
Nach All denjenigen Abenteuer in Ruben. Das uralte Poru, der beschützer des Els Baum, ist wütend nachdem es herrausgefunden hat das der Eldrit_Stück gestohlen wurde. Elsword und sein Team machten sich schnell auf in denn Nebelsumpf um das uralte Poru zu beruhigen anschließend begeben sie sich indie Stadt Elder, in die Stadt wo Benders hingeflohen ist, nun beginnt das nächste Kapitel der saga!

Video: Klicke hier für das Nebelsumpf Video

Karten Layout

Schwierigkeiten Karte
Normal / Schwer  


Monster Bild Monster Beschreibung
Ein Vogel, der die Diebe begleitet und versucht, Elsword und sein Team angreifen.
Einer der vielen Diebe, die versucht haben die Eldrit-Stücke zu Stehlen.

Sie können aus der Entfernung mit ihren Messern angreifen.

  Baum Ritter
Wie der Ruchi, der Baum Ritter begleitet auch die Diebe.
Einer von Benders stärksten Diebe. Du solltest besser aufpassen vor seinen verein!
  Miniboss: Monkey King
The King of the monkeys that started attacking all intruders after the thieves had came.

Monkey Combo: The Monkey King will swing at you 3 times. Does minimal damage.

Monkey Roll: He will roar madly, then start to roll for a distance.

Monkey Smash: He roars, and then stands up and then pounds the ground. This doesn't hit you directly, but it will hit if you're on the ground. The only way to dodge this attack is to jump while he uses the skill.

  Boss: Ancient Phoru
After finding that the Elstone was stolen, the enraged Ancient Phoru that attacks all who stands in its way, and it's up to Elsword and his team to calm him down!

Claw Combo: The Ancient Phoru will swipe you twice with its sharp claws.

Ram! The boss will crouch, then charge to the other side of the stage. If you are hit, you will get blown back, watch out!

Flamethrower: The Ancient Phoru will charge up his fiery breath and blow fire along the stage's ground. His most powerful attack, but also one of the easiest to dodge. To dodge, just stay near him while he breathes out. Make sure not to get hit, or else you'll get burned.

Note: This Boss has a stoic threshold of 30 hits.

Boss Drops

Image Name Class Stats

Monkey King's Tail

Accessory (Bottom Piece):

Physical / Magical Attack +15

Movement Speed +4%

Dropped by Miniboss "Monkey King"


Ancient Sword / Giant Phoru Toy
Raven & Eve

Lv8 Weapons:

Physical Attack +1237

Magical Attack +1093

Critical Hit Rate +60

Action Speed +60

Giant Phoru Toy is Dropped by Miniboss "Giant Phoru" in 1-1


Steel Dogtooth

Face Accessory (Bottom):

Physical / Magical Defense +30

Max HP +1%

  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous