Story/Chapter 39 Nichel

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39:Nichel <Top Level>

Chapter 39: Nichel <Top Level>

Rena, Eve, Elesis and Laby decide to head to top level to defeat the monsters around the nest. Laby decides to reveal her feelings to Elesis, however, Rena had managed to hear them. While subjugating the monsters and talking about the realm, they hear a big monster coming over.

 Abandoned Factory Chimney Sweep
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

Rena, Eve, Elesis, Laby head up with Nichel to defeat the monsters nesting in the chimney.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Slam! Slam!
  •   Rena: Isn't this hard? I mean, we're helping now, but usually it's just you handling the upper levels, right?
  •   Nichel: It's fine. I'm used to handling by myself.
  • Slam! Slam! Slam!
  •   Laby: Why are you slamming that? Because it makes a good noise?
  •   Nichel: If they hear loud noise, the monsters will leave.
  •   Eve: It must be faster if others help. Is it because you do not wish these creatures harm?
  •   Nichel: Yeah. Haivan said if you beat them hard a couple of times, they'd stop coming, but...
  •   Rena: He said something like that earlier too.
  •   Nichel: They're just trying to make a living too. I can't do that. That's why, I'm slamming on metal or run around yelling. Right now, we're in a hurry, so I'm rushing too.
  •   Laby: Hehee! Laby's really good at making loud noises! Leave it to Laby!
  •   Rena: Huhu, looks like we'll be done early thanks to Laby.
  •   Eve: ... Nichel. I have several questions. Do you mind answering them?
  •   Nichel: Go ahead.
  •   Eve: Winster said the White-Ghost King was murdered by a traitor from within. Could you tell us more about that incident?
  •   Nichel: I don't know the details since I was born in Rigomor after the fact. I only know what Winster told me... I heard that the White-Ghost King called upon her followers one by one and told them something. Among those followers, one betrayed the king and attacked.
  •   Elesis: ... This sounds familiar. Maybe the same people behind Lu's dethroning were also behind this.
  •   Rena: Yeah. It does sound suspicious. Have you ever heard why that follower betrayed the White-Ghost King?
  •   Nichel: He never said. But I don't think he really knows why either.
  •   Eve: What happened afterwards?
  •   Nichel: After the king's death, chaos fell upon the White-Ghost territory, and another war broke out between the two hostile races. The adults called it war, but it sounds like the disparity in power was too great to be anything but a one-sided genocide. So, the Nous and the small number of Garen who still followed the will of the late White-Ghost King came down to Rigomor, awaiting the White-Ghost King's return.
  •   Eve: It seems like the White-Ghost King was a just ruler according to Winster. How was it that a war broke out immediately upon her death? Was she of a different nature from what we've heard?
  •   Elesis: He might remember her fondly as someone he followed.
  •   Laby: Really? But Lu said the White-Ghost King is nice. Hmmm...
  •   Rena: I think the judge on her character is right. Then maybe she didn't have great leadership...? Not all good people are great rulers.
  •   Nichel: I heard the trade with Elrios was a success. Even now, we have technology and culture that developed due to our relationship with Northern Empire. But I think most were against the trade regardless of its success. They just saw Elrios as somewhere to invade.
  •   Elesis: Is that the opinion of the majority of the demons?
  •   Rena: Maybe there's a connection between this and the demon's invasion of Elrios as well.
  •   Laby: Nichel. Do demons hate Elrios?
  •   Nichel: I don't know.
  •   Elesis: You don't know? What do you mean?
  •   Nichel: I don't really feel in any particular way about Elrios. But if I ask the adults, they always say that they used to think of Elrios as somewhere to invade.
  •   Rena: They used to? Does that mean they changed their minds after their trading relationship with Northern Empire?
  •   Nichel: They always seem confused when they tell me. Like they're thinking, 'why did I think that way.' But from the records and the stories I've heard... I don't think there was any positive emotion.
  •   Eve: I see... Thank you for sharing with us, Nichel.
  •   Rena: ... The White-Ghost King does seem different from other demons we know, don't you think?
  •   Eve: Yes. However, I'm still not sure the White-Ghost King can be considered an ally like Lu says.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Nichel: That's the monsters' favorite habits.
  •   Rena: They're swarming. We won't be able to say we'e chased them off until we take care of that.
  •   Elesis: Let's split up. The three of us will irritate them, while the other two will wait here and chase out any monsters that make it this way.
  •   Rena: Sure. Since we can move quickly, Eve and I will take care of that. Nichel, do you know a way to approach them from the back?
  •   Nichel: Yeah. This way.

