Títulos são itens que não ocupam espaço no inventario e podem ser equipados no menu do Personagem (U). Eles flutuam sobre sua cabeça e dão atributos únicos dependendo do título. Eles podem ser obtidos de diversas formas.

Lista de Títulos

  1. Títulos devem ser descobertos antes. Títulos não descobertos serão exibidos como "Desconhecido" na lista.
  2. Títulos descobertos podem ser obtidos se você cumprir os requisitos.
  • Ruben
Icone Título Descoberta Obtenção Atributos

Presente de Ann

Descoberto no início Complete a quest "[Campo] Poporu Ladrão"

Ataque Físico +12
Ataque Mágico +12

  Explorador El Descoberto no início Complete:
  • 1-1 (Normal)
  • 1-2 (Difícil)
  • 1-3 (Muito Difícil)

Ataque Físico +8
Ataque Mágico +8
Velocidade de Movimento +4%

  Matador de Poporus Alcance o nível 2 Derrote:

Ataque Físico +40
Ataque Mágico -20
HP +3%

  Caçador de Macacos Alcance o nível 3 Derrote o Macaco Rei 2 vezes no (Muito Difícil).

HP +2%
Velocidade de Salto +6%

|-| Elder=

Icone Título Descoberta Obtenção Atributos
  Pequena Luz da Esperança Complete 1-3 em qualquer dificuldade Complete 2-1 (Muito Difícil) com rank S

Ataque Mágico + 12
Defesa Mágica + 4
Crítico +2%

  Ladrão dos Ladrões

Complete 2-2 (Difícil)

Derrote Nasod Benders 4 vezes

Esquiva +1%
Velocidade de Movimento +2%

  Matador de Morcegos Complete 2-2 em qualquer dificuldade Derrote Morcego Rei 2 vezes Esquiva aumentada em 40% contra morcegos
  Revolução Complete todas as quests do capítulo 3 Complete 2-5 (Muito Difícil) dentro de 8 minutos

Duração do Despertar +4.5%
Velocidade de Carga do Despertar +5%
HP +3%

  Nasod Eater

com o título Destruidor de Segredos equipado:

Complete Laboratório Subterrâneo do Wally (Inferno) 199 vezes

Crítico +1%
Velocidade de Ataque +1%
Esquiva +2%
Dano aumentado em 15% contra o Inspetor Nasod
Esquiva aumentada em 15% contra o Inspetor Nasod
1% de chance de recuperar 45MP quando atacado

|-| Besma=

Icone Título Descoberta Obtenção Atributos
  Símbolo de Boa Sorte Alcance o nível 15

Use o item "Trevo de Quatro Folhas". Este item é obtido de:

  • Caixa de Cobre Desbotada
  • Caixa de Aço Sólido

Crítico +2%
Aumenta em 10% a quantidade de EDs obtidos (Calabouço)

  Afinidade ao Fogo Alcance o nível 15

Ataque Mágico +16
Defesa Mágica +6
+30% de resistência ao status Queimadura

  Perseguidor das Sombras Complete 3-3 (Difícil) Derrote 6 Guerreiro das Sombras (Muito Difícil)

Ataque Físico +24
Defesa Física +12
Velocidade de Movimento +4%
Crítico +1%
Esquiva +1%

  Capataz Complete 3-5 (Difícil) Complete 3-5 (Muito Difícil) com rank S

Ataque Físico +28
Ataque Mágico -12
+40% de resistência ao status Caos

  Destruidor Nasod Alcance o nível 18

Derrote os seguintes monstros na dificuldade (Muito Difícil)

Ataque Físico +16
Ataque Mágico +16
+20 pontos de resistência ao atributo Vento

  Assassino de Dragões

com o título Destruidor de Segredos equipado:

Complete Ninho de Dragões: Abismo (Inferno) 199 vezes

Crítico +2%
Velocidade de Ataque +1%
Dano aumentado em 15% contra o Dragão Esqueleto Ancestral
Esquiva aumentada em 15% contra o Dragão Esqueleto Ancestral
+50% de resistência ao status Queimadura

|-| Altera=

Icone Título Descoberta Obtenção Atributos

Alcance o nível 29
Complete 4-1 (Difícil)

Complete 4-1 (Muito Difícil) sofrendo menos de 10 hits

Ataque Físico +10
Ataque Mágico +10
Defesa Física -5
Defesa Mágica -5
Velocidade de Ataque +2%
Esquiva +2%

  Faxineiro Alcance o nível 32

Derrote 10 Alterasia
Derrote 100 Esporos de Alterasia

+20 pontos de resistência ao atributo Planta
+10% de resistência ao status Veneno

  Herói dos Pongos Complete 4-6 em qualquer dificuldade Complete 4-6 (Muito Difícil) duas vezes

Ataque Físico +10
Ataque Mágico +10
+10 pontos de resistência ao atributo Vento
Crítico +1%
HP +3%

  Supersônico Complete 4-6 (Muito Difícil) Complete 4-6 (Muito Difícil) em menos de 8 minutos

