Full Name
Stab, Magie, Element Magie
Ja, lass uns anfangen!



Elemental Masters continue on the path of the four Elements, Ice, fire, Wind and lightning. They gain more skills that have very unique traits, more status afflicting properties and large attack areas to reinforcing their abilities to wipe away large groups of enemies. Their new Aura Buff enhancements allow them to further weaken the enemies or prolong their buffs activation time. If using a different strategy from attacking, Elemental Master can protect anyone from oncoming enemies or fast flying projectiles with help from their Statue of Glory. Or instead they can activate shining body and fiercely face the projectiles head on and absorb them without a flinch. Elemental Masters are the perfect class to be beside when you need protecting, they will fight with the help from the elements.


Following in the footsteps of her mentor Aisha tries to advance her magic further, and eventually manages to harness the power over the four elements of nature. Obtaining her newfound powers as well as being able to control the tide of the battlefield, Aisha successfully becomes the Elemental Master!


Der Klassenwechsel zur Elementmeisterin kann ab Lvl. 35 absolviert werden. Die Quest erhält man bei Aranka, dem Event-Npc der in jeder Stadt steht.