Story/Add Chapter 42-1

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  • English
42-1:For Now in the Present

Chapter 42-1: For Now in the Present

Add decides to ask Adrian about the teleportation device, because he wanted to find something to return to past, but he instead questions himself why he decided to stay with the party far longer than he thought, when he could've just asked him in the beginning for help on returning to past. After sparring, Add decides to call off the deal, and decides to stay with the El Search Party for a little more.

 [Village] What They Each Want
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Return to Elysion story quest
  • After pleasantries exchanged, Herbaon and Adrian are shocked to see Eve's current state. Add suggests Eve start recovering, but he seems to be hiding something...
Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  •   Herbaon: Eve! You're back!
  •   Eve: Long time no see, Herbaon. How have you been?
  •   Herbaon: ...Wait a moment, you're seriously injured! You need maintenance immediately!
  •   Eve: It's not as serious as it looks, it's just...
  •   Adrian: Is that you, Eve?
  •   Herbaon: Father!
  •   Eve: Adrian...
  •   Adrian: I was just about to ask you how you have been, but it seems you haven't been faring too well. Hm? And this is...
  •   Eve: Oh, I didn't realize you haven't had a proper introduction yet. Adrian, this is Add. He wished to meet with you for a personal matter.
  •   Add: .......
  •   Adrian: ...With me? I'm curious to see what kind of business a man from Elrios would have with someone who has long stepped away from the public eye. No matter. Eve, perhaps we should continue our discussion after your maintenance.
  •   Eve: Hm? Oh, it's nothing serious...
  •   Add: No, you should look into it, since you've been in extreme heat, then in salt waters, your majesty. ...And I need some time to think.
  •   Eve: If that's the case... I understand.
  •   Adrian: Herbaon, take Eve to the lab.
  •   Herbaon: Yes, Father.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Add: I thought you'd be treating her yourself?
  •   Adrian: Eve already coded many parts of her system by herself. There's no reason for me to take a look. I have served my purpose when I told her that she needs to.
  •   Add: ...I thought you wanted to speak with her.
  •   Adrian: Yes, indeed... However, I sense you may have a greater reason to speak with me... As a descendant of Nasod Ruler, the Anti-Nasod Annihilation Unit.
  •   Add: So you recognize me. I suspected you might be the founder of Nasod Ruler.
  •   Adrian: Hackers and vaccine programmers are, in the end, two sides of the same coin. An ally or an enemy, it is all determined by which side they land. While I was pressured by the Elrian royal family to form an Anti-Nasod unit, the fundamental reason why I formed Nasod Ruler was to test just how far my children would fare against them.
  •   Add: You shady old man...
  •   Adrian: Any species without a natural enemy would lose its edge. Since the Nasod War happened ages ago, I assumed the Rulers were also lost in time... Ah, I see. So they've passed down the information by releasing the biometric data. You were lucky. With how small this is, the activation requirement must have been complicated, and there's a real possibility that it could have malfunctioned.
  •   Add: Can you stop analyzing me? It's pissing me off.
  •   Adrian: So, what do you wish? Will you use that power to harm Eve?
  •   Add: I don't care about how Nasod Ruler is supposed to be Anti-Nasod unit or whatever. I'm only using it because it's pragmatic for my plans. I jumped time, and I'm looking for a way back. I've been looking for a useful energy source as time travel requires a lot of energy but... You should be able to give me the required energy I need. Isn't this also a good deal for you, since I won't harm your precious queen?
  •   Adrian: The past? How far back?
  •   Add: About 300 years.
  •   Adrian: The margin of error will be great. Each transport will require a lot of energy, but you would require multiple trial and error in order to arrive in the right coordinates. Furthermore, there are many aspects of time travel yet to be discovered. There's no way of anticipating what would go wrong, no matter how prepared you are.
  •   Add: I already knew that. Just tell me if you are going to provide me with the energy source and installations!
  •   Adrian: Hm... A Nasod Ruler... I'd left Elrios long before the Nasod War began, so I've never actually witnessed how they fight.
  •   Add: .......
  •   Adrian: I will provide you with the required energy and installations. In return, I would like to collect your combat data. Show me how much the Rulers have advanced since I've last seen them.
  •   Add: ...Alright. Lead the way then.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Reason for Inefficiency
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

Complete the [Village] What They Each Want] story quest


From the conversation with Add, Adrian infers Add's current situation and coldly criticizes his inefficient behavior.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  •   Adrian: Ah, I see... His emthods likely became much more efficient after he accumulated more battle experience. Simplifying the output of the dynamos was an ideal choice. Of course, one would require great control in order to utilize it properly, but his accuracy... It's like the responses have been engraved in his brain. Ah, perhaps it is, in a literal sense.
  •   Add: Hey, isn't that enough to satisfy your curiosity?
  •   Adrian: Ah, fascinating! How did you do it? Could you repeat that again?
  •   Add: Grr...!
  •   Adrian: On another note, why did you travel with Eve? I imagine following them on their journey would have been quite an inefficient way to spent your time if you wished to secure an energy source.
  •   Add: Maybe it's because someone left a mess when they disappeared, and Nasods were treated like trash. Which made finding any useful parts after the war extremely difficult. But the Queen, she was different from other riff raff. She was the most developed Nasod in Elrios.
  •   Adrian: You were going to use Eve to fulfill your purpose?
  •   Add: .......
  •   Adrian: But Eve was left untouched other than the damages she received from battle and your had to come asking me for a favor now, even though you've visited Elysion before. Which means... Something rapidly turned unfavorable for you recently, hasn't it?
  •   Add: Shut up.
  •   Adrian: If you have a goal... Everything else are merely means to reach that goal, don't you agree?
  •   Add: ... What are you getting at?
  •   Adrian: You and I, are ultimately the same. We prioritize our goals and use any means necessary to achieve it. As someone who has walked the same path before you... I can only advise, you should remove anything that distracts you from your goal. Even now, you're come to me, the most effective means you have to travel to the past, only after you've given up on helping them. You could have achieved your goal much sooner... If only you haven't spent your time dallying away from your goal.
  •   Add: ... What did you say? You think you know me? Everything has been according to plan! Carefully calculated and...
  •   Adrian: I find that hard to believe, seeing how you are still stuck here, despite having most of the knowledge of Nasods when they were at the height of their power. From your actions, I can only conclude that going back to the past was not a priority for you.
  •   Add: (I... put staying with them before my ultimate goal? Did I want to remain in the present so much that I would leave my mother in the past, still suffering?) Nonsense...!
  •   Adrian: Whatever happened, this could only work in your favor, as it allowed you to re-establish your goal. I too, almost strayed from my path when I suspected the war on the rise... But in the end, it was thanks to those turbulent ties that I was able to complete Elysion.
  •   Add: Was that all it was to you? A tumultuous time?
  •   Adrian: My biggest mistake was losing Eve during the war. But thankfully we reunited... With her stronger than ever.
  •   Add: Because of your irresponsible actions, countless people were sacrificed, and even now...!
  •   Adrian: I do regret the circumstances that occured by accepting Solace and the El Lady into Elyion, and not heeding to Herjuno's warning. That mistake was the only one that was, without a doubt fully my own. A mistake that could have destroyed all that I've built upon.
  •   Add: What...?