Velocidade de Movimento +3%
Velocidade de Salto +3%
Velocidade de Ataque +2%

  Destruidor de Segredos Alcance o nível 35

Complete 2-x 5 vezes em qualquer dificuldade
Complete 3-x 5 vezes em qualquer dificuldade
Complete 4-x 5 vezes em qualquer dificuldade

HP +2%
Ataque Físico +125
Ataque Mágico +125
Esquiva aumentada em 15% contra:

  • Inspetor Nasod
  • Dragão Esqueleto Ancestral
  • Alterasia Tipo-H
com o título Destruidor de Segredos equipado: Complete Túnel de Transporte: CA (Inferno) 199 vezes

Crítico +1%
Velocidade de Ataque +1%
Dano aumentado em 15% contra o Alterasia Tipo-H
Esquiva aumentada em 15% contra o Alterasia Tipo-H
+50% de resistência ao status Maldição

|-| Peyita=

Icone Título Descoberta Obtenção Atributos
  Salvador de Peyita Complete a quest "[Missão] O Extrator de Energia El" Complete X-1 (Muito Difícil) 5 vezes

Defesa Mágica +10
+20 pontos de resistência ao atributo Sombras

  Alma Forte Complete X-3 (Difícil) Derrote:

Ataque Mágico +12
Defesa Mágica +6
+16 pontos de resistência ao atributo Sombras
+10% de resistência ao status Maldição

  Jardineiro Violento Mate 50 Vinhas Mate 100 Vinhas

Ataque Físico +24
Defesa Física -10
Defesa Mágica -10
+20 pontos de resistência ao atributo Planta
Velocidade de Ataque +2%

  Matador de Demonios Complete X-6 (Difícil)

Derrote os seguintes monstros:

  • 20 Berd (Muito Difícil)
  • 250 Guilito Guardião
  • 250 Guilito Protetor
  • 250 Guilito Atirador
  • 250 Guilito Esmagador

Ataque Físico +44
Esquiva +2%
Duração do Despertar +6%
Dano aumentado em 15% contra Guilitos
-10 pontos de resistência ao atributo Sombras

|-| Velder=

Icone Título Descoberta Obtenção Atributos
  Worst Ride
Kill 1 Arc Glitter Spearman in 5-3

Kill the following monsters:

  • 250 Cockatrigles
  • 30 Polka

Ataque Físico +100
Ataque Mágico +100
Defesa Física -20
Defesa Mágica -20
Velocidade de Salto +6%
Velocidade de Movimento +6%

  Let's Runaway! Kill 20 Mana Eaters

Kill the following monsters:

  • 75 Mana eaters
  • 200 Blood eaters
  • 20 Spriggan
1% chance to get 150 MP when hit
  Speed Holic!

Obtain Supersonic Title
Clear 5-3 on Very Hard under 5 minutes

Clear the following dungeons on Very Hard:

  • 5-2 under 3 minutes and 30 seconds
  • 5-3 under 3 minutes and 50 seconds
  • 5-4 under 4 minutes and 10 seconds
  • 5-5 under 4 minutes and 30 seconds

Crítico +1%
Velocidade de Ataque +3%
Velocidade de Salto +1%
Velocidade de Movimento +1%

  Protect the Kingdom! Clear 5-1 with rank A or higher

Clear the following dungeons on Very Hard:

  • 5-1 with S rank
  • 5-2 with S rank
  • 5-3 with S rank
  • 5-4 with S rank
  • 5-5 with SS rank

Fire Resistance +50
Dark Resistance +50
Esquiva +2%

  Dark Elf Hunter! Kill Chloe 4 times on Very Hard

Kill the following monsters:

  • 300 Dark Elf Sentinels
  • 200 Kenaz
  • 20 Chloe on Very Hard
  • 30 Dark Nephilim on Very Hard

Ataque Físico +100
Ataque Mágico +100
Crítico +1%
+20% chance to evade Dark Elf Senitels, Kenaz attacks
+10% chance to evade Chloe, Dark Nephilim attacks

  Don't Stop Me! Step Aside! Kill the Invincible Vardon 2 times

Kill the following monsters:

  • 10 Nasod Guard: Elite Shield
  • 10 Glitter Shielders
  • 100 Glitter Protector
  • 200 Arc Glitter Defender
  • 50 Invincible Vardon

Deal 50% more damage against:

  • Nasod Guard: Elite
  • Glitter Shielder
  • Glitter Defender
  • Arc Glitter Defender
  • Invincible Vardon
  • Corrupt Nasod Guardian
  The Vandal Break 20 Barricades


  • 200 Barricades
  • 125 Siege cannons
  • 50 Siege Towers

Ataque Físico +100
Ataque Mágico +100
Precisão +4%

  Glitter Expedition
Kill Stealthy Morfos 5 times on Very Hard

Kill every miniboss in Velder area:

  • 45 Stealhy Morfos
  • 45 McGard the Blitzkrieg
  • 45 Invincible Vardon
  • 45 Sullen Joaquin

Ataque Físico +125
Ataque Mágico +125
Defesa Física +25
Defesa Mágica +25
Precisão +1%

  Bracelet Snatcher
Clear 5-1 75-100 times Kill Uno Hound once

Ataque Físico +75
Ataque Mágico+75
+40% chance to evade Dark Elf Sentinels' and Uno Hound's attacks