  •   Laby: Go on! Go that way!
  •   Elesis: ......
  •   Laby: Yeah! It's that way! Good bye! Live long and happy!
  •   Elesis: You do everything with enthusiasm, don't you?
  •   Laby: Uh huh! Laby is hopping with excitement because Laby finally met with the El Search Party! Nisha's really excited too! Why? Is Elesis no having fun? Are you worried about Elsword?
  •   Elesis: Huh?! How did you...?
  •   Laby: Hehee! I guess all older sisters are the same! Bellonde told Laby that Bellonde's sister also worried about him a lot! Laby doesn't have a sister, so Laby's not sure, but Bellonde says whenever he looks at Laby, he finally understands what his sister felt. Isn't that amazing?
  •   Elesis: I don't think that's a compliment...
  •   Laby: Why is Elesis worried? You made the same face when we were splitting up!
  •   Elesis: ...... It's nothing really... I'm just worried my concerns maybe affected him too much. Did you know? I was against coming here.
  •   Laby: Ehhh?! Really? Do you not like the demon realm?
  •   Elesis: Haha, not particularly. To me, the demon realm is a battlefield where I can't guarantee winning.
  •   Laby: Battlefield...? The demon realm is a battlefield for Elesis? For the El Search Party?
  •   Elesis: Of course. It's where the demons that invaded Elrios live.
  •   Laby: Oh... Since demons don't like Elrios...
  •   Elesis: Well... I've learned that there are demons that don't hate Elrios here, but I don't expect there's a lot of them. We were lucky to meet Winster this time. But it's risky to always rely on luck, so we should be prepared with the information we gathered here. Since it's a big problem if we're stranded here, we need to find a solution for that. And it would be ideal if we can find more information on demons we haven't encountered.
  •   Laby: Wow... Elesis is thinking a lot! So cool! Amazing!
  •   Elesis: Uh, Um. Thanks. It's a little embarassing being complimented on something that comes so naturally.
  •   Laby: Thinking comes naturally? Eck? Laby was only thinking about how to be louder!
  •   Elesis: And that's all you need to think about. For others too. Planning ahead is something I am responsible for.
  •   Laby: Huh? But that means Elesis would always be worrying alone!
  •   Elesis: Hm... For me it's a habit. It comes so naturally, that I've never thought that way. Normally, this would be a leader's responsibility... But since Elsword seems to have enough on his plate... I have to stay alert, and make sure everyone makes it back to Elrios safe and sound.
  •   Laby: ... Did Laby tell you? Nisha here, protected Laby for a very long time. Nisha took everything that Laby didnt' like and hid it inside her. When Laby found out, Laby was thankful, but felt more sorry. Because Nisha must have tried hard, all those years.
  •   Elesis: ......
  •   Laby: So Laby decided to protect Nisha too! Laby knew if we share the good and the bad, we'll be even greater partners than before! Maybe Laby should have minded my own buisiness since Elesis thinks a lot and has Elesis's way of things... But Laby doesn't want Elesis to worry all alone! Nisha said so too! And Laby's sure the El Search Party would want to help too! Instead of letting Elesis think all by herself!
  •   Elesis: ... You might be right. No, I'm sure you're right.
  •   Laby: Hehee, Laby's sure Elesis will be fine!
  •   Elesis: ... Of course! Thanks. (I might have shared more than I would have usually... But... It was nice.) ... Anyway. Where did you learn to say 'mind your own business'? It's not the kind of words I expect you to use.
  •   Laby: Oh, that? Rosso always tells Laby to mind my own business, so it must have stuck flat on my mouth!
  •   Elesis: ... Why is a master telling a kid something like 'mind your own business'?
  •   Laby: Huh? Did you say something?
  •   Elesis: It's nothing. It seems like Nichel is almost done. Let's meet up.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470   N/A   N/A
ED 1,350,000   N/A   N/A
EP 15   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Between Caution and Paranoia
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Abandoned Factory Chimney Sweep story quest


Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  •   Rena: Hmm, is that what our fearless knight captain was thinking about?
  •   Elesis: Uhh...? Wait! How did you...?
  •   Eve: Elesis, next time you have a secret to share, you should do it without an elf present.
  •   Elesis: Y, you heard all the way there?!
  •   Laby: Amazing! Did you hear what Laby said, too?
  •   Rena: Yup! I heard everything!
  •   Elesis: Uh... Hm...!
  •   Eve: You were always worried since we've come to the demon realm.
  •   Elesis: It's not because I don't trust in everyone's abilities! It's just that...
  •   Eve: We're not blaming you. I believe it's thanks to your careful nature that we've made it this far.
  •   Rena: Yup. Although, I didn't think you were worrying about something waaaaaay in the future. You were a captain since you were young... Did you say habit? Huhu, you are exactly like your brother in these ways.
  •   Elesis: I'm sorry I didn't say anything. I just didn't want him to worry by mentioning it...
  •   Eve: I understand your worry. After all, Elsword needs to learn how to be careful. Although he may look like he's stumbling, he's carefully thinking about the consequence of his actions. Even this journey, may serve as a foundation for his growth.
  •   Elesis: ... You're right. Who else would be his pillar, if not for his sister?
  •   Rena: That's all fine and all, but in the future, if there's anything that concerns you, tell us, pinky swear?
  •   Elesis: Ugh, Rena... I'm no longer a chi...
  •   Rena: Pinky swear...?
  •   Elesis: ... Pinky swear...
  •   Laby: Yay! That's great! You look really close!
  •   Eve: Yes. It's really nice. I'll make sure to record this moment in high-definition.
  •   Elesis: Sigh...
Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Laby: And then we poofed! Right in to the sea!
  •   Nichel: So that's how you entered the tunnel. I was wondering, since the path there is really complicated.
  •   Laby: Uh huh! We opened the door in the sea and went in! Did Nichel ever go there?
  •   Nichel: I went often. Since the submarine requires a lot of energy, I usually use the tunnel to go to the surface. Even though I have to walk for a long time.
  •   Elesis: (I thought Winster said the tunnel was to prepare for the future? Do they already have contact with the surface?)
  •   Laby: What's outside the sea though? This is Laby's first time in the demon realm!
  •   Nichel: It's cold... And there's a lot of Garens. So the Garens in Rigomor usually take outside missions, since Nous cannot go outside. We are searching for the scattered soul fragments of the White-Ghost King.
  •   Rena: You said you have one here? So you're searching for others...
  •   Elesis: Do you do that alone as well?
  •   Nichel: Mostly. But there are other Garens that are trying to establish our base on the surface, so I sometimes receive help.
  •   Rena: So you can still go up, even if it's just for missions.
  •   Nichel: I think others want to leave this place, but I like it here more than the surface.
  •   Eve: I thought all demons in Rigomor wished to return to the surface, but I guess that isn't the case.
  •   Rena: Then are you forcing yourself for the villagers? Even though you don't want to?
  •   Nichel: I'm not forcing myself. The villagers are precious to me, just as much as this place. As much as I like Rigomor, I know many long for their homeland. I understand that... So I want to help as much as I can.
  •   Eve: But once the White-Ghost King returns and they can return to the surface... They'll leave.
  •   Nichel: ... I guess. When that happens, I plan to stay. It may be barren, and hard to get used to, but I believe there's a lot of potential to this land.
  •   Eve: Even if you're left alone away from the people you love?
  •   Nichel: I want to make this place somewhere nice, so people would want to stay. I don't want to give up on my goal even if I am left alone. I have my path, as they have theirs.
  •   Eve: ... I see. I hope you are able to achieve your goal.