  •   Adrian: Anyone can point fingers. Even the goddess that bestowed us the El that powers the Nasods cannot fully escape the blame. I am merely an inventor. I was not the cause, nor did I have the intention to be. Everything merely happened in circumstance.
  •   Add: That's just an excuse...! (He's serious. He will use any means necessary to reach his goal. In retrospect, I see I wasn't acting rationally. There was no reason to save them, yet back then, saving them was the obvious choice. I just couldn't let them die. Why did I save them? I had my goal well within my grasps, yet I was distracted...)
  •   Adrian: Stage 1 testing is complete. Let us move on to the next stage.
  •   Add: Next stage? That was not part of the agreement!
  •   Adrian: Hm? I do not recall agreeing to only 1. If you thought that would be the end of it, you're more vaive than I thought.
  •   Add: Kugh...! (Damn it, I must have contracted their stupidity. I can't believe I fell for this trick.)
  •   Adrian: Rest assured, I will fulfill my end of the deal after this test.
  •   Add: Tsk... This is the last time I'm going along with your ploy.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Add: (Irrationality. Rational decisions. Means... to an end...)
  •   Durenda: Insolent brat! Keep your mind on the task!
  • Clang-!
  •   Add: Tsk, how annoying...
  •   Durenda: You call yourself a warrior when you let your mind wander before the mighty Phobos?
  •   Add: I'm not a warrior. I'd say, a scientist if probably more fitting. You just need data, right? So let's get this over with. I need to think about something.
  •   Durenda: Doesn't even have a shred of a warrior's dignity... Alright then. I have no choice but to show you this.
  •   Add: ... Hm? Wait, what are you up to?! This energy response...
  •   Durenda: Behold! And know that this has been brought upon by your carelessness.
  •   Add: ... Damn it, the output limitations of the testing chamber won't...! Drop it you imbecile!
  •   Durenda: Phobos will kindly teach you a lesson, to not be a distracted punk when there's a task at hand!
  •   Add: What...!!
  • CRAASH-!!!
  •   Add: Cought, cought...! ... Damn it! What are you doing? This is a TEST! FOR DATA!
  •   Durenda: Hmph, it's because you're not taking this seriously.
  •   Add: If I took it seriously, this whole testing chamber would have dissipated into nothing!
  •   Durenda: Oh? So you were going easy on me? Fascinating. Now stand up. The test isn't over yet.
  •   Add: You're out of your screw-damned mind...
  •   Durenda: You thought it would be easy? If you do not work for it, this time and opportunity will never come back. If you do not want to regret after it's all over, you should give it your best right now.
  •   Add: Ha, I have a bigger goal to worry about. I have no time to waste here!
  •   Durenda: Pity. At least last time we met, you were living in the present.
  •   Add: ......!
  •   Durenda: I do not know what happened between now and then, but your state of denial is as pitiful as a rain-soaked Herbaon. Fine, if you don't feel like being serious, I'll talk to Adrian.
  •   Add: (I have to go back to the past. This is not an obsession or an obligation. It's the 'future' I've chosen. But... If that's the future I chose, why did I delay my return? I could have completed a time travel device already... Why did I...) Damn it.... I'm sick of trying to beat aronud the bush when the answer is right there. Hey you. Raise your sword.
  •   Durenda: Hm? Are you up for more?
  •   Add: This time I will crush you with your Phonybos or whatever.
  •   Durenda: Mmph, what an unimaginative insult. But, I like your spirit. Alright, give it your all!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470   N/A   N/A
ED 2,002,200   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Present as Is...
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

