[Magical]Rena will "deploy" at her current spot, making her unable to move. If activated at melee range, she will deal a kick to enemies in front of her. Z will fire 1 arrow, and X will fire 3 arrows. All arrows will knock down enemies.


Class Master Prerequisite(s) Required for
Skill Tree Skill
Rena Lv1 0SP
N/A Siege Swift

Skill Information

Skill Lv MP Usage
Cool Down Damage
1 (M) Each arrow uses 6 MP

0 second

Skill Note

Increase the speed of the arrows fired in Siege Mode.

Additional Notes

  • This skill, combined with the Skill Note and Siege Swift, is the bane of all SA mobs.
  • Siege now has an overheat system. For every consecutive strike, MP consumption increases by 1/3 of the original one.
