[Special Active] Rena does a downwards slash with her erendil, releasing a mini sphere of wind that, once activated, deals physical damage to all enemies in its radius. The mini sphere of wind will first push targets back before staying on the spot unless activated.


  • NA
SP Requirement
Trapping Ranger
40 SP

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Class Master Required Level SP Used per Level
Trapping Ranger Lv. 20 15 3

Skill Information

  • NA
Skill Level Damage(Physical) MP Usage Cooldown
Sphere Explosion
1 20% 732% 100 MP 5 Seconds
2 24% 878%
3 28% 1024%
4 32% 1170%
5 (M) 39% 1390%
6 45% 1609%
7 51% 1829%

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Skill Level Required Level Damage (Physical) Max Hits MP Cost Cooldown
Erendil Sphere Explosion Erendil Sphere Explosion
1 15 - 48% 769% 1 - 1 100 MP 8 Seconds
2 - 223% 445%
3 16 - 51% 819%
4 19 - 53% 844%
5 22 - 54% 869%
6 25 - 56% 894%
7 28 - 57% 919%
8 31 - 59% 944%
9 34 - 60% 969%
10 37 - 62% 994%
11 40 - 64% 1019%
12 43 - 65% 1044%
13 46 - 67% 1069%
14 49 - 68% 1094%
15 52 - 70% 1119%
16 55 - 71% 1144%
17 58 - 73% 1169%
18 61 - 75% 1194%
19 64 - 76% 1219%
20 (M) 67 - 78% 1244%
21 70 - 79% 1269%

Skill Note

Name: Pursuing Spirit (추격하는 정령)

Description: After a short time it will chase nearby targets. However it can't go up.

Tips and Details

  • Evoke can be activated by attacking it, an Explosion Trap touching it, or an enemy touching it.
    • Party member may also attack the sphere to trigger the explosion.
  • The first slash damage can be used to activate Vital Point Piercing.
    • The sphere of wind can push back anyone in range of its initial path after activation.
    • When used while Vital Point Piercing is in effect, all hits from the sphere will do Critical damage without using up the number of Critical Hits that Vital Point Piercing can do.
  • Cannot be used if there are no targets.
  • Not suitable for laggy situations, as the sphere will not appear after a few seconds, allowing targets to escape the explosion.
  • Under rare circumstances, the sphere of wind may not explode and will continue to do its chain damage until it explodes (needs testing).