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The Statue of Wally,
Leader of Elder

Elder, la petite ville située dans la région nord deLurensia, est gouverné par le chef Wally. En raison des grands progrès technologiques réalisés par Wally, la ville, comme on le voit par son apparence, est plutôt prospère. Dans le milieu de la ville se trouve la statue géante du chef Wally.

Après l'apaisement Ancient Phoru, Elsword poursuit 'Benders' tout le chemin à Elder. Mais les citoyens de Elder ont un problème beaucoup plus important de leur propre pour faire face à ...

Chapter 2: The Chase! Banthus!

{{Quest |HeaderColor=#34afef |QuestType=Story |QuestName=From Hagus to Hoffman |Requirement=


|Description= You need some information to find {{color|blue|Banthus who is hiding somewhere in Elder. Let's go find the Great Merchant, Hoffman. {{Quest |HeaderColor=#34afef |QuestType=Story |QuestName=[Field] Develop Trust |Requirement=* Complete the From Hagus to Hoffman story quest |Objectives=

|Description= Elder Village merchants don't easily trust outsiders. In order to gain Hoffman's Trust, we must go to {{color|red|Wally's Memorial Bridge and gather the Stolen Goods! {{Quest |HeaderColor=#34afef |QuestType=Story |QuestName=Hoffman's Trust |Requirement=


|Description= Until we gain {{color|red|Hoffman's trust, let's get Hoffman's Sticker! You must always do what needs to be done. {{Quest |HeaderColor=#34afef |QuestType=Story |QuestName=[Dungeon] ENThralled Opponents |Requirement=


  • Shadow Forest, 'Any Difficulty'
  • Investigate the cause of the corruption (Shadow Forest, 'Any Difficulty')
  • Fallen Antique Ent's Branch (Ent, Shadow Forest, 'Any Difficulty') 0/1

|Description= A forest near town has been tainted and turned into a {{color|red|Shadow Forest. There have been strange things happening there since the El went missing. Let's investigate the cause of the corruption. {{Quest |HeaderColor=#34afef |QuestType=Story |QuestName=[Dungeon] Mage Mischief |Requirement=


  • Shadow Forest, 'Hard or Higher'
  • Defeat Ghost Magician (Shadow Forest, 'Hard or Higher') 0/4
  • Defeat Kira-Kira (Shadow Forest, 'Hard or Higher') 0/1

|Description= {{color|blue|Kira-Kira and the {{color|blue|Ghost Mages have corrupted the forest trees, the {{color|blue|Ents. Those trees are acting way too violent. Let's go to the {{color|red|Shadow Forest and defeat Kira-Kira and the Ghost Mages! {{Quest |HeaderColor=#34afef |QuestType=Story |QuestName=[Field] Banthus, Beware! |Requirement=


  • Enter Wally's Memorial Bridge
  • Strange Map Pieces (Scout Bandit, Mercenary Bandit, Wally's Memorial Bridge) 0/20

|Description= Hoffman has given clues as to where Banthus might be. He and his gang might be hanging around Wally's Memorial Bridge. You can soon find where he's been hiding! {{Quest |HeaderColor=#34afef |QuestType=Story |QuestName=[Dungeon] Threat Removal |Requirement=


  • Banthus Cave, 'Any Difficulty'
  • Bat (Banthus Cave, 'Any Difficulty') 0/5
  • Red Giant Phoru (Banthus Cave, 'Any Difficulty') 0/1

|Description= Lenphad warns you about Banthus' Hideout. He is somewhere in Banthus Cave with a Red Giant Phoru as his watch guard. Let's go to {{color|red|Banthus Cave to defeat the Red Giant Phoru and the bats

 [Dungeon] The Truth Revealed
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Banthus Cave, 'Hard or Higher'
  • Bat King (Banthus Cave, 'Hard or Higher') 0/1
  • Wally's Secret Letter (Banthus, Banthus Cave, 'Hard or Higher') 0/1
Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  •   Lenphad: Before we get to business, let me tell you something: I tested you because I didn't want to send some random rookies in harm's way. I hope you understand that. This is my own thought, but I believe the castle's involved with the thieves. Why else wouldn't they send an army to arrest them? Hoffman, don't you agree?
  •   Hoffman: I see your point. Something's definitely wrong. Stealing the El is a serious crime, but the castle hasn't made any move to punish the thieves.
  •   Lenphad: Yeah, it does look like they're in this together. We're residents of the castle, though, and we can't just accuse our castle lord of something so serious without any evidence. Would you try to find some proof of this? I'm sure you can get something from the thieves.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Lenphad: So, did you find anything?
  • Elsword/Rena/Ara: Banthus ran away, but I found this!
  •   Hoffman: It looks like a letter. Let me see…
  •   Lenphad: Let me read it, too. I knew it! That sneak Wally hired the thieves to steal the El!
  •   Hoffman: This is serious. Our soldiers aren't here to protect us. They're here to rob us!
  •   Lenphad: Ah, at least yelling makes me feel a little better!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 3060   Bandit's Gloves x 1   N/A
ED 5200   Banthus Bandits' Hoods x 1   N/A
EP 0   Weapon Enhancement Stone Lv.1 x 1   N/A
AP 0

