Few Things I Want To Point Out

  • Awakening Time makes Awakening last longer, meaning you keep its benefits longer, and Max MP and MP Cost Reduction both make it easier to use Skills, just in different ways. I could see arguments for them not giving as much CP as they currently do, but having them not affect CP at all just doesn't make sense. Also, you slightly misspelled Adams' name. FlareKyn (talk) 22:45, 26 February 2022 (CET)
    • I mean, it's true that with longer Awakening you can keep your buffs for longer, but to be fair, stuff like Onions exist. Plus, it also means less consistent opportunities to re-awaken for certain effects like Guardian of Elrianode.
    • For the MP stuff, I do agree, but I think it's very dependent on your character. Mana buffs don't do anything for Apsara or Oz Sorcerer, since they both can manage their mana well. Then there are classes like Celestia or Twilight who get mana passives and effects but still chug a ton of potions in a real gameplay. I can see your point, but letting it affect Combat Power makes it not really equal for everyone. The main point of disabling those is to equalize everyone's Combat Power. That being said, I should add a bullet point that requests unification for passives that affect Combat Power. (Imo, everyone should get 15% Attack Power, not from 8% to 15% like now)
    • I'll probably revamp the wishlist soon and update it with more recent stuff, thank you for pointing out the typo btw. --Ritsu (talk) 13:15, 27 February 2022 (CET)