Information: This article is currently under development. Please be patient while we're adding the finishing touches!


 | name =
 | amount =
 | category =
 | cube =
    | (specific cube parameters)
 | l =
  • name: The name of the item. See list below.
  • amount: The amount of the items, which will show up over the icon and on the tooltip. If it's a single item the amount will not show on the tooltip (but will show over the icon, to match the in-game design).
  • category: The category of the item which will show up before the item's name on the tooltip. Can select between ariel, luriel or cobo. No category will show by default.
  • cube: Any option will add a horizontal line under the item's name on the tooltip, and allow for specific cube parameters to be input depending on the item's name. See list below.
    • yes references a common cube in which all items will be obtained upon opening. The tooltip will display "Contents:"
    • select references a cube in which you can only choose one item or group of items to obtain upon opening. The tooltip will display "Select:"
  • l (lock): Will display a lock over the icon, which will dissapear upon hovering over it. Should be used for Premium items.
    • y for yes.

List of Items

Cube names will show in red.

  • EPP: Elrios Pass Potion
  • Sages: Sage's Magic Stone
  • DungeonTickets: Dungeon Entrance Ticket Selective Cube
  • ResStone5: Resurrection Stone Cube (5)
  • TimeSpaceScrolls: Blessed Time & Space Scroll
  • MysticsCube: Shining Mystic Stone Support Cube
  • RaidTickets: Raid Reset Ticket Selective Cube
  • AmeTene: Spectral Amethyst and Tenebrous Aura Selective Cube
  • GiantBossKeyCube: Giant Boss Key Selective Cube
  • Chlorite5: Chlorite Seed (5%)
  • MagicAmulet9: Magic Amulet Lv. 9
  • SynergyTicket7: El Search Party Collection - Synergy Effect Ticket (7 Days)
  • ArtifactStoneCube: Special Artifact Spirit Stone Cube
  • MagicAmulet10: Magic Amulet Lv. 10
  • Chlorite10: Chlorite Seed (10%)
  • FusedElixirCube: Fused Elixir Selective Cube
  • Blazing Crystal: Blazing Crystal
  • SadBertheSticker: Sad Berthe Sticker
  • ReforgeExemptionTicket: Reforge ED Fee Exemption Ticket
  • S2SupportCube: Elrios Pass Season 2 Special Support Cube
  • SoulCrystal: Soul Crystal
  • BertheSummon: Summon Stone: Berthe
  • ReforgeAmulet18: Amethystine Prophecy Reforge Amulet Lv.18

Specific Cube Parameters

Can be left blank if the amount is unknown.

  • DungeonTickets: sdtickets, heroictickets, elrianodetickets, pruinaumtickets
  • MysticsCube: yellowmystics, redmystics, bluemystics, giantmystics
  • AmeTene: amethysts, teneaura
  • FusedElixirCube: adaptgiantpot, adaptdenifpot, adaptventuspot