• English

1:Before Joining 1

Before Joining 1

 Exploring the Ruins with the Boy 1
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The boy is not used to long rest.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Clamor made Noah promise one thing.
  • To rest easy and catch up on sleep until their next journey as they're in Elrianode.
  • Noah didn't seem too happy at first, but reluctantly agreed to try his best. Thankfully, there wasn't much to do, so he was very diligent in fulfilling his promise.
  •   Noah: My body is well-rested, but I'm bothered...
  •   Clamor: I think it's great! I for one, am glad you're finally getting a rest.
  •   Noah: Is that so.
  •   Clamor: Cheer up, Noah. Resting is essential in increasing one's stamina, you know.
  •   Yuria: Hey guys. Finally! I can take some rest.
  •   Noah: Hello, Yuria. Done with your work?
  •   Yuria: For now! It was really hectic for awhile, but things are finally settling down.
  •   Yuria: I sent a tooon of letters, so I'm free until everyone starts replying.
  •   Noah: Good. You definitely deserve to rest, Yuria.
  •   Yuria: Haha, it's fine. I'm still full of energy! But let's talk about you, Mr. Downer. Is something wrong?
  •   Clamor: This little workaholic here, is unhappy he's resting.
  •   Yuria: Really? You know, I'm on Clamor's side.
  •   Noah: I'm just... disappointed. I hoped to find some kind of lead since we finally arrived in Elrianode.
  •   Noah: Even now, the Order will be moving around, and who knows what they'll be up to while we're just sitting around... I feel like I need to... do something.
  •   Yuria: Hm... I get what you mean. I was also resolved to do something as we came to Elrianode. Of course, what I'm doing is important.
  •   Yuria: But sometimes I feel like I need to do more to help the Masters and the Priestesses.
  •   Yuria: You could say it's reckless heroism, but I feel like what I'm doing is not enough.
  •   Clamor: Not another workaholic...
  •   Clamor: To me, it seems both of you have taken on responsibilities that are way beyond your years.
  •   Clamor: ... Well, maybe I feel this way because I'm from a peaceful time.
  •   Clamor: But I still think you both need to relax. For what's coming.
  •   Yuria: ... I suppose. People say you need to take one step back in order to take two steps forward. Now, is simply one of those times.
  •   Yuria: Still, there must be something we could do. How about it, Noah? Want to go on an adventure together?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Exploring the Ruins with the Boy 2
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The boy doesn't seem to enthusiastic to go on an adventure.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Noah: An adventure...? Where?
  •   Yuria: I found out when I looked around Elrianode... It seems most of the relics from Elrianode Kingdom are now useless due to the shockwave from the El Explosion.
  •   Yuria: But there's always an exception right? Since Elrianode was sealed immediately after the explosion might find something useful if we look for it!
  •   Yuria: Master Ventus mentioned in passing there are some buildings in the city that are still in relative good shape. How about we start from there?
  •   Noah: Just the two of us? It sounds dangerous... I suppose I don't mind if you're going...
  •   Clamor: I want to tag along.
  •   Noah: You too, Clamor? Well... Alright. I'm sure it will be fine.
  •   Yuria: Yay! Then it's decided!
  •   Yuria: First, let's get all the details from the Wind Master. I think I have an idea of where everything is, but it's better to know for sure since it's really like a maze here.
  •   Clamor: We're going to the Wind Master?
  •   Yuria: Yup! The Wind Master knows his way around the city.
  •   Noah: Yeah... I can see that.
  •   Noah: (The Master and Priestesses do always struggle to find him whenever the Wind Master decide to go on a 'stroll'...

  •   Ventus: ... Aha. So you'd like to go on an expedition of sort around Elrianode?
  •   Yuria: Yes. We're hoping to find something that could be useful to you!
  •   Ventus: That's a great idea! Do you know the way? At the collapsed building by the square, turn left down the slope and follow the trail on the right when you...
  •   Yuria: It sounds... complicated...
  •   Noah: How did you even manage to find the building...?
  •   Ventus: Haha, it's a special building. I suspect magicians used to occupy the building. Even monsters tend to stay well away from that place.
  •   Noah: Is that possible?
  •   Clamor: Oh...? Do you think the security magic is still functioning? Even after the El Explosion and sealing of Elrianode? That's amazing!
  •   Ventus: No no, I didn't mean it like that.
  •   Clamor: Huh? Then what did you...
  •   Ventus: Huhu, you see... in the middle of the night, you can hear whispers and see faint light emanating from the building even when there's no one around.
  •   Ventus: Maybe it's haunted? Like those who were caught in the El Explosion...
  •   Yuria: Nooo. Don't be ridiculous! There's no such thing as ghosts.
  •   Clamor: Y, yeah. If anything, I bet there's monsters. Pfft, ghosts.
  •   Noah: Then... We really have no idea who, or what might be there.
  •   Noah: I want to go check it out. Let's go.
  •   Clamor: N... Noah, maybe this is something really dangerous and way beyond our skill level!
  •   Clamor: Maybe we shouldn't be so hasty in our judgement. Hm? Hm? Don't you agree?
  •   Noah: You're the one who wanted to go earlier...
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Exploring the Ruins with the Boy 3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The inside of the building is cleaner than expected.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0


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  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
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  • Miscellaneous
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other