File:Crecent Kick.png
[Special Active] Rena kicks three crescent-shaped waves in front of her, traveling a moderate distance.


Level Required
SP Cost Per Level
Combat Ranger

Skill Information

  • NA
Damage(Magical) Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Normal Awaken
First Two Crescents Final Crescent First Two Crescents Final Crescent First two Final
1 526% 394% 605% 806% 2 1 200 MP 10 seconds
2 473% 632% 726% 968%
3 552% 737% 847% 1129%
4 631% 842% 968% 1290%
5 (M) 749% 1000% 1149% 1532%
6 867% 1158% 1331% 1774%
7 985% 1316% 1512% 2016%

|-| KR=

Damage(Physical) Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Normal Awaken
First Two Crescents Final Crescent First Two Crescents Final Crescent First Two Final
1 25 550% 684% 703% 938% 2 1 200 MP 11 seconds
2 568% 706% 726% 968%
3 26 586% 728% 749% 999%
4 29 604% 751% 772% 1029%
5 32 622% 773% 794% 1060%
6 35 639% 795% 817% 1090%
7 38 657% 817% 840% 1121%
8 41 675% 840% 863% 1151%
9 44 693% 862% 886% 1182%
10 47 711% 884% 909% 1212%
11 50 729% 906% 931% 1243%
12 53 747% 929% 954% 1273%
13 56 765% 951% 977% 1304%
14 59 782% 973% 1000% 1334%
15 62 800% 995% 1000% 1365%
16 65 818% 1017% 1046% 1395%
17 68 836% 1040% 1069% 1426%
18 - - - - -
19 - - - - -
20 (M) - - - - -


Skill Note

Name: Exceeding the Threshold(NA) / Exceeded Thresholds(KR)

Description: The crescents are 50% slower, thus dealing more hits, but the damage of each hit is reduced to 33% of its original power.

  • Causes the ability to act similarly to Cannon Blade. With the exception of a handful of enemies (such as Spriggan, who activates Super Armor frequently and is small) most enemies will receive 3 or more hits per kick.
  • This makes the skill exceptionally good against larger bosses, especially if they have entered a Super Armor state or are in a corner.

Tips and Details

  • The final crescent both lifts and knocks down opponents while traveling a longer distance than the previous two.
  • With the skill note, the damage of this skill far surpasses the damage of Sharp Fall on anything larger than a player.
    • With skill note it is possible for it to do up to 33 hits, inflicting a total damage exceeding 14,000% making it one of the most powerful 200MP skills in terms of raw damage output, potentially exceeding the power of many 300MP skills.
      • This is dependent on enemy size to land the majority of it's blows, with enemies like Ancient Bone Dragon and Coral Snake being the most susceptible to this skill.
  • The 'Awakening' damage of Crescent Kick already includes the Awakening's 20% damage boost into its damage percentage.