

  • Make the game actually scale with resolution. The UI should be updated use vector graphics instead of raster graphics. Interface elements should always keep the same aspect ratio. The new UIs do sometimes follow that, but it's still raster graphics.
    • Fix it where it doesn't: Pet PvP UI, Housing UI, certain Event UIs, certain icons and buttons.
  • Visual revamp:
    • Inventory to match the new Character UI.
    • Dungeon/PvP buttons, PvP matchmaking and dungeon map list. The only things that remain in the old style on the main screen and are clearly standing out. (They are also ugly)
    • Item Mall, because the one we have isn't modern enough. It also still doesn't respect aspect ratio values.
    • Sparring Lobby UI, that thing was not updated ever since Elsword was released.
    • NPC interface (+ crafting, exchanging, shop), also never updated. The borders on these are trying hard to connect with each other, but they don't. Also, Denif's buttons are a mess.
    • ESC/Settings window, for some reason this and the Item Mall still kept the older design idea they had for Elsword.
    • Buff UI, buff icons is a mess (will take a long time, though). More color coded icons when?
      • Also, desperarely need debuff indicators for every debuff in the game. I don't know why some of them don't have them (even recent skills like Soul Crash or Howling Fox). Boss status effects could be easily displayed under their HP bar.
    • Event icons at the top. I mean, it's not a big deal to make them respect aspect ratio and update the tooltips, but they're still stalling it for god knows what reason.
  • Fix small fonts being rendered blurry sometimes in new UIs (skill tooltips, some event UIs, etc.).
  • Ruben~Lanox NPC and Elsword~Elesis 1st/2nd job artwork redraw (original versions of playable characters available as alternative in Customizations).


  • ADD A PITY BAR FOR ENHANCEMENT!!! Each click slightly increases the chance and after n amount of unsuccesful clicks, you get the desired level.
  • If Fluorite Ore used, gear cannot break until you try to +12 (+11 → +12).
    • This would fix many issues, as the main cost of Enhancement is the Restoration Scrolls.
  • Remove Enhancement reset failure for +6 → +7 and +7 → +8.
  • Make Heroic Magic Stones offer the same maximum values as Sage Stones (in the case of double stat, the sum would be equal Sage Stone's maximum stat value, i.e. the Critical/Maximize stone would be +6%/6% at max, half for armor).
    • That or release a system that supplies a lot of Sage Stones. THERE IS NOT ENOUGH SUPPLY OF SAGE STONES! And Alchemist Sage Stone gain is laughable. Please fix. Don't keep them paywalled behind Treasure Hunt events.
  • Swap all Ruben~Elysion gear to Elite. It's annoying because it's asking me for a confirmation when I want to dismantle it, and this kind of gear is not a thing I want to keep anyway.
  • Give me a mass discard option. Why is it not a thing?
  • The limit of dismantling 30 items at once should be increased or removed.
  • Ruben~Elysion droppable consumables should be merged. They clog up the inventory too much, even more given Prof. Pho Growth Guide's potions exist.
  • Cyan Magic Stones should be removed from drop lists. Anything that still requires them changed to require the red ones (or Magical Crystals).


New content

  Warning: This section can be a bit too custom, most definitely won't ever happen, but I had some fun coming up with it.
  • Reinstate Perkisas and Eltrion to show love to older players (side story, not influenced by the main line). Of course, update the rewards too. On top of it, update Drabaki.
    • Alternate between all three every week. The same boss wouldn't be able to appear twice in a row.
    • Possible reward ideas: Sage Stone, Armor/Weapon Wedges, Gear/Artifact Identification Scrolls, Chlorite Seeds (10%), Glaciem cubes, Magical Crystals, Consumables just like now, Heroic Stones. Maybe even a system that gives ED based on damage dealt.

Requirements & Gameplay QoL

  • Aurora Operation Orders required amount for entering in 15-3 and 15-4 should be decreased to 1.
    • Add weekly free entries for all ticket-gated dungeons (like 15?). At this point, just do this. The accessory prices are unreachable for a casual player, not worth if you can upgrade something else, and that wouldn't devalue them to the price of something like Electrostimulation Field.
  • Please raise the CP requirement for 15-3 and 15-4 or lower their difficulty. You literally can't clear them under 10 minutes with 1M CP.
  • 15-4 entry requirement should be lowered to 3 people due to how dead this game is. Getting 3 people on a late game dungeon is already a miracle, let alone 4.
    • Nerf and speed up Roof & Cargo because they're unpleasant.
  • Make 13-2 and 15-2 shorter and much more enjoyable with better rewards. 15-1 for Vestige of Soul - Weapon of Requiem isn't enjoyable for everyone due to high amount of parkour, and it's the only viable option if you don't want to pay for Aurora Operation Orders.