  •   Elesis: Even if Nichel has a different opinion, it does seem like most demons in Rigomor want to move back to the surface, right?
  •   Rena: If they have a base, they might have more information, maybe even information we need...
  •   Elesis: You mean information on the Dark El.
  •   Rena: Yes. We can't forget why we're here in the first place.
  •   Eve: There are still some questions left unanswered, but we should also consider potential of having the White-Ghost King as our ally.
  •   Rena: I thought the demon realm will full of enemies. I'm glad we were able to call those we can call allies.
  •   Elesis: Since we have little information on the demon realm and the Dark El, we may have to wander all around the demon realm. Considering that, I think it would be just as important to find allies here, as it is to search for the Dark El.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470   N/A   N/A
ED 1,350,000   N/A   N/A
EP 15   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Determination of the Beast
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Between Caution and Paranoia story quest


Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  •   Rena: Alright! Looks like all the monsters fled! And the view is really nice up here! I think I see the other floors as well. Hm? Looks like they're all done down there as well. That was fast.
  •   Laby: Oomph! Laby wants to see, too!
  •   Rena: Kyaa! When did you climb all the way here? You should look from this side, it has the better view. It's slippery, so be careful.
  •   Laby: Ok! How is it, Nisha? Laby can see reaaaally far from here! Hehee! Look! Everyone looks so tiny!
  •   Rena: You really like Nisha, don't you Laby?
  •   Laby: Yup! Nisha is a friend that always stayed by Laby's side, even in the dark!
  •   Rena: Haha. A friend? I see. I have a friend, too. Although we're no longer together.
  •   Laby: Oooh, Laby heard that the demon realm is reaaaally far from Elrios. Rena's friend must be glad, since Rena thinks of her so far away! If Laby was Rena's friend, Laby would be really happy!
  •   Rena: ... You think so? I hope so too. Hm! I think all the monsters are gone now! Shall we head down?
  •   Laby: Ok!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Rena: ....?! I just heard something... What's that noise? It sounds like something's climbing out of the ground! It sounds serious... I must let everyone know!

  •   Rena: Nichel! Elesis! Eve!
  •   Eve: Rena? Did you find something?
  •   Elesis: Monsters...?!
  •   Rena: No! I heard something moving from the ground! And it's coming closer! We need to warn the others! I'll go first! Hurry!
  •   Nichel: From the ground...?
  •   Elesis: What's going on? Eve, did you hear anything?
  •   Eve: No, but I do feel the ground subtly shaking. I thought it was becasue the plant is now operating, but if it's because of what Rena just heard...
  • Crash!! Grrr Crack!
  •   Laby: Oof!
  •   Elesis: Ugh! What was that sound? Is that what Rena heard?
  •   Nichel: Winster! Winster! The communication device is not working...
  •   Eve: We should see for ourselves. Let's hurry.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470   N/A   N/A
ED 1,350,000   N/A   N/A
EP 15   N/A   N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Determination of the Beast story quest