Complete the Reason for Inefficiency story quest


Add acknowledges that his goal has changed and breaks off the deal with Adrian.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  •   Adrian: Good. I've managed to collect sufficient data thanks to your cooperation. As part of our deal, I will provide you with the equipment and energy needed for time travel.
  •   Add: Shove it. The deal is off.
  •   Adrian: Hm? Are you sure? Why so sudden...?
  •   Add: The more I think about it, the more I find you irritating. I will find my own way back.
  •   Adrian: Is that the only reason? Such emotions are not a conductive way to make decisons if you wish to achieve your goal.
  •   Add: ... I have something to ask you. Why didn't you modify your body with Nasod parts?
  •   Adrian: .......
  •   Add: You've created a capsule to live a long time after the El explosion, but didn't, say, transport your knowledge into a Nasod body. Dare I take a guess? You didn't just want to create a world for Nasods. In a world where the power of El, the goddess does not reach... You wished to become the one and only god.
  •   Adrian: My... Add what does that have to do with my decision not to transport my knowledge into a Nasod body?
  •   Add: You think god is created with the same parts as humans? In the end, you just see Nasods as your creations. By maintaining the body of a human... You are showing that you are different from Nasods. Even if it means you live a limited life. And this is the result. This farce of a world where everyone calls you 'dad'. If this is all you can achieve by being oh so logical... I will choose a different path.
  •   Adrian: You wish to criticize me.
  •   Add: Yes. In fact, verbal assault on those that grate on my nerve is my specialty. A creator that can't even become his own creation... How can you call such a being 'god'?
  •   Adrian: ... Are you comparing me with Eve?
  •   Add: The Queen is the perfect Nasod. The only flaw would be that she was created by you. You have no allies, only the Nasods you have created. But she is different. The Queen has friends that stand by her side. True friends that protect one another, unlike the dolls you've created and taken control. She achieved something you have failed. She contemplated endlessly until she arrived at a conclusion, and applied it to her actions. She is a thinking El energy device, a true Nasod. But you on the other hand, abandoned all your allies and arrived alone in Elysion the moment you've decided to become the only god. And the son that could have led you to another path has fallen because of you.
  •   Adrian: .......
  •   Add: You're just an overgrown child refusing to listen to anything you don't want to hear. I refuse to play along in your little doll house. I will achieve my goals with my own hands. Looks like the Queen is done with her maintenance. You have your talk with the Queen. I'll be outside.
  •   Adrian: ... So you would stray from your path again? I truly hope you do not regret your decison.
  •   Add: ....... Idiot. If I have to leave a bunch of naive morons to fend for themselves in order to achieve my goal, that's what I would regret. Irrational, illogical, inefficient to the end. But when I'm with them, I think I can understand what my mother meant. I'm not going to be cheesy like that runt and stay together 'til the end, but for now...... You better follow me closely until then, Dynamo. (... Please wait just a little longer, Mother. I will deal with the present and go back. Then... I will tell you what happened. I'll tell you I've lived a life you've always wanted for me.)
Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Herbaon: You're leaving again?
  •   Eve: It was good to see you again, Herbaon. We will meet again soon, so no need to feel disappointed.
  •   Herbaon: You're so mature, Eve. Even though I know this is not forever, it's still not easy to say goodbye...
  •   Eve: Is that so? I'm sure if you meet new people, you'll get used to it in no time.
  •   Herbaon: You think so? Oh, don't tell father, but... I've actually made a new friend in Atlas.
  •   Eve: A new friend?
  •   Herbaon: Yes. His name is Nono. It seemed like he wanted to stay in Atlas, so I couldn't bring him... But I go to see him often, so it's okay.
  •   Eve: ...I see.
  •   Herbaon: Wh, what's the matter? Did I do something wrong?
  •   Eve: No, it's nothing.
  •   Herbaon: Oh, okay...?
  •   Add: .......
  •   Herbaon: Um, Eve. Do you think I could travel around like you one day?
  •   Eve: Of course, Herbaon. I will even invite you to my kingdom one day, when it's built. You will like it, I promise.
  •   Herbaon: Really? It's a promise! Oh... But I still wish you wouldn't leave. Staying here...
  •   Add: What!? Stop it right there! Queen, you're going to stay here!?
  •   Eve: ...Calm down, Add.
  •   Add: I don't know how you baited her into staying, but being trapped in this El forsaken place forever is...
  •   Eve: Add.
  •   Add: .......
  •   Eve: Sigh... I already told Adrian I would leave. No need to overreact.
  •   Add: O, overreact? When did I...!
  •   Herbaon: ...I heard you refused to stay in Elysion. Father says stay safe and healthy.
  •   Add: ...You should've said that first.
  •   Herbaon: You're Add, right? He had something to say to you as well. He said, 'Even though the deal is off, it's only right that I give something in exchange for what I've received. I will provide the teleportation device and the energy source.'
  •   Add: ...I don't need it. Tell him, 'I don't need your help. Use that resource for your stupid doll house.'
  •   Herbaon: Mm, I'm not sure what you're saying, but is it okay to change the words a bit? It's a little... err... crude for Father.
  •   Add: It's all because of your pandering that he's like this.
  •   Herbaon: Huh? What do you mean?
  •   Add: Tsk. Queen, if you're done saying goodbye, let's go. Our idiots are probably waiting.
  •   Eve: Alright. I will leave Adrian in your care, Herbaon.
  •   Herbaon: Just leave it to me!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470   N/A   N/A
ED 2,002,200   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0

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