{{Quest |HeaderColor=#34afef |QuestType=Story |QuestName=[Dungeon] Secret Passages? |Requirement=


  • Underground Waterway, 'Any Difficulty'
  • Clear Underground Waterway, 'Any Difficulty' 0/1

|Description= Luichel was a thief herself when growing up. She sort of has an idea how Banthus got away through a secret passage but it's been so long. Let's go to {{color|red|Underground Waterway and begin scouting! {{Quest |HeaderColor=#34afef |QuestType=Story |QuestName=[Dungeon] Banthus' Source of Strength |Requirement=


  • Underground Waterway, 'Hard or Higher'
  • Banthus's Battered Necklace (Banthus, Underground Waterway, 'Hard or Higher') 0/1

|Description= Banthus is incredibly stubborn. Banthus and his gang have become stronger with help from Wally. He will become more troublesome if we let him be. Let's go to {{color|red|Underground Waterway to steal the Necklace from Banthus and end this once and for all! {{Quest |HeaderColor=#34afef |QuestType=Story |QuestName=[Field] Underground Water Soldiers |Requirement=


  • Enter Twin Watchtower
  • Big Soldier's Glove (Watchtower Guard, Twin Watchtower) 0/10
  • Small Soldier's Knife (Wally Scout, Twin Watchtower) 0/10

|Description= The soldiers are guarding the passageway already. If they keep this up, the discovery of the passage will soon be useless. Let's {{color|blue|disarm the soldiers beneath the Twin Watchtower to ensure the safety of our men!

Chapter 2-1: The perfect companion for your adventures!

{{Quest |HeaderColor=#34afef |QuestType=Story |QuestName=[Dungeon] (Pet) Tainted Life Crystal 1/3 |Objectives=

  • Shadow Forest, 'Any Difficulty'
  • 4 Purified Jewels (Shadow Forest, 'Any Difficulty') 0/4

|Description= In order to cleanse the Tainted Life Crystal, {{color|blue|Purified Jewel is needed. Go to {{color|blue|Shadow Forest and bring {{color|blue|Purified Jewel from the Ghost Magicians.

 [Dungeon] (Pet) Tainted Life Crystal 2/3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • No requirements needed
  • Shadow Forest, 'Hard or higher'
  • Ent Orb (Shadow Forest, 'Hard or Higher') 0/1
Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  •   Hoffman: I was able to get everything we need except for one item. It's really hard to find. The ancient Ents store their energy in the shape of an orb. We need more Ent Orbs to purify this Life Crystal. Please collect them from Ents in Shadow Forest.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Hoffman: Good, now we have everything. Let me ask Echo to purify this crystal. Echo, can you do that?
  •   Echo: Okay, this is enough. Please give me a moment. Take this! Now this crystal is purified.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 620   Intermediate Potion x 5   N/A
ED 1000   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0

{{Quest |HeaderColor=#34afef |QuestType=Story |QuestName=[Dungeon] (Pet) Tainted Life Crystal 3/3 |Objectives=

  • Banthus Cave, 'Any Difficulty'
  • Giant Phoru (Banthus Cave, 'Any Difficulty') 0/1

|Description= Go to {{color|blue|Banthus Cave and kill Giant Phoru

Chapter 2-2: Cobo Service

{{Quest |HeaderColor=#34afef |QuestType=Story |QuestName=A Journey Supported by Cobo Service |Objectives=

  • Speak to Ariel from Cobo

|Description= Hoffman's reference will allow me to start the Cobo service, the biggest adventurer support. Let's show {{color|blue| Hoffman's Reference to Ariel. She will give a surprising gift to all new adventurers.

Chapter 2-3: Trinity of Strong Equip.

