File:Phoenix Strike.PNG
[Magical] Shoots a phoenix hitting every target within the range, burns as well (burn damage depends on character's lv)


Class Master Prerequisite(s) Required for
Skill Tree Skill
Rena Lv5 30SP

Skill Information

Skill Lv MP Usage
Cool Down Damage
1 300 MP

30 seconds

865% magical damage, burns the targets for 10 sec.
2 1038% magical damage, burns the targets for 10 sec.
3 1211% magical damage, burns the targets for 10 sec.
4 1384% magical damage, burns the targets for 10 sec.
5 (M) 1644% magical damage, burns the targets for 10 sec.
6 1903% magical damage, burns the targets for 10 sec.

Skill Note

Increase Phoenix Strike's critical chance by 10% and its burning duration by 10 seconds.

Additional Notes

Phoenix Strike is extremely effective in linear maps (both pvp and pve).