  • Extra: add huge targets to Free Training room like Chaos Leviathan in order to test hit count/damage. Make us able to cut his wings off immobilize him. Could also be a huge dummy though. A full screen dummy would be amazing, too.
    • Raise the (10b-1) cap on skill damage in the skill damage window.


Combat/Defensive Power

  • Unify Combat Power between characters.
    • All stats that give conditional benefit should not affect it (Awakening Duration/Time, Max MP and MP Cost Reduction).
    • All passives that give attack increase should be unified to 15%.
  • Make buffs applied in dungeons display in the character UI (affect Combat/Defensive Power and stat window values).
    • This wouldn't break the entry Combat Power requirements, since it would only apply in dungeons (not in Hunting Fields either).

  • If possible, reintroduce and revamp Item Level, and base the requirement off of this, not CP.
    • Late game areas should also get an Adaptation requirement (for example, cannot enter with less than 20% Adaptation). Will probably become a thing once we get a 100% debuff dungeon.


  • Make us able to change the Awakening line to Transcendence.
  • Dungeon Victory Quote image to be adjusted based on the portrait selected.
    • Speaking of that, remove the forced focus from Victory Quotes and allow us to interact with UIs when they appear.
  • Decrease Skill Cutin size (except Transcendence/3rd Job/Master Class Cutin) and allow us to interact with the areas they cover.
  • Allow us to set Cutins and Master Class artworks as character portraits.
  • Add Lips customization.
  • Make us able to access any path's and class's outfit through the Magic Wardrobe on the character and apply its look to any corresponding piece (for example, Devi could wear Apsara's hair, as well as Base Ara's top, Yama Raja's bottom and Little Specter's Spear).
    • I know this got denied many times, but let me dream, okay?


  • Additional pages and rows should be possible to unlock with ED. The same with Bank.
    • 200m for unlocking the Shared Bank. More rows cost: 8m, then 16m, then 32m, then 64m, etc. Just like on the KR server. Ideally, export it to Epic Points.
      • Row unlock cost is the same for Personal Bank.
    • 15m for unlocking inventory rows. (Does not increment)

Dungeon End Screen

  • Combo and MP Cost columns removed. No one even knows how they work and why we need them.
  • Technique would have its formula changed: ratio between how many skills you used and how many of them dealt damage that contributed into Hit Damage.
  • Hit Damage would no longer display more HP than the dungeon has by capping maximum damage dealt to current monster's HP value.


  • Improve the Party Invitation System. Make invitations valid for some time, available to accept in the Community window. It's honestly a bit annoying that they last for so short and might accidentally get invoked with ESC.
  • Make us able to change party invite order without actually kicking and re-inviting people. (An adjustment for Gemini's host issue and Aquarius/Mystic Flask that are based on party invite order when multiple characters overlap)
  • Add a sound whenever accepted by a party within the Party List System.


  • Individual/Adams' Story Quests should provide ED and ERP EXP.
  • A weekly quest that gives you a voucher for 1000 K-Ching to use on anything you want from the Item Mall. (Can be stacked)
  • Bankshare quest to come back.
  • Make Transcendence Skill Quests easier. They're beyond annoying, and you can't complete them before receiving Transcendence, which happens around level 95. Ironically, 3rd job quests take less time.
  • A new Daily Quest that distributes 2~3 Chlorite Seeds (10%) daily.

Mentor Pupil System

  • Mentor Quest per account instead of per character. Everyone with El Resonance unlocked could become a mentor, and every character without 3rd Job could become a pupil.
    • Daily quests for the mentor and the pupil.
    • Rewards changed to consumables, elixirs and Sage Stones.
    • Once your pupil reaches 3rd Job, you can still complete daily quests for a week.

Item Mall

  • 3rd Job and Master Class Advancement Tickets should be added to Epic Point Shop (1k and 1.4k EP, respectively).
  • 3rd Job and Master Class Job Change Ticket cost should be lowered to 1200 and 1800 KC, respectively.
  • Make El Resonance (2k EP) and Skill Tree (500 EP) pages available in Epic Point Shop.
  • For the love of god, halve the price of El Resonance pages in the Item Mall.
  • Remove certain useless stuff like Resurrection Stones when everyone just buys them in Epic Point Shop.