The disturbance of the lower area of the abandoned factory cause the El Search Party to reassemble.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Elsword: I thought this was like the machines we saw in the tunnel, but it was a creature!
  •   Ara: I thought so too, since we were fighting machines all this time, and it carries a large machine.
  •   Elesis: The center had moving machines?
  •   Elsword: It's a long story. What was it like up there?
  •   Rena: Well, let' just say we learned Elesis's genuine side.
  •   Elsword: Huh? What about my sis?
  •   Elesis: It's nothing!
  •   Rena: Huhuhu... What about the lower levels?
  •   Ain: Nothing much. I did receive an important life lesson though.
  •   Elsword: ... Just what were everyone up to?
  •   Ciel: Anyway, it seems we've collected enough icerite, but I wonder if the machines are still safe after the mess.
  •   Ara: I believe so, since the machines at the center were fine? Oh! Where is Haivan?
  •   Ciel: Speaking of, I don't see him. How long was he gone?
  •   Winster: No... Did he get tangled up in the battle earlier...?!
  •   Haivan: What's up? Everyone ticking?
  •   Add: You act like you didn't run away as soon as everything happened.
  •   Haivan: Awww, what's that for? After all the time we've spent together!
  •   Ain: Haha, I suppose Mr. Kid's time run differently from ours?
  •   Haivan: I just thought it was best to create the energy capsules right away with the ground shaking like that.
  •   Haivan: If the refiner is broken, we have to stay here until we fix it, or build a new one, and we can't have that, can we?
  •   Winster: ... You are right. Good job, Haivan. But don't worry us.
  •   Winster: Now we can head to the portal. It's not that far, so let us hurry.
  •   Lu: ......
  •   Haivan: Father, I'll handle everything from here, so you should go back and rest. I just need to have them check, right?
  •   Winster: I will rest once everything's done.
  •   Haivan: ... Don't you trust me?
  •   Winster: That's not it. I've already told you how important this is to all of us.
  •   Haivan: ......
  •   Lu: ... Everyone listen.
  •   Lu: Once the portal is running, you should return to Elrios. I will stay here.
  •   Haivan: ... What?
  •   Elsword: What are you talking about Lu? I thought we already agreed not to do that.
  •   Lu: ... I'm sorry to go back on everyone's decison. But I didn't make this decision lightly. I've thought it over since I've suspected Aegirp's situation.
  •   Raven: Why did you make such a decision?
  •   Lu: Where do you think my home is? The demon realm is my home. I've already reached my destination.
  •   Lu: Since my goal was to reclaim my throne and punish Barkat, I have no reason to return to Elrianode.
  •   Add: So you're leaving since you've got everything you wanted?
  •   Lu: It seems that way. I'm suprised you're still here. I always thought you would be the first one to leave.
  •   Add: ... Hmph.
  •   Lu: So... I will help the villagers here, and revive the White-Ghost King. Then, I will go reclaim my throne.
  •   Lu: Since I have no idea how long this might take, I do not wish to involve you with my troubles.
  •   Lu: And I'm sure you've already felt this, but the demon realm is vast, and we have too little information. We can't always rely on luck to be on our side.
  •   Lu: So, doesn't it make sense that I, as someone who knows the demon realm best, act as your link to the demon realm?
  •   Ara: Lu... But it's so sudden.
  •   Haivan: Yeah, it's really sudden. Plus, we don't know what will happen when we operate the portal. We also need to move the White-King's soul some place safe...
  •   Lu: Hm? Why are you startled? It's not like I'm parting with you. And I'll take care of the soul. That's what we initially agreed on, anyway.
  •   Elsword: ... You agree too, Ciel?
  •   Ciel: No need to feel so sad. You're going to come back to the demon realm to find the Dark El, right?
  •   Lu: Don't worry, it's just a short farewell. When you come back, finding the Dark El will be like going on a picnic.
  •   Ciel: We're not saying goodbye forever. We'll meet again soon.
  •   Elsword: In that case... Alright.
  •   Elsword: I've never had to do anything like this, so I'm not sure what to say.
  •   Lu: We don't need to say anything. When you come back, you'll be stuck with us again.
  •   Eve: Both of you... Ugh... This noise...
  •   Elsword: Eve?! Are you alright?
  •   Chung: Were you injured?
  •   Eve: I'm fine. I wasn't injured in battle. I must have overexerted myself.
  •   Raven: ... We didn't have any opportunity to rest since we've come to the demon realm. With the environment changing so quickly, it's understandable that you're exhausted.
  •   Ciel: I guess this wasn't the right time to idly exchange goodbyes. You should return to Elrianode immediately.
  •   Haivan: ... Give me the gem.
  •   Haivan: You're in a hurry, right? I'll activate the power system so you can check right away.
  •   Aisha: (He's so cooperative all of a sudden. I thought he was going to object earlier.)
  •   Eve: I'm fine. There's no need to do this for my sake...
  •   Haivan: It's going to take forever and a half to explain how the portal works. It's faster if I do it myself.
  •   Haivan: I did say it might be dangerous, but it should work properly. You just need to come and check. Wouldn't this be easier for you as well?
  •   Elsword: Alright. If that's fine with you.
  •   Haivan: Leave it to me, I'm an expert!
  •   Haivan: Father, I'll take care of everything, so you go back and rest. Nichel? Take him back, ok?
  •   Winster: Haivan?
  •   Haivan: I'm leaving him in your care, ok?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470   N/A   N/A
ED 1,350,000   N/A   N/A
EP 15   N/A   N/A
AP 0

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