- English
[Passive] Magical Defense increased and each time you deal damage, your critical damage increases. |
Class | Level Required | Skill Requirement |
Rune Slayer | 60 | Expert Training Skill Quest |
Skill Information
- Magic Proficiency is effectively identical to its predecessor, Magic Resistance Mastery with the sole difference being the Critical Damage Increase is provided when dealing damage instead of receiving damage.
- Critical Damage Increase is additive.
Date | Changes | ||
KR | NA | PvE | PvP |
09/11/2019 | 09/25/2019 |
Alternative Names
Server | Name | Translation |
South Korea | 마법 숙련 | Magic Training |
Germany | Magie-Training | Magic Training |
Spain | Entrenamiento Mágico | Magic Training |
France | Entraînement magique | Magic Training |
Rune Slayer - Skills
Hyper Active
Special Active