• English
[Special Active: Tenacity]
Cast a crescent moon energy that ensnares the enemies ahead and drags them to you.
Final Enhanced Skill
  • MP Usage is decreased by 20%.


Class Level Required
Second Revenger 25

Skill Information

Mode Damage (Physical) Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Suppression Ensnare Suppression Ensnare
PvE 1249% 262% 1 10 100 MP 7 Seconds
PvP 499% 105%
PvE 1249% 262% 1 10 80 MP 7 Seconds
PvP 499% 105%

Skill Traits

Useful EnsnareEmpowered Ensnare
Attribute EffectMax HitsAttribute Effect
Max Hits increased
Damage decreased to 80%
Suppression: 1
Ensnare: 20
Damage increased to 120%

Total Damage

Mode Base
Normal Useful Empowered
Average Max Average Max Average Max
PvE 2,297% 3,869% 3,095.2% 5,191.2% 2,756.4% 4,642.8%
PvP 919% 1,549% 1,239.2% 2,079.2% 1,102.8% 1,858.8%
  • Average assumes 4 Ensnare hits, or 10 with the Useful trait.

Tips and Details

  • While the skill's Ensnare portion does drag enemies with it upon returning, it moves too quickly to ensure most hits are dealt and does not pull them the entire way. On average, it will deal 4 hits (Or 10 hits with the Useful trait). Only wide enough targets can take full damage.


Date Changes
12/17/2020 01/13/2021
  • Ensnare added.
  • Fixed tooltip stating Suppression was a Multi Hit.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 포획 Ensnare
  China (Simplified Chinese) 捕获 ?
  France Lancer de faux Scythe Throw
  Poland Rzut Sierpem Sickle Throw
  Brazil Capturar Ensnare