  Glitter Terminator

Obtain "Glitter Expedition"
Kill the following monsters:

  • 20 Arc Glitter Dashers
  • 5 Arc Glitter Snipers
  • 10 Arc Glitter Panzers
  • 5 Arc Glitter Commanders

Kill the following monsters:

  • 400 Arc Glitter Assassin
  • 400 Arc Glitter Dasher
  • 150 Arc Glitter Sniper
  • 200 Arc Glitter Panzer
  • 150 Glitter Commander

Ataque Físico +25
Ataque Mágico +25
Crítico +1%
Velocidade de Carga do Despertar+8%
HP +4%

  Illusion Breaker Clear Velder's Hallucination 199 times on hell mode

Crítico +1%
Velocidade de Ataque +1%
Confusion Resistance +50%
Panic Resistance +50%
Deal 15% more damage against Sullen Joaquin
15% chance to avoid Sullen Joaquin's attacks

|-| Hamel=

Icone Título Descoberta Obtenção Atributos
  I like fish! Clear 6-2 once
150 Piranha
100 Ancient Crab
150 Merman
100 Deep Sea Fish
40 Coral Serpent
+10% damage against Laguz, Merman, Deep Sea Fish, and Coral Serpent
Freezing Resistance +30%
  Imposter Terminator Clear 6-3 on Very Hard Fallen Chloe (0/50)
Bizarre Conrad (0/50)
Ataque Físico +200
Ataque Mágico +200
  Velder Dealer Clear 6-1 once
- Achieve S Rank in 6-1 on Very Hard
- Achieve S Rank in 6-2 onVery Hard
- Achieve SS Rank in 6-3 on Very Hard
Velocidade de Ataque +1%
Crítico +1%
HP +3%
  Get Rid of Weeds Kill 10 Black Flower
Kill 200 Black Flower Poison Resistance +250
  Golem Breaker Kill 10 Nasod Ancient Guards
125 Ancient Nasod Sentinel
100 Ancient Nasod Guard
100 Mini Ancient Nasod Sentinel
Ataque Físico +100
Ataque Mágico +100
Defesa Física +80
Crítico +1%
  Dandy Resiam

-Character must be able to enter Hamel
-Clear 1-1 10 times on any mode
-Clear 2-1 10 times on any mode
-Clear 3-1 10 times on any mode
-Clear 4-1 10 times on any mode
-Clear X-1 10 times on any mode

-Clear 1-1 once
-Clear 1-2 on Very Hard once
-Clear 1-3 on Very Hard once

All Elements Resistance +50

  Keke Keke~ Kill 100 Shadow Linker
Shadow Linker (0/1000) +100% damage when attacking Shadow Linker, Blood Linker, Mana Linker, Giant Linker
File:Famous Sailors.png Famous Sailors Sail from Velder to Hamel/ Hamel to Velder 78 times
Clear Velder's Pier 0/1 Velocidade de Movimento +6%
Velocidade de Salto +6%
Awakening Duration +9%
File:Knight Rescue Party.png Knight Rescue Party Rescue 50 Knights from spider cocoons
Rescue 500 Knights from spider cocoons +15% damage against Shadow Port Voider, Shadow Port Walker, Shadow Port Charger, Shadow Port Defender, Shadow Port Trickster
  Spiders of the North Kill Magmanta 5 times
1000 Mantaray
1000 Mantares
30 Magmanta
+10% damage against Mantaray, Mantares, and Magmanta
+30% Esquiva against Spider monsters
  Prison Break Break 100 Ice Traps
Break 1 Ice Trap

Ice Resistance +10%
Freezing Resistance +10%
Water Resistance +50

  Decent Food Feed 10 Old grade equipment to your pet
Feed 200 Old grade equipment to your pet All Elements Resistance +50
  Premium LOL Feed 1 Unique grade equipment to your pet
(You must also be level 50 or higher)
Feed 10 Unique grade equipment to your pet
Feed 30 Elite grade equipment to your pet
+2% elemental effect chance

(No effect if your weapon has two attributes)

  Deep Sea Diver Drown once
Kill 150 Deep Sea Fish Water Resistance +250
  Hamel's Seal Clear 6-2 in 10 minutes or lower on very hard

Clear 6-2 in 8 minutes 10 seconds or lower on very hard
Clear 6-2 in 8 minutes 45 seconds or lower on very hard by yourself

