[Active] Chung aims and shoots twice with the Silver Shooter.


SP Requirement
Shooting Guardian
?? SP

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required Damage (Magical) Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
1 15 137% 2 20 MP 4 seconds
2 141%
3 16 145%
4 19 150%
5 22 154%
6 25 159%
7 28 163%
8 31 168%
9 34 172%
10 37 177%
11 40 181%
12 43 185%
13 46 190%
14 49 194%
15 52 199%
16 55 203%
17 58 208%
18 61 212%
19 64 217%
20(M) 67 221%
21 70 226%
22 73 230%