• English
[Special Active: Tenacity]

Leap forward to subdue enemies and fire shots ahead.


Class Level Required Base Skill
Fatal Phantom 99 Dual Buster

Skill Information

Mode Damage Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Cannon Strike (Physical) Magical Damage (Magical) Cannon Strike Magical Damage
PvE 79% 565% 2 6 100 MP 7 Seconds
PvP 24% 171%

Skill Traits

Light Dual Buster Absorbing Dual Buster
Attribute Effect Details Attribute Effect
MP Usage
MP Usage decreased to 80% 80 MP MP Gain of the skill increased to 200%

Total Damage

Mode Base
PvE 3,548%
PvP 1,074%

Related Skills

  Intense Showtime   Awakened Will: Deadly Chaser   Phantom Shooter

Tips and Details

  • The Cannon Strike hit can be countered.
  • The bullets' distance limit is roughly half of the screen.
  • The bullets' hitbox seems to be attached to the bullets, making it possible to miss very small targets or targets on marginally lower altitude.
    • This also means that they have a small hitbox behind Chung.
  • Despite not being listed in the tooltip, the Cannon blast does the same damage as the Cannon strike.
    • Additionally, it can activate certain combo/Active restricted effects, such as Oath of Ruin.
  • Even though it starts with a Cannon strike and a blast, it won't activate [Prepared Chaser] when used on a target with [Hunter's Mark].
  • This skill is affected by the effects of [Silver Blessing] and [Phantom's Mark].
  • This is one of the only skills in the game to still be able to deal both Physical and Magical damage


Date Changes
05/17/2018 06/14/2018
  • [Mod] Dual Buster added.
06/14/2018 06/27/2018
  • Bullets have infinite piercing.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 듀얼 버스터 Dual Buster
  Japan デュアルバスター Dual Buster
  China (Simplified Chinese) 双重射击 Dual Shot
  Germany Doppelschuss Dual Shot
  Spain Disparo doble Dual Shot
  France Coup double Dual Strike
  Italy Doppio Sparo Dual Shot
  Poland Podwójny Strzał Dual Shot
  Brazil Tiro Duplo Dual Shot