얼음 조각상 가열기 가이드

얼음 조각상 가열기

얼음 조각상 가열기는 무엇인가요?
Ice Burners is basically a gambling system in Elsword, which gives you a chance to get rare items. Ice burners are only sold during some event periods when new avatars or accessories are released into the game for a period of time.

어디서 얼음 조각상 가열기를 얻을 수 있나요?
Ice burners can be purchased from the Cash Shop (Item Mall in NA version). The Cash Shop usually offers discounts for purchasing a set of 30+ Ice burners at once. However, Ice Burners are not sold all the time. They are only sold (as stated above) during certain events or new item releases. (edit: In the NA version, Ice Burners are now a permanent addition to the Item Mall as of November 23rd.)

어떻게 얼음 조각상 가열기를 사용할 수 있나요?
First of all you will need an Ice Burner from a cash shop. Once you have purchased it and placed it in your inventory, you need to manufacture "Ice Sculptures" from the alchemist. The ingredients needed are 5x Magical Ice Powder and 1x Elixir of Alchemy which can be easily obtained from a dungeon. In some versions of Elsword, the Ice Sculptures can be bought directly from the alchemist.

얼음 조각상 가열기 아바타는 무엇인가요?
Ice Burner sets are incredibly rare sets and are considered to be the most valuable item in the Ice Burners. Some players buy Ice Burners only for the sole reason of obtaining the set, they are also sold for high prices on the Market. Ice Burner sets do not come bundled together, as they come separately one at a time for each piece. There will also be a chance of obtaining another character's piece, which is why they are so expensive on the Market. These sets are available for all classes. There are multiple Ice Burner sets that come and go with new ones being released. Very rarely is an Ice Burner set re-released.

What's so Valuable about these Sets anyway?
Ice Burner sets are Avatar/Costume items, meaning that they aren't normal equipment and can be worn over your old ones. Of course, Cash Shop (Item Mall in NA) equipment can do this too, but Ice Burner pieces slightly surpass their Cash Shop counterparts due to their stats and looks.

Types of Ice Sculptures

Image Name Description Obtain Ingredients Ingredients
  Sealed Ice Sculpture A piece of crystal-ice which can be melted using the ice burner, giving you a chance to obtain rare, limited edition items. Manufactured from the Alchemist 5x File:Material 91620.png 1x  
  Sealed Arch-Angel Ice Sculpture A piece of crystal-ice which can be melted using the ice burner, giving you a chance to obtain rare, limited edition Arch-Angel items. Manufacture-able from the Alchemist during the Gaia promotion event in KR Elsword. 5x File:Material 91620.png 1x  

A Few Obtainable Items from Ice Burners


Image Name Description
  5 El Shard (Water) El Shard with the power of water. It may give special attributes to an item.
  5 El Shard (Fire) El Shard with the power of fire. It may give special attributes to an item.
  5 El Shard (Nature) El Shard with the power of nature. It may give special attributes to an item.
  5 El Shard (Light) El Shard with the power of light. It may give special attributes to an item.
  5 El Shard (Wind) El Shard with the power of wind. It may give special attributes to an item.
  5 El Shard (Dark) El Shard with the power of darkness. It may give special attributes to an item.
  5 El Shard (Mystery) El Shard with mysterious attributes. It may give special attributes to an item.
  10 Blessed Weapon Enhancement Stone 10 Weapon Upgrade Stones that can be used on Weapons of all levels
  20 Blessed Armor Enhancement Stone 20 Armor Upgrade Stones that can be used on Armors of all levels
  20 Magic Stones 20 Magic Stones that gives equipment a random stat, ranging from high to low
  10 Advanced Magic Stones Advanced Magic Stone Gives equipment a random stat, with a greater chance of getting higher values.


Image Name Type Stats Description
File:IceAcc1.png Love n' Peace Patch Arm Accessory Magical Attack +10 Everyone demands love and peace in their life. Put this on to show that you care.
Ring of Vitality
Max HP +1200
A ring that increases your max HP.
Bad Luck Epaulet
Arm Accessory
Physical / Magical Attack +8 A Badluck patch

얼음 조각상 가열기 아바타

아크 엔젤

Image Name Type Stats Description
Arch Angel Hair 아바타 헤어
각성 충전 속도 +2%


[룩 미리보기]

[아라 룩 미리보기]

세트 효과:

2 개:

회피 +2%

4 개:

모든 속성 저항 +40

5 개:

물리 공격력 +100

마법 공격력 +100

물리 방어력 +100

마법 방어력 +100

Arch Angel Shirt
아바타 상의
최대 HP 증가 +2%
Arch Angel Pants
아바타 하의
최대 HP 증가 +2%
Arch Angel Gloves
아바타 장갑
명중 +2%
Arch Angel Shoes
아바타 신발

이동속도 +2%

점프속도 +2%

Arch Angel Weapon
아바타 무기

크리티컬 +2%

회피 +1%

Arch Angel Crown
액세서리 얼굴(중)

크리티컬 +1%

명중 +2%

물리 공격력 +20

마법 공격력 +20

물리 방어력 +5

마법 방어력 +5


세트 효과:

2 개:

최대 각성 지속 시간 +30% (던전)

Arch Angel Wings

동작속도 +1%

이동속도 +3%

점프속도 +3%

물리 공격력 +25

마법 공격력 +25

물리 방어력 +10

마법 방어력 +10

가이드 목록
스토리 엘소드 세계세계관NPC 목록스토리
게임플레이 모드 던전 목록사냥 필드대전
게임플레이 특징 업적엘 공명도경험치 수치포스 스킬퀘스트스킬 퀘스트스킬칭호UI 가이드
게임플레이 기술 각성 모드캐릭터 특성Fever기폭 시스템도구 아이템스킬 특성특수 이펙트스태미나상태 이펙트몬스터 슈퍼 아머
캐릭터 진행 캐릭터 생성1차 전직2차 전직초월3차 전직
시스템 가이드 은행엘리오스 온천엘리오스 스튜디오길드아이템 잠금 시스템마법의 옷장사제-멘토 시스템전문 직업 시스템랜덤 미션 시스템결혼 시스템
아이템 소모품큐브재화아이템 데이터베이스몬스터 카드소환수 시스템
장비 & 액세서리 아레나 장비 (S4)보스 아이템지역 장비유니크 장비 (엘리아노드 장비영웅 던전 장비비밀 던전 장비)
장비 기능 속성분해감정소켓강화
캐시 빙고캐릭터 커스텀얼음 조각상 가열기 (미리보기) ▪ 캐시샵 아이템
그 외 것들 모션 아바타에픽 NPC감정 표현스킬 컷-인사운드 트랙유저 제작 콤보월페이퍼
외부 미디어 애니메이션모바일 엘소드 게임단편 소설공식 판매품웹 만화