Velocidade de Ataque +4%
Precisão +4%
  Ice Graver Complete "Giant Spider" Story Quest
Ancient Iced Crab (0/250)
Hagalaz (0/500)
Chilling Hedghog (0/500)
Ice Stinger (0/50)
Avalanche (0/25)
+2% chance of Ice shock effect
+2% chance of blasting an Ice Sting attack (Dungeon)
+0.2% chance of inflicting Freezing effect
  That is SS Clear 6-1 on Very Hard - SS rank clear (0/3)
Clear 6-2 on Very Hard) - SS rank clear (0/5)
Clear 6-3 on Very Hard SS rank clear (0/7)
Clear 6-4 on Very Hard SS rank clear (0/15)
Clear 6-5 on Very Hard SS rank clear (0/22)
Clear 6-6 on Very Hard SS rank clear (0/30)
Clear 6-7 on Very Hard SS rank clear (0/35)
HP +5%
Velocidade de Carga do Despertar+5%
Duração do Despertar +7.5%
  Power of Splendor Mana Linker (0/1500)
Blood Linker (0/1500)
Shadow Port Trickster (0/1000)
Shadow Port Voider (0/800)
Solo 6-7 on Very Hard 150 rounds and cannot resurrect Ataque Físico +400
Ataque Físico +2%
  Magic of Splendor Kill Ran 100 times.
Ran in 6-7 of any difficulty will count toward this but the Rans in Henir will not.
Solo 6-7 on Very Hard and achieve all the following in single run:
- Clear within 25 minutes
- Achieve SS Rank
- Take 10 hit or less
Death voids all conditions on entire run
Ataque Mágico +400
Ataque Mágico +2%
  Sword of Splendor Giant linker (0/100)
Shadow Port Sniper (0/1000)
Shadow Port Defender (0/1000)
Shadow Port Walker (0/1000)
Shadow Port Charger (0/1000)
Kill the following:
Shadow Stinger (0/500)
Bobosse (0/500)
Conrad the Odd (0/500)
Corrupted Chloe (0/500)
Ran (0/500)
All versions of the mid-bosses count toward this title, including Henir versions in the Hamel Elite stage. However, Ran must be defeated in 6-7.
Ataque Físico +2%
Ataque Mágico +2%
Crítico +2%
Velocidade de Ataque +1%
Velocidade de Carga do Despertar+5%
Duração do Despertar +7.5%
2% chance of Lightning attack (Dungeon)

|-| Sander=

Icone Título Descoberta Obtenção Atributos
  Sander Explorer Clear 7-1 once on any difficulty
Kill Vegar Trock (0/50) Crítico +1%
Velocidade de Ataque +1%
  Band of Trock Kill Vegar Trock (0/200)
Clear 7-1 on any difficulty with SS 3 times
Add +10% Bonus damage against all Trock mobs (Dungeon)
HP +5%
  3000! Kill Rocky Trock (0/250) Kill Rocky Trock (0/300) Velocidade de Ataque +4.5%
Duração do Despertar +10.5%
  Harpy Harpy Kill Giant Garpai Harpy (0/150) Clear 7-2 any difficulty 10 times Add 10% Bonus Damage against all Harpy mobs (Dungeon)
Velocidade de Carga do Despertar5%
File:Wings of Steel.png Wings of Steel Clear 7-2 Very Hard with SS rank Clear 7-2 Very Hard within 4 minutes 10 seconds All Elemental Resistance +25
Crítico +2%
Velocidade de Carga do Despertar+5%
  Born to the Wind Complete Chapter 15 Story Quest Clear 7-4 Very Hard and achieved all the following:(0/5)
  • Clear within 4 Minutes
  • Achieve SS Rank
Velocidade de Ataque 2%
Esquiva 2%
Add 1% chance to create a Speed Aura (Increase Velocidade de Movimento 5%, Up to 3 party member) when attacked (Not Overlapped)
  BOMB Stopper Kill Trock Bomber 100 times Kill Trock Bomber 100 times Crítico 1%
Dano Adicional 1%
Fire Resistance +100
Add 2% Chance to summon a Trock Bomber when attacked
  Stand Alone Solo Clear each Sander Dungeon Very Hard 10 times. Clear each Sander Dungeon and achieved all the following:
  • Take 30 hit or less each dungeon
Velocidade de Movimento 8%
Esquiva 5%
  The Survivor Clear 7-3 Very Hard without consuming Resurrection Stone Clear 7-3 Very Hard without consuming Resurrection Stone 25 times Dano Reduzido 3%
HP 3%
Defesa Física +3%
Defesa Mágica +3%
  7 before 8 killed Clear 7-4 Very Hard with max consuming Resurrection Stone 7 times (will be accumulated) Kill Great Battle Chief Karu once on Very Hard Add 75% Chance to avoid all miniboss' attack in 7-4
Add 50% Bonus Damage against miniboss in 7-4
Add 33% chance to avoid all mobs attack in 7-4
Add 20% Bonus Damage against Great Battle Chief Karu
Add 25% Bonus Damage against all mobs in 7-4
(All effect cannot overlapped)
  Warrior of Storm(?) Kill Anger Sirape 1 time Kill Anger Sirape 9999 times Wind Resistance +50
Piercing Chance +4%
While attacking:
3% chance of additional Vibration hit(Dungeon Only)
3% chance of summoning Sand Storm(?)(Dungeon Only)
3% chance of summoning Tornado(?)(Dungeon Only)
  Evil Spirit of Sandstorm Solo clear 7-4 on Very Hard and achieve all the following (0/1):
  • Clear within 8 minutes
  • Achieve S Rank or higher
  • Take 30 hits or less
  • Clear without use of resurrection stones
Solo clear 7-4 on Very Hard and achieve all the following (0/1):
  • Clear within 5 minutes
  • Achieve SS Rank
  • Take 10 hits or less
  • Clear without use of resurrection stones

