[Passive] Raven cancels a performed Shadow Step, causing Raven to lunge forward attacking anything he hit, knocking them down instantly.


Class Master SP Requirement Skill Requirement Requirement For
Sword Taker Lv.5 55 SP Shadow Step Shadow Thrust
Over Taker -
Weapon Taker Shadow Backslide

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required Damage(Physical)
1 40 451%
2 466%
3 41 480%
4 44 495%
5 47 510%

Skill Note

Name: Effective Thrusting (NA) / (효율적인 찌르기-"Efficient Thrust")

Description: 100% chance that Shadow Piercing will not knockdown.

Tips and Details

  • Shadow Piercing is activated by pressing Z or X during Shadow Step.
  • Shadow Piercing can not be activated instantly upon Shadow Step activation like Edan or Valak.
    • There is a short delay before Raven can cancel into Shadow Piercing.


  • 1/17/2013 KR
    • Increased skill note chance to 100%
    • No longer costs mana to use.

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