• English
File:SeedofFire.PNG [Passive]
Use the power of fire to ignite the seeds of fire within you.
When using a Special Active skill, [Seed of Fire] stack is increased (Maximum 3 stacks) and when reaching maximum stacks the [Burning Flower] Buff activates.

[Seed of Fire] stack doesn't increase while [Burning Flower] buff is active.


Class Level Required
Blazing Heart 35

Skill Information

  • NA
  • KR (11/24/2022)
Skill Level Level Required   Self BuffSeed of Fire   Self BuffBurning Flower
Max Stacks All Skill Cooldown Reduction
(Hyper Active excluded)
Magical Attack Increase Natural MP Recovery Per Second Duration
1 35 3 10% % +5 MP 20 Seconds
2 51 %
3 59 %
4 92 14%
1 35 3 5% % +1 MP 10 Seconds
2 51 %
3 59 %
4 92 5.6%

Tips and Details

  • The Seed of Fire buff has no duration and will last indefinitely until it reaches 3 stacks.


  • This passive reuses the effects of Blooming Flame, though with its activation conditions tweaked and no longer having the ability to buff allies.


Date Changes
07/04/2019 07/31/2019
  • Seed of Fire added.
10/08/2020 11/04/2020
  • None
  • Magic Attack Increase decreased.
  • Duration decreased.
10/28/2021 11/24/2021
  • Magic Attack Increase decreased.
11/24/2022 -
  • All Skill Cooldown Reduction increased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 불꽃의 씨앗 Seed of Flame
  Germany Flammensaat Seed of Flame
  Spain Semilla de llamas Seed of Flames
  France Graine incendiaire Seed of Flame
  Italy Seme di fiamme Seed of Flames
  Poland Płomienny Siew Flame Sowing
  United Kingdom Flame Seed