Image Name & Description Stats
Snowman Phoru
A cute Phoru made of snow!
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense +5
Magical Defense +5
MP Gain When Attacked +1%
Stylish Snowman Phoru
A cute Phoru made of snow!
It looks better with a winter muffler!
Physical Attack +35
Magical Attack +35
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Action Speed +1%
Birthday: January 20 ~ February 18
The Water bearer that represents creation and the giving of life.
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Critical +1%
Action Speed +1%
Birthday: February 19 ~ March 20
Very compassionate, sensitive, and spiritual.
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Critical +1%
Action Speed +1%
Birthday: March 21 ~ April 19
Courageous and a natural leader that is first in line to get things going.
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Critical +1%
Action Speed +1%
Birthday: April 20 ~ May 20
Fierce yet gentle and can be depended on. And at times very stubborn and emotional.
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Critical +1%
Action Speed +1%
Birthday: May 21 ~ June 21
Can communicate effectively and think clearly. Responsiveness is great and is a people person.
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Critical +1%
Action Speed +1%
Birthday: June 22 ~ July 22
Affectionate, loyal, and family oriented. Desire to protect home and loved ones.
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Critical +1%
Action Speed +1%
Birthday: July 23 ~ August 22
Love being the center of attention and has a lot of ambition.
Creativity makes life much more enjoyable.
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Critical +1%
Action Speed +1%
Birthday: August 23 ~ September 22
Full of energy yet modest and humble. Sharp minded with excellent attention to detail.
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Critical +1%
Action Speed +1%
Birthday: September 23 ~ October 22
Easy going but very diplomatic. Charming and peaceful are their strong key points.
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Critical +1%
Action Speed +1%
Birthday: October 23 ~ November 21
Secretive and complex but is filled with passion and desire.
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Critical +1%
Action Speed +1%
Birthday: November 22 ~ December 21
Optimistic, adventurous, and bold. Has an outgoing personality and looks for action!
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Critical +1%
Action Speed +1%
Birthday: December 22 ~ January 19
Intensely idealistic and a hard worker. Adopted a businesslike approach to everything and is determined to get to the top.
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Critical +1%
Action Speed +1%
Mango the Macaw
Red and rump, Mango loves to follow you around~
Physical Attack +37
Magical Attack +37
MP Gain When Attacking +0.5%
Western Gunman Mini
Don't move!
Drop your weapons and I'll spare you!
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
MP Gain When Attacking +1%
Awakening Charge Speed +2%
Blessed Wedding Bouquet
A wedding bouquet thrown by the bride. There's a rumor that if you catch this, you'll get married within 6 months...
Physical Attack +30
Magical Attack +30
Critical +1%
Skully Joe
A creepy skull design to brighten your Halloween spirit!
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Critical +2%
Little Dancing Spirit
A little spirit that constantly dances due to a witch's curse. 'Teehee... Let's dance together.'
This accessory moves with Ghost Dance! Idle Motion.
It will no longer dance when the appearance is changed through Magic Wardrobe.
Invisible Accessory (Support Unit)
A marvelous accessory that can be worn even though it doesn't have any look.
Rumor had it that it has been a big hit ever since some Emperor worn it.
Believe it or not...
Physical Attack +40
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense +15
Magical Defense +5
Critical +1%
Vintage Flower Story Mini Audio
The untold stories of flowers play from the speakers.
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
Critical +1.5%
Awakening Charge Speed +1.5%
Angel's Relaxation Toilet Paper Accessory
A very necessary item for a very necessary thing.
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
Critical +2%
Damage Reduction +1%
Space Life Robot
A cute robot floating around.
Make sure the battery doesn't run low!
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
Critical +2%
Damage Reduction +1%
Velder Academy RaRa - Team Red/Blue
The one with the loudest voice wins. The victory will be ours! -GM approved
The one with the loudest voice wins. The victory will be ours! -Player's Favorite
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
MP Gain When Attacked +3%
Damage Reduction +2%