El folclore de Elsword

El cristal de Eldrit

Elios, continente del cristal del Eldrit

La oscuridad envolvía todo y las ondas se desvanecieron en la seca tierra donde Caos nació. No era fácil buscar alguna señal de vida en este continente gigante. Una día, una enorme gema se incrustó en el corazón del continente como un rayo. Tras el incidente, el continente nunca volvería a ser igual. Todas las plantas que una vez murieron volvían a la vida y la flora empezaba a prosperar en esa tierra seca. El océano cobró vida y pronto un río abundante fluía entre los bosques. El pacífico viento trajo a la vida de nuevo a esta tierra.

La tierra se convirtió en un lugar bendecido, y justo cuando la gente y los animales empezaban a aparecer, una brisa de vida parecía emanar de la gema. La gema brillaba y relucía por si misma y esparcía la energía viviente por todos lados.

La llegada de la vida a la tierra

La gema sería admirada y la gente empezó a llamarla Eldrit. Y pronto el continente fue llamado Elios en su honor.

Nasod y la Aama del Eldrit

La civilización se expandió sobre Elios, y mucha gente empezó a plantar flores brillantes de todo tipo. Todo estaba hecho del poder natural así que mas humanos podían vivir una vida fluida.

Su tecnología empezó a avanzar, así como la creación de los Nasods. Los artificiales Nasods no podían decir cosas en el orden apropiado. Por el motivo de la codicia humana, el poder del Eldrit fue gravemente mal usado. Eventualmente, a la vez que mas Nasods se crearon, el poder del Eldrit se deterioró convirtiendo el continente en oscuridad de nuevo.

La producción de Nasod se detuvo y el continente se inundó por el mar, dividiendo la tierra. Todo el mundo empezó a temblar hasta que una mujer revivió el poder del Eldrit. Se desconoce como se recuperó, pero que es seguro que era a la presencía del espíritu de la Dama del Eldrit.

Aquellos que sobrevivieron al ambiente áspero empezaron a reconstruir el continente con los enérgicos Nasods. Aunque el poder del Eldrit no es tan fuerte como antes, el continente volvió lentamente a recuperar su vida. Desde el renacimiento del continente, la gente veneraba a la Dama del Eldrit.

El Masters, the Harmony Festival, and the Last Day

The Harmony Festival

Everyone rejoiced in the blessed life again and people started to preserve the power of El that the El Lady left behind. The Masters were chosen to govern the El, and they in turn found a new El Lady to watch over it.

The first master, Master of Fire is ‘Rosso.’ The power of fire is the power of passion, and there is joy to prevent the strength of the fire from overflowing.

The second master, Master of Earth is ‘Gaia.’ He possesses the warmth and richness of the land and protects the continent of Elrios.

The third master, Master of Water is ‘Denif.’ A combination of coolness and intelligence controls the sea so that it does not overflow onto the land.

The fourth master, Master of Wind is ‘Ventus.’ The power of the wind energy keeps the universe in motion.

The fifth master, Master of the Sun is ‘Solace.’ Elrios was revived due to the power of life and the birth of the sun’s power.

The sixth master, Master of the Moon is ‘Ebalon.’ The power of the moon gives the people of Elrios comfort and security.

Each Master was endowed with different skills in order to use the El’s power to govern Elrios. They circulate the El’s energy to fertilize the land while calming the storm, thus giving rise to Nasod again.

In Elrios, a special event takes place once every 3 years. When the Sun and Moon become one, the sky will become dark and all living creatures spend this time to unwind and enjoy each other’s company. The purpose of this event is to let the El’s natural energy prosper and unite all; it was called the ‘Harmony Festival.’ This day was indeed the most peaceful and tranquil in Elrios.

The El looks natural and full of spirit, but in reality, it is actually at the most unstable state. If the El facilitates the circulation of energy on its own, then it will become defenseless.

During the Harmony Festival, the El tower was attacked by Solace, the Master of the Sun. Solace felt sympathy for the lady who watches over the El, and so he went on a mission to free her. As the Festival continued, the El Lady and Solace had disappeared together.

Before the Harmony Festival came to an end, Solace’s followers and those who had guarded the tower had gotten in a dispute. In the most horrendous hours, the El Lady who had deserted the El was very unstable and could not overcome the turmoil. A tremendous uproar ensued and explosions erupted everywhere. The El exploded into tiny shards that had been misplaced all over the Elrios continent.

El Explosion

The Continent of Elrios

The large explosion had caused the El to break into millions of pieces and the shards had been dispersed throughout the whole continent. It had even spread through the wilderness, mountain crevices, and the deep river swamps. The Nasods and human civilization had ceased to exist.

Survivors could only breathe in places where El Shards existed, and so it has caused many people to reside in areas where there were large El Shards. Soon, a massive earthquake split up the lands. Tremors continued for several months, and this eventually led to the continent splitting in two. Communities had been divided and the remaining masters have settled near large El Shards in order to restore the power of El.

The remaining people who had followed the Masters sacrificed their lives in order to restore the continent back to the way it used to be. Yet the heirs waited at the tower for the El Lady to return. The Kingdom is overrun with wicked beings that steal the broken El Shards and others that try to protect it.

The story begins, and it is now in your hands.

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