

  Korean Server   North American Server
  • 12/13/2020 - 02/25/2021 (Noah only)
  • 11/23/2016 - 12/06/2016
  • 12/28/2016 - 01/10/2017 (Ain only)
  • 01/23/2019 - 02/20/2019 (Laby only)
  • 01/27/2021 - 03/23/2021 (Noah only)


Character South Korea North America International Japan Taiwan China Europe
Elsword Yes
Aisha Yes
Rena Yes
Raven Yes
Eve Yes
Chung Yes
Ara Yes
Elesis Yes
Add Yes
Lu Yes
Ciel Yes
Rose Yes
Ain Yes
Laby Yes
Noah Yes

Set List

Image Name Stats
Erzteufelhaarschnitt Avatar Haare:

Machtbooster Aufladung +4%

Erzteufelhaarschnitt Dunkel
Erzteufeloberteil Avatar Oberteil:

HP +4%

Erzteufelbeinkleid Avatar Beinkleid:

HP +2%

Erzteufelfäustlinge Avatar Handschuhe:

MP-Erhalt bei Treffer +2%

Erzteufelschuhe Avatar Schuhe:

Laufgeschwindigkeit +4%
Sprungkraft +4%

Erzteufelswaffe Avatar Waffe:

Kritischer Treffer +4%
MP-Erhalt bei erlittenem Schaden +2%

Erzteufelvisir Zubehör (Augen):

Attacke +23
Magie-Attacke +23

Kritischer Treffer +2%
MP-Erhalt bei Treffer +2%

Erzteufelflügel Zubehör (Oberteil):

Attacke +27
Magie-Attacke +27
Abwehr +5
Magie-Abwehr +5

Angriffsgeschwindigkeit +2%
Laufgeschwindigkeit +6%
Sprungkraft +6%

Erzteufel-Achillesflügel Zubehör (Beinkleid):

Attacke +25
Magie-Attacke +25

Kritischer Treffer +3%
Laufgeschwindigkeit +6%
Sprungkraft +6%

Set Effects

Type [Erzteufelset] [Seraphenstigmata]
2St. Effekt
  • MP-Erhalt bei Treffer +4%
  • Erhöhte Machtbooster-Dauer +30% (Dungeon)
3St. Effekt N/A
  • Attacke +50
  • Magie-Attack +50
  • Alle Resistenzen +20
4St. Effekt
  • Alle Resistenzen +40
  • Angriffsgeschwindigkeit +5%
  • Kritischer Schaden +10%
5St. Effekt
  • Attacke +125
  • Magie-Attacke +125
  • Abwehr +75
  • Magie-Abwehr +75
  • HP +10%
  • Verheerung +5%

Related Items

Image Item Name Description
File:ADIB.png Ice Burner (Archdevil) An Ice Burner with a chance to obtain costumes and accessories from the Archdevil set.
File:ADBurningIB.png Burning Ice Burner (Archdevil) An Ice Burner with a chance to obtain two same costumes and accessories from the Archdevil set.
File:ADAinIB.png Ice Burner (Archdevil, Ain) An Ice Burner with a chance to obtain costumes and accessories from the Archdevil set for Ain.
File:ADLabyIB.png Ice Burner (Archdevil, Laby) An Ice Burner with a chance to obtain costumes and accessories from the Archdevil set for Laby.
  Ice Burner (Archdevil, Noah) An Ice Burner with a chance to obtain costumes and accessories from the Archdevil set for Noah.
  Ice Sculpture Key (Archdevil, Ain) An item that can be exchanged for Ice Burner (Archdevil, Ain) at Ariel. (Chinese server only)
  Ice Sculpture Key (Archdevil, Laby) An item that can be exchanged for Ice Burner (Archdevil, Laby) at Ariel. (Chinese server only)
  Ice Sculpture Key (Archdevil, Noah) An item that can be exchanged for Ice Burner (Archdevil, Noah) at Ariel. (Chinese server only)
  Archdevil Crystalline A material item obtained after using a Giant Ice Burner (Archdevil). This is required to craft the costumes and accessories from the Archdevil set. (South Korea server only)
  Archdevil Set Cube A cube that contains all Archdevil Costume valid for 𝑥 days. Acquire the item for your active character. Lu/Ciel's Costume will depend on the active character.



  • For characters before Ara, their Archdevil and Archdevil Ver. Dark Hair costumes featured completely different styles as opposed to being a palette swap.
  • All characters from Rose onward are consistently depicted with red Archdevil hair. Lu and Ciel also possess red hair, though Lu's is closer to pink while Ciel's is similar to the characters that come after him.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 아크데빌 Archdevil
  Japan アークデビル Archdevil
  Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) 弧光惡魔 Arc Devil
  China (Simplified Chinese) 弧光恶魔 Arc Devil
  Germany Erzteufel Archdevil
  Spain Archidemonio Archdemon
  France Archédiable Archdevil
  Italy Arcidiavolo Archdevil
  Poland Upadły Anioł Fallen Angel
