Upon advancing to Lofty: Schreier, a new system becomes available.

Art (German for someone's "nature" or "being") is Ain's remaining power after retrieving and cycling his El energy. In-game, it is represented by a gauge which has two opposite sides with different colors: Ganz and Rau.

Ganz (German for "whole", "complete"), stylized with a turquoise color, represents Ain's remaining pure El energy. On the other side, Rau (German for "rough", "uneven"), stylized with a purple color, represents Ain's energy which has been tainted by demon energy.

Art Gauge

Each side of the Art Gauge is split into three stages, which require points to fill up. You get points by using Ganz and Rau skills. When you gain enough points, you will advance to the next stage.

Upon entering a Dungeon/PvP, you will start with 40 points (Stage 2), thanks to Wave, or 80 points (Stage 3), after learning Riled. Upon death, the obtained points are decreased by 50%.

Stage Amount of Points
1 1 ~ 33
2 34 ~ 66
3 67 ~ 99

Upon using a Special Active skill, the points on both sides will change. The increase and decrease of points on each side will vary depending on whether the skill used is Ganz or Rau.

  • Ganz skills will increase Ganz points and decrease Rau points.
  • Rau skills will increase Rau points and decrease Ganz points.

The amount of points changed also depends on the type of the skill used. Before learning Riled, this amount will be same on both sides; however, Riled increases the amount of gained points while decreasing the amount of lost points. Additionally, Addieren increases the Art's gain of its succeeding skill by 100% (minus the Art gain granted by Riled).

Skill Type Upon using a Ganz skill Upon using a Rau skill
Base With Riled Base With Riled
Tenacity +4 Ganz -4 Rau +6 Ganz -2 Rau +2 Rau -2 Ganz +4 Rau No change to Ganz
Strength +8 Ganz -8 Rau +10 Ganz -6 Rau +3 Rau -3 Ganz +5 Rau -1 Ganz
Bravery +12 Ganz -12 Rau +14 Ganz -10 Rau +4 Rau -4 Ganz +6 Rau -2 Ganz
  • Note: Currently, there are no Bravery Ganz skills.

Having at least 1 point will provide you with various benefits, mainly being that Ganz and Rau skills gain an additional effect which increases its effectivity depending on the according stage. However, as 1st Job, you can only activate Ganz effects. Rau effects become available after reaching 2nd job and unlocking Permeate.

Additionally, the current Ganz or Rau stage will also increase the stats given by some passives, such as Seethe.

Related Skills

Ganz Skills

Rau Skills



  • In the middle of the gauge there is a a diamond-shaped chain, which will get its sides lit up according to the active Ganz and Rau stages.