Crítico +3%
Dano Adicional +3%
Velocidade de Ataque +3%
Velocidade de Carga do Despertar+3%
While attacking, 5% chance of summoning a ghost (Dungeon Only)
  God of Death Clear 7-6 Very Hard and achieve all the following (0/10):
  • Take 0 hits
  • Achieve SS Rank
Defeat the following:
Any mobs in 7-6 (0/30,000)
Any mini-boss in 7-6 (0/4000)
Karis True Form (0/800)
While attacking:
3% chance of summoning Demon(?) Swords
3% chance of summoning Ghost(?) Swords
3% chance of summoning Spirit(?) Swords
  Airship Assault Incident Complete First Quest in Field on Chapter 16 Story Quest Clear 7-5 Very Hard 5 times Ataque Físico +250

Ataque Mágico +250
Defesa Física -75
Defesa Mágica -75

  Stop Movement Complete Second Quest in Chapter 16 Story Quest Clear 7-6 on any difficulty 10 times Add 3% chance to create the Falling Rock when attacking (Dungeon Only)

Piercing Effect +2% (if you use piercing)

  Time for Revenge Clear 7-5 or 7-6 Very Hard with consuming Resurrection Stone once

Clear 7-5 or 7-6 Very Hard 5 times

Clear 7-6 Very Hard without consuming Resurrection Stone 5 times Ataque Físico +75

Ataque Mágico +75 Dano Adicional +1% Crítico +1% Velocidade de Movimento +1%

  King of Destruction Acheive Lv 65

Obtain BOMB Stopper Title
Kill Seal Bomber 500 times

Kill Bomb Carrier 100 times and Seal Bomber 500 time in 7-6 on any difficulty Add 2% chance to creating the following effect:
  • Explode when attack
  • Flame struck

Burning Effect +2% (if you use burning)

  Supersonic Returns1
Clear 7-6 on Very Hard under 5 minutes Clear 7-6 Very Hard and achieve all the following :
  • Clear under 3 Minutes
  • Achieve SS Rank
  • Clear without use of resurrection stones
Velocidade de Ataque +7%
  Return to the Ruben Acheive Lv 65

Complete Chapter 16 Story Quest
Kill Tobu 50 times
(Can be found in Noah's Lake)

Clear 1-1 any difficulty 5 times All Stats (Except Velocidade de Carga do Despertarand Time) +1%
  100x Enriched Equipment Acheive Lv 70

Socketing Equipment Lv 60 or higher 2000 times
Enchanting Equipment Lv 60 or higher 500 times

Clear Henir's Time and Space any difficulty once All weapons Element attributes +1.5%

ED gain +10% (Dungeon)

|-| Especial=

Icon Title Type Discovery Obtain Stats
  El Search Party Valedictorian Special Title Kill El Search Party Master Lowe (Lord Knight Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Lowe 7 times in PVP Ataque Físico +100
Mega Slash Skill Level +1 (Dungeon)
Crítico +1%
Repair Discount +10% (Max 10%)
  Centurion Special Title Kill Red Knight Captain Penensio (Rune Slayer Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Penensio 25 times in PVP Ataque Físico +100
Ataque Mágico +100
Defesa Física +100
Defesa Mágica +100
Flame Resistance 100%
Ice Resistance 100%
  Break the Impregnable Special Title Kill Ice Princess Noah (Elemental Master Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Noah 25 times in PVP Crítico +3%
Dano Adicional +3%
  The Fallen Angkor Queen Special Title Kill Shadow Witch Speka (Void Princess Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Speka 15 times in PVP Dark Resistance +250
Velocidade de Movimento +5%
Velocidade de Salto +5%
  Combat Expert Special Title Kill Green Forest Lime (Wind Sneaker Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Lime 15 times in PVP Dano Adicional +2.5%
Dano Reduzido +12.5%
  Broken Arrow Special Title Kill Wind Shooter Amelia (Grand Archer Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Amelia 15 times in PVP Wind Resistance +250
Piercing Effect +1.5% (if you use piercing)
  Born to Blood Special Title Kill Blood Colonel Edan (Blade Master Epic NPC) in PVP Kill Edan 25 times in PVP When debuffed, MP regen per second +5
15% chance of inflicting Bleeding status when hit
Dano Adicional +4%
  Painkiller Special Title Kill Lord of Pain Valak (Reckless Fist Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Valak 40 times in PVP Dano Reduzido +10%
Damage increased by 1.5 times to enemies in down state (Dungeon)
5% chance to gain 7 MP when hit
  Souless Ego Special Title Kill Code Q-Proto_00 (Code Nemesis Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Q-Proto_00 40 times in PVP Velocidade de Carga do Despertar+20%
HP -50%
Actives, Special Actives, Buffs Skill Level +1
Max MP -33%
  Ancient History Special Title Kill Nasod Princess Apple (Code Empress Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Apple 10 times in PVP Ataque Mágico +100
Illusion Strike Skill +1 (Dungeon)
Velocidade de Ataque +1%
7% chance of Super Armor activating for 1 second when attacked (Dungeon)
  Returner Title Special Title Descoberto no início Login to the game after certain amount of time from last login and use the Returner Title item (30 days).
Based on the time from last login, you get returning items such as EXP medal and +5-7 timed Magic Scroll
Ataque Físico +50
Ataque Mágico +50
Crítico +2%
Velocidade de Ataque +3%
Velocidade de Movimento +1%
Velocidade de Salto +1%

June 26, 2013 (NA) Version:
Velocidade de Ataque +2% (Dungeon)
Critical +2% (Dungeon)
+1% Physical/Ataque Mágico (Dungeon)
Awakening Charge +5% (Dungeon)

  Dungeon Master
Special Title Achieve Lv50 Complete the Dungeon Master chain quest from Glaive, which is unlocked when acheiving Level 50. Consists of 3 parts. HP +2800
Ataque Físico +24
Ataque Mágico +24
Defesa Física +12
Velocidade de Ataque +1%
Damage increased by 2.5 times to enemies in down state (Dungeon)
  Henir's Transcender Special Title Descoberto no início Achieve 1st Rank in the monthly ranking of Henir Challenge Mode (Lasts for 60 days and is automatically received at 3 A.M. server time)

Ataque Físico Power +200
Ataque Mágico Power +200
Defesa Física Power +100
Defesa Mágica Power +100
A 2% chance of MP +10 when attacking (Dungeon)
Velocidade de Carga do Despertar+15%
Velocidade de Ataque +3%
Esquiva +3%
Precisão +4%
Dano Adicional +2%

File:HenirTimeandSpace.png Henir's Absolute Power Special Title Descoberto no início Achieve 2nd~10th Rank in the monthly ranking of Henir Challenge Mode (Lasts for 60 days and is automatically received at 3 A.M. server time)

Ataque Físico Power +125
Ataque Mágico Power +125
Defesa Física Power +50
Defesa Mágica Power +50
A 2% chance of MP +10 when attacking (Dungeon)
Velocidade de Carga do Despertar+10%
Velocidade de Ataque +2%
Esquiva + 2%
Precisão +2%
Add. Damage +1%

  Lord of Space Special Title Descoberto no início Achieve 1st Rank in the weekly ranking of Henir Challenge Mode (Lasts for 14 days and is automatically received at 3 A.M. server time)

Ataque Físico Power +150
Ataque Mágico Power +150
Defesa Física Power +60
Defesa Mágica Power +60
EXP received increases by 10% (Dungeon)
10% chance of MP +10 when hit
Crítico +3%
HP +10%
Velocidade de Ataque +2%

  Conqueror of Space Special Title Descoberto no início Achieve 2nd~10th Rank in the monthly ranking of Henir Challenge Mode (Lasts for 14 days and is automatically received at 3 A.M. server time)

Ataque Físico Power +125
Ataque Mágico Power +125
Defesa Física Power +50
Defesa Mágica Power +50
EXP received increases by 10% (Dungeon)
10% chance of MP +10 when attacked
Crítico +2%
HP +5%
Velocidade de Ataque +2%

  Destroyer of Space Special Title Descoberto no início Achieve 11th~100th Rank in the weekly ranking of Henir Challenge Mode (Lasts for 14 days and is automatically received at 3 A.M. server time)

Ataque Físico Power +75
Ataque Mágico Power +75
Defesa Física Power +30
Defesa Mágica Power +30
EXP received increases by 10% (Dungeon)
10% chance of MP +10 when attacked
Crítico +1%
Velocidade de Ataque +1%

  Lord of Time Special Title Descoberto no início Achieve 1st Rank in the daily ranking of Henir Challenge Mode (Lasts for 3 days and is automatically received at 3 A.M. server time)

Ataque Físico Power +125
Ataque Mágico Power +125
Defesa Física Power +50
Defesa Mágica Power +50
EXP received increases by 8% (Dungeon)
3% chance to slow for 3 seconds.
Crítico +2%
Velocidade de Movimento +9%
Velocidade de Salto +9%

  Conqueror of Time Special Title Descoberto no início Achieve 2nd~10th Rank in the daily ranking of Henir Challenge Mode (Lasts for 3 days and is automatically received at 3 A.M. server time)

Ataque Físico Power +100
Ataque Mágico Power +100
Defesa Física Power +40
Defesa Mágica Power +40
EXP received increases by 8% (Dungeon)
3% chance to slow for 3 seconds.
Crítico +1%
Velocidade de Movimento +6%
Velocidade de Salto +6%

  Destroyer of Time Special Title Descoberto no início Achieve 11th~100th Rank in the daily ranking of Henir Challenge Mode (Lasts for 3 days and is automatically received at 3 A.M. server time)

Ataque Físico Power +50
Ataque Mágico Power +50
Defesa Física Power +20
Defesa Mágica Power +20
EXP received increases by 8% (Dungeon)
3% chance to slow for 3 seconds.
Velocidade de Movimento +3%
Velocidade de Salto +3%

File:The Challenger.png The Challenger Special Title Descoberto no início Obtainable after completing the PvP Introduction Story Quests Velocidade de Ataque +3% (Match only)
Precisão +4% (Match only)

|-| Event=

Icon Title Type Discovery Obtain Stats
  Support Hamel! Event Title Descoberto no início Use the item "Help Hamel"

HP +2%

Ataque Mágico +16

Ataque Físico +16

  ? Event Title Descoberto no início Participate in Elsword vs Bubble Fighter Round 2 events ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
File:TheRage.png The Rage Event Title Descoberto no início 10 days title obtained during release of Anger of Raven (15 days in NA) 20% chance of activating Super Armor for 3 seconds when attacked (Dungeon)
20% chance of damage received being reduced by 75% (Dungeon)
10% chance of inflicting double damage
  Sword of Vitality Event Title Descoberto no início 10 days title obtained during release of Way of the Sword (15 days in NA) Velocidade de Ataque +5% (Dungeon)
Velocidade de Movimento +10% (Dungeon)
  Sword of Destruction Event Title Descoberto no início 10 days title obtained during release of Way of the Sword (15 days in NA) +10% chance of activating a defense shield that absorbs 99% damage (Deactivates after 3 hits or 15 seconds) (Dungeon)
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title Descoberto no início Purchase 2NE1 avatar packages (titles are also obtainable from market as it is tradable) ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  Rebirth Event Title Obtain Iron Paladin or Deadly Chaser during the release event.

Ataque Físico +50

Ataque Mágico +50

Velocidade de Ataque +2%

Velocidade de Carga do Despertar+3%

HP +2955

  Warrior of Demon Invasion Event Title Descoberto no início Complete the daily quest given by Ariel during the Gates of Darkness release event. Ataque Físico +200
Ataque Mágico +200
Velocidade de Ataque +2%
Crítico +2%
  ? Event Title Descoberto no início ? HP +1000
Ataque Físico +50
Magic Attack +50
Defesa Física +20
Magic Defense +20
Velocidade de Ataque +1%
Critical Rate +1%
  ? Event Title Descoberto no início ? HP +1000
Ataque Físico +50
Magic Attack +50
Defesa Física +20
Magic Defense +20
Velocidade de Ataque +1%
Critical Rate +1%
  ? Event Title Descoberto no início ? HP +1000
Ataque Físico +50
Magic Attack +50
Defesa Física +20
Magic Defense +20
Velocidade de Ataque +1%
Critical Rate +1%
  ? Event Title Descoberto no início ? HP +1000
Ataque Físico +50
Magic Attack +50
Defesa Física +20
Magic Defense +20
Velocidade de Ataque +1%
Critical Rate +1%
  ? Event Title Descoberto no início ? HP +1000
Ataque Físico +50
Magic Attack +50
Defesa Física +20
Magic Defense +20
Velocidade de Ataque +1%
Critical Rate +1%
  Protector of Elarbor Event Title ? ? Velocidade de Ataque +2%
+1% of inflicting poisoning effect
Poison Resistance +25
  Peace Maker Event Title Descoberto no início Obtained during the 2011 Harmony Festival Event. No Effects
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  Happy Merry Christmas Event Title Descoberto no início Use the "Happy Merry Christmas" title item

HP +1200

Ataque Físico +100

Ataque Mágico +100

Crítico +2%

2% chance of inflicting Cold Shock effect

  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  Elsword in Wonderland Event Title Descoberto no início Use "Elsword in Wonderland" title item acquired from purchasing Wonderland Full Set Costume Package (NA) Ataque Físico +50
Ataque Mágico +50
Velocidade de Ataque +3%
Awaken Charge Speed +3%
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
File:Pas.png Passionate Touch Event Title ? Use "Passionate Touch" title item obtained from Silver and Steel boxes Crítico +4%
ED received +10% (Dungeon)
EXP received +5% (Dungeon)
File:Coolel.png Cool Elrios Bay Event Title ? Use "Cool Elrios Bay" title item acquired from purchasing Summer Beach Set Premium Full Package (NA)
Ataque Físico +28
Ataque Mágico +28
Crítico +1%
Velocidade de Ataque +2%
Fire Resistance +30
Water Resistance +30
  ? Event Title ? ? ?
  Warrior of Velder Event Title ? ? Ataque Físico +40
Ataque Mágico +40
Crítico +1%
Velocidade de Movimento +4%
Velocidade de Salto +4%
  Luto's Contract Event Title Descoberto no início

Ataque Físico +65

Ataque Mágico +65

Defesa Física +20

Defesa Mágica +20

All Elements Resistance +40

  Blessings of the Trees Event Title Descoberto no início

Ataque Físico +20

Ataque Mágico +20

HP +2%

Crítico +2%

Earth Resistance +40

  110 Rescuer Event Title Descoberto no início
Available from an old event, where if you bought the 110 lifes pack you would get it for 15 days
Defesa Física +50