{{Quest |HeaderColor=#34afef |QuestType=Story |QuestName=Finding the Artisan |Objectives=

  • Let's visit Elder Village to chat with Lenphad.

|Description= Cobo Service has advised us on {{color|blue|how to become stronger in Elrios. It feels good to know there is someone taking care of me. Let's go to Lenphad in Elder. {{Quest |HeaderColor=#34afef |QuestType=Story |QuestName=Worthy of a Good Weapon |Objectives=

  • Item Enhancement Scroll 0/1
  • Enhance an equipment up to +2

|Description= Lenphad bragged about Sword Smith Cats and himself as the best blacksmith in the village. He is asking me to {{color|blue|enhance a weapon. Let's read Item Enchantment Scroll to go over what Lenphad told me. {{Quest |HeaderColor=#34afef |QuestType=Story |QuestName=Powers of Magic Stones |Objectives=

  • Item Socketing Scroll 0/1
  • Use 2 Magic Stones

|Description= Luichel who loves gemstones like all women, told me how to use a magic stone. Let's try to use a magic stone. Let's read Item Socketing Scroll to go over what Luichel told me. {{Quest |HeaderColor=#34afef |QuestType=Story |QuestName=Enchant Attributes on equipment |Objectives=

  • Thesis of Attribute Enchantment 0/1
  • Enchant One Attribute

|Description= Echo showed me the thesis she was working on. She's been experimenting attribute enchantment on equipments. Let's help Echo to complete her experiment by handing her El Shards and an equipment. Let's read Thesis on Attribute Enchantment to go over what Echo told me. {{Quest |HeaderColor=#34afef |QuestType=Story |QuestName=Importance of Dismantling an Item |Objectives=

  • Dismantle Item

|Description= Echo thanked me for participating in the experiment and gave me an equipment. It clearly was not a useful equipment but she told me to dismantle it to get some goodies. Let's try to {{color|blue|dismantle the rusty equipment and return to Ariel.

Chapter 3: The secret of Wally's Castle

{{Quest |HeaderColor=#34afef |QuestType=Story |QuestName=[Field] Under Cover of Night |Requirement=


  • Enter Twin Watchtower
  • Stolen Goods from Castle (Ppojji, Kajji, Twin Watchtower) 0/10

|Description= You finally reached Suburbs of Wally's Castle past the Underground Waterway. Let's infiltrate the castle under the cover of night as Luichel recommended. {{Quest |HeaderColor=#34afef |QuestType=Story |QuestName=[Dungeon] Prankly, Enough! |Requirement=


  • The Suburbs of Wally's Castle, 'Any Difficulty'
  • William's Letter (William Phoru, The Suburbs of Wally's Castle, 'Any Difficulty') 0/1

|Description= These Phorus have turned out to be just like William! William is trying to be the bad guy but he is merely just thoughtless and immature. Let's go to {{color|red|The Suburbs of Wally's Castle to forgive William and just get his Apology Letter! {{Quest |HeaderColor=#34afef |QuestType=Story |QuestName=[Dungeon] Prankly Troublesome |Requirement=


  • The Suburbs of Wally's Castle, 'Hard or Higher'
  • Jango (The Suburbs of Wally's Castle, 'Hard or Higher') 0/10
  • Kid Phoru (The Suburbs of Wally's Castle, 'Hard or Higher') 0/10

|Description= William has surely made some mistakes, but he's not the only one who caused trouble. {{color|blue|William's Men are dressed as thieves, so we must teach them a lesson! Let's teach these lost Phorus a lesson! {{Quest |HeaderColor=#34afef |QuestType=Story |QuestName=[Dungeon] Crippling Wally's Castle Defenses |Requirement=


  • Wally's Castle, 'Any Difficulty'
  • Find Wally (Wally's Castle, 'Any Difficulty')
  • Defeat Wally No. 8 (Wally's Castle, 'Any Difficulty') 0/1

|Description= William's plan to sneak into {{color|red|Wally's Castle has been undermined and now he's boldly trying to enter. There is only one motive. We must find Wally to make him pay for all this trouble and retrieve the El! {{Quest |HeaderColor=#34afef |QuestType=Story |QuestName=[Dungeon] A Key Player |Requirement=


  • Wally's Castle, 'Hard or Higher'
  • Set of Keys (Verngert, Wally's Castle, 'Hard or Higher') 0/1

|Description= According to Hoffman, Verngert is the captain of the guards in Wally's Castle. We must get the main gate {{color|blue|Key from Verngert to open Wally's Castle's main gate! Be careful, this guard is as formidable as Lenphad! {{Quest |HeaderColor=#34afef |QuestType=Story |QuestName=[Dungeon] Wally's Wrongdoing |Requirement=


  • Wally's Castle, 'Very Hard'
  • Unidentified Clockwork (Wally's Guardian, Wally's Castle, 'Very Hard') 0/10
  • Components of Wally No. 8 (Wally No. 8, Wally's Castle, 'Very Hard') 0/1

|Description= Lord Wally has stolen the El and tax money to create a Legendary Ancient Nasod machine. Let's gather {{color|blue|Evidence and look for the missing El from Wally's Castle!

General Guides
Character Progression
Other Media
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous