……
  •   娜薇: 师傅?
  •   博伦德: 嗯?啊,对。我们一起走吧……就这样。
  •   博伦德: 这个地方很危险,还好现在我们已经碰面了。
  •   娜薇: 你还好吗?从刚才开始就一直在发呆。
  •   博伦德: 没什么,娜薇。只是因为太久没见过你了,有点难以置信而已。
  •   博伦德: 大铁锅……你刚刚是这样叫的对吧?那个黑色的圆顶就像是包裹着艾丽阿诺德的……巨大的屏障。
  •   博伦德: 上次我看到的时候不是这样的……发生什么事了?
  •   娜薇: 没错,是大铁锅!我一直感觉它很熟悉啊,你知道那是什么吗,师傅?
  •   博伦德: 熟悉?不可能,那个屏障是……嗯。
  •   博伦德: This is going to be a long explanation. Shall we head to the barrier while I explain?
  •   博伦德: For now, let's just be watchful of any monsters that appear. Make sure you avoid those blue areas, too.
  •   娜薇: Blue stuff? Uh! L, Laby already stepped on it earlier!!
  •   博伦德: I think it should be fine as long as you don't get sucked in, but it's best if we avoid it as much as possible to minimize it's influence.
  •   娜薇: Hehee... Teacher!
  •   博伦德: Hm? What is it?
  •   娜薇: Laby's really happy to be together with teacher again! There were a lot of confusing things when it was just Laby and Nisha, but teacher always know what to do!
  •   博伦德: Oh, that's...
  •   博伦德: ... Good.
  •   博伦德: I found the monsters' nest near the barrier earlier. It could be dangerous, so stay close.
  •   娜薇: Ok! Mao taught Laby how to stay close! Laby is really good at it now!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   娜薇: There are a lot of crawlies here. They must have been hiding earlier.
  •   娜薇: Some crawly houses have lots of crawlies, but some don't have any! Should Laby break all their houses?
  •   博伦德: We should look carefully and avoid anything that looks too dangerous. We don't know what's up ahead, so we should reserve out strengths.
  •   博伦德: But you are doing well. You're much stronger than you were before.
  •   娜薇: Of course! Laby was teaching all the bad guys a lesson!
  •   博伦德: ... I see, it must have been hard.
  •   博伦德: ... I'm sorry I left you alone. I wasn't able to help you.
  •   娜薇: Huh? What are you talking about, teacher! You taught me which way to go, what to do, and how to fight!
  •   娜薇: And that floaty feeling that carried Laby to land, that was also teacher's power, right?
  •   博伦德: Well... Yes, but...
  •   娜薇: See? Teacher was already a lot of help for Laby!
  •   博伦德: ... Laby.
  •   娜薇: Huh?
  •   博伦德: ... Do you...
  •   博伦德: Don't you blame me?
  •   娜薇: ... Eh?
  •   博伦德: We met at the forest, and I promised that I'd help you. But...
  •   博伦德: I wasn't able to protect you at all. Even though you've barely learned how to fight, I pushed you into dangerous situations instead of keeping you safe.
  •   博伦德: Even though you are alright... Which makes me so glad...
  •   博伦德: But I ignored your fears of being left alone by telling myself I had a duty to protect other people...
  •   博伦德: I decided at that moment... To give you up, for the 'greater good.'
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 16,762,703   Intermediate Flexible Armor Cube x1   N/A
ED 3,399,600   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Right Choice
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Worn Down Faith story quest

Bellonde slowly talks about himself.
Though he looked composed, his voice revealed his regret and self-blame.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  •   娜薇: Teacher...
  •   博伦德: Long ago, I made a mistake that cost the lives of many others...
  •   娜薇: A... Mistake...? Did teacher try to hurt other people?
  •   博伦德: No, but my duty to protect Elrios... And stop anything from causing it harm.
  •   博伦德: However, I was unable to meet up with everyone's expectations, and as a result, this world was brought to the brink of extinction.
  •   娜薇: ...!!
  •   博伦德: I questioned my goal, my power, and everything that I have ever stood for. Even after a long slumber, I was still not certain of myself, but there was no one who could ease my doubts.
  •   博伦德: When I went to where my sister rested, I was seeking for answers. I... wasn't sure I should go back to Elrianode...
  •   博伦德: ... That's where I met you.
  •   娜薇: (Teacher's sister...? Then where we met was...)
  •   博伦德: You may think I guided you, but actually it's the opposite. Laby, you were the one who gave me strength, a reason to hold on to my beliefs again.
  •   博伦德: Although saving other people on the ship seemed to align with my goal to save others... I felt lost.
  •   博伦德: Perhaps it was a given that I would feel that way. I claimed that my power was for protecting others, yet I wasn't able to protect you who I've promised to help.
  •   博伦德: I haven't changed at all since my mistake. If something happens, I will end up making the same mistake. I have no reason to go back to Elrianode in my state...
  •   博伦德: I was... blaming myself, while searching for you that I have let go.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   娜薇: ... Laby thinks...
  •   娜薇: Techer's decison was the best decison that saved everyone while protecting Laby!
  •   博伦德: Pardon...?
  •   娜薇: Mao did the same thing. She said she was using laby. But in the end, it was all because she believed that Laby can make things better!
  •   娜薇: Teacher knew Laby was tough! That means teacher didn't give up, teacher just believed that Laby would be ok!
  •   博伦德: ... You're giving me too much credit. I wasn't sure you would actually be safe...
  •   娜薇: But teacher wanted to help everyone with your power, right? And you did! You saved all those people and protected Laby!
  •   娜薇: Laby doesn't know what kind of mistake teacher made, but if you think letting Laby go that day was a mistake... You don't have to think like that.
  •   娜薇: Laby was able to learn many things and meet many new people because Laby met you, teacher.
  •   博伦德: Laby...
  •   娜薇: Mm... Laby doesn't know what teacher's sister thought, or what all those other people thought...
  •   娜薇: But Laby is really thankful, and really happy to know teacher!!
  •   博伦德: ......!
  •   娜薇: Laby is Really! Really ok, but if teacher is still sorry, then how about this?
  •   娜薇: That all these small moments that teacher is thinking hard and feeling sorry for Laby...
  •   娜薇: ... are the moments that will allow teacher to become what you wanted to be!
  •   博伦德: ... What I...
  •   博伦德: ... Wanted to become...
  •   Verdel: Are you ready?
  •   Verdel: ... Don't blame yourself too hard. It wasn't your fault.
  •   Verdel: But... If you still cannot ignore those that have passed away.
  •   Verdel: Do not forget this. Don't run away. Face your fears and make sure something like this never happens again. Please, protect this world once more.
  •   Verdel: I too, will be at your side.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 16,762,703   Lizard Skewer x20   N/A
ED 3,609,900   Purple Crystal Water x20   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Overcome the Past Once More
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Right Choice story quest

Laby's words remind Bellonde of his past resolve.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  •   娜薇: (That face again...)
  •   娜薇: (It's like the face Mao and Calonne made... Even teacher, when we first me... But... A little different.)
  •   娜薇: (It feels weird, but Laby doesn't want to run away anymore.)
  •   娜薇: (Even though it's strange... Maybe Laby can face it eventually...)
  •   博伦德: ......
  • CRASH...!
  •   娜薇: Uaaaahh!! Watch out! More rocks!!
  •   娜薇: What's that? It's much bigger than the crawlies from before... Teacher?
  •   博伦德: That must be the mother's nest... The monster grew even bigger...
  •   博伦德: It's too dangerous to leave it be... I wasn't sure I could defeat it, so I was avoiding it until now...
  •   博伦德: But it's time to face my fears and go back where I need to be!
  • SLAM...!
  •   娜薇: Teacher!! That's amazing! You were super strong, but now you're super super strong!!!
  •   博伦德: ... It's thanks to you, Laby.
  •   娜薇: Huh? What did Laby do?
  •   博伦德: Haha, you made me realize I had nothing to worry about.
  •   博伦德: No matter what happened in the past, it doesn't change what I have to do in the moment.
  •   博伦德: I won't forget what happened, nor would I run away. I will continue to fulfill my duties that I wasn't able to before.
  •   娜薇: Duties?
  •   博伦德: Remember what I told you on the ship? My power is to protect everyone.
  •   娜薇: Teacher's goal...! You found it again! You look like a happy teacher now!
  •   娜薇: Laby's happy, too! Nisha says she's happy also!
  •   博伦德: Yes, I don't think I ever felt this relieved since I opened my eye.
  •   博伦德: Thank you, Laby. I think now, I can stand firm in my beliefs now matter what happens.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   博伦德: Now, shall we head to Elrianode?
  •   娜薇: Whoa!! So we're finally meeting teacher's teacher!! Ooooh! So exciting!!
  •   娜薇: But how do we get into Elrianode? There's a barrier surrounding it.
  •   博伦德: Let me explain. First, you should know that this barrier is composed on Henir's energy.
  •   娜薇: Com... posed? What's Henir?
  •   博伦德: Most know Henir as the god of an extreme religious organization that tried to destroy Elrios in the past.
  •   博伦德: Although rather than a god... He is more of... a concept... But in any case, since gods are established when they acquire followers...
  •   娜薇: ... Teacher...
  •   博伦德: Hmhm. In simpler terms, Henir is the energy or space that contains chaos, or chaos itself.
  •   娜薇: ... Are you sure you were trying to make it easy for Laby?
  •   博伦德: Hm... I'm sorry, but this is only the second time I've seen it. Even then, I never came in contact with its power until now.
  •   博伦德: Plus, I've never heard that it can form a barrier like this, so it's hard for me to explain what it is, or what might happen.
  •   娜薇: So there's something teacher doesn't know other than what Laby is? Do you know if Henir is dangerous? Bad?
  •   博伦德: Hm... I'm sure what kind of traits this barrier might hold, but my teacher told me that Henir, by itself, cannot be evil.
  •   博伦德: Wait, since Henir was once a part of primordial Elrios... In theory, it should be safe if we create a shield using El energy using it's orderly traits to negate...
  •   娜薇: Oh! Teacher! Do you have a scheme?
  •   博伦德: Laby, do you remember the power I used to help you when you fell in the water?
  •   娜薇: Uh huh! It was warm and soft!
  •   博伦德: That is a shield I created using my power.
  •   博伦德: It's not particularly strong, but it should be better than coming in direct contact with Henir energy.
  •   娜薇: So... Laby is waring the same power again?
  •   博伦德: Yes. But this won't be able to protect you long.
  •   博伦德: So if we're separated again inside the barrier, don't look for me, think about getting out of the barrier first, alright?
  •   娜薇: And leave teacher behind? But...
  •   博伦德: As I said earlier, we don't know what's going to happen inside that barrier. I might now be able to protect you, when that happens.
  •   博伦德: But I believe in you Laby. So please promise me that you will do as I say.
  •   娜薇: Mm...! Ok! Laby believes in teacher too!
  •   博伦德: Alright, let's go then.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 16,762,703   Intermediate Honorable Weapon Cube x1   N/A
ED 3,824,400   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0

  • 地区1~6
  • 地区7~12
  • 地区13~18
  • 地区19
  • 娜薇
  • 诺亚
  • 其他