Defesa Mágica +50

HP +15%

Esquiva +5%

All Elements Resistance+30

  V.I.P. Event Title Descoberto no início Obtained by purchasing the VIP package in the Cash Shop
Ataque Físico +28
Ataque Mágico +28
Defesa Física +10
Defesa Mágica +10
Crítico +3%
Velocidade de Movimento +1%
Velocidade de Salto +1%
  Majestic White Tiger Event Title Descoberto no início Obtained by completing the 2010 event
Ataque Físico +40
Ataque Mágico +40
Crítico +2%
Velocidade de Movimento +4%
  Elsword 2nd Year Event Title Descoberto no início 2nd year Anniversary Event HP +2222
Ataque Físico +22
Ataque Mágico +22
Defesa Física +22
Defesa Mágica +22
Velocidade de Ataque +2%
Velocidade de Movimento +2%
Velocidade de Salto +2%
Precisão +2%
Esquiva +2%
All Elements Resistance +22
  Edge Style Event Title Descoberto no início ? Ataque Físico +48
Ataque Mágico +48
Defesa Física +16
Defesa Mágica +16
Esquiva +2%
Velocidade de Ataque +3%
  Rich harvesting Season Event Title Descoberto no início ? Ataque Físico +40
Ataque Mágico +40
Defesa Física +20
Defesa Mágica +20
??? +10%
HP +2%
Velocidade de Ataque +2%
  Ocean Outlaw Event Title Descoberto no início Obtained by purchasing the Premium Pirate Package from the Cash Shop
Ataque Físico +20
Ataque Mágico +20
Defesa Física +20
Defesa Mágica +20
Velocidade de Movimento +3%
Velocidade de Salto +3%
Velocidade de Ataque +3%
Water Resistance +40
  Lord of Dawn
Event Title Descoberto no início Collect 100 Ice Fragments from Ice Burners, and trade them for the Lord of Dawn title item at any Alchemist. Right click to obtain it. Ataque Físico +32
Ataque Mágico +32
Defesa Física +20
Defesa Mágica +20
Light Resistance +30
Esquiva +2%
Velocidade de Ataque +1%
HP +2%
  Dominator or Trials -William- Event Title Descoberto no início Obtained as a reward for completing the post-henrir challenge mode event. (Cannot be obtained anymore) Ataque Físico +32
Ataque Mágico +32
Defesa Física +10
Defesa Mágica +10
EXP received +5% (Dungeon)
Crítico +1%
Velocidade de Ataque +1%
  Immortal Fighting Spirit Event Title Descoberto no início Obtained as a random item from Ice Burners. Can be bought from shops in the Free Market.
Ataque Físico +48
Ataque Mágico +48
Fire Resistance +40
Crítico +3%
Velocidade de Carga do Despertar+5%
Fire Effect +2%
  Valentine's Star Event Title Descoberto no início 2009 Valentines Event. Ataque Físico +16
Ataque Mágico +16
Defesa Física +8
Defesa Mágica +8
Max Awaken Time +5s
Velocidade de Carga do Despertar+5%
Crítico +2%
  Valentine's Messenger Event Title Descoberto no início 2009 Valentines Event.
Ataque Físico +20
Ataque Mágico +20
Defesa Física +8
Defesa Mágica +8
Duração do Despertar +5s
Velocidade de Carga do Despertar+5%
Esquiva +2%
  New Year's Determination Event Title Descoberto no início ? Ataque Físico +20
Ataque Mágico +20
Defesa Física +10
Defesa Mágica +10
Esquiva +1%
  Settler of Elios Event Title Descoberto no início Obtained by playing Elsword beta, and the first few weeks of a new server opening.
Ataque Físico +20
Ataque Mágico +20
Crítico +2%
Velocidade de Movimento +3%
Velocidade de Ataque +1%
  Lord of Coldness Event Title Descoberto no início Collect 100 Ice Fragments from Ice Burners, and trade them for the Ice Title item at any Alchemist. Right click to obtain it.
Ataque Físico +40
Ataque Mágico +40
Defesa Física +20
Defesa Mágica +20
Ice Resistance +20
Crítico +2%
Velocidade de Ataque +1%
1% chance to inflict Cold Mist when attacking
  Infinite Spirit Event Title Descoberto no início '300 days of Elsword since it started' event. (Cannot be obtained anymore)
Ataque Físico +16
Ataque Mágico +16
Defesa Física +6
Defesa Mágica +6
HP +3%
ED received (Dungeon) +10%
  Elsword 200th Day Event Title Descoberto no início
'200 days of Elsword since it started' event. (Cannot be obtained anymore)
Ataque Físico +15
Ataque Mágico +15
  12th Warrior Event Title Descoberto no início

Velocidade de Ataque +2%

Velocidade de Movimento +12%

Velocidade de Salto +12%

|-| KR Only=

Icon Title Type Discovery Obtain Stats
File:Explorer.png El Explorer Event Title Descoberto no início Participate in testing field map system Velocidade de Ataque +2%, Critical Rate +2%

|-| Event (NA Only)=

Icon Title Obtain Stats
File:Pioneer's Spirit Title.png Pioneer's Spirit Exclusive Title given to CBT players Ataque Físico +20
Ataque Mágico +20
Velocidade de Ataque +1%
Velocidade de Movimento +2%
File:Ham.png Hamel's White Wolf Use the "Hamel's White Wolf" title item from Mailbox during Chung Release Event Ataque Físico +100
Ataque Mágico +100
Crítico +2%
Velocidade de Ataque +1%
Velocidade de Carga do Despertar+5%
File:Trials of Elsword Title.png Trials of Elsword Discover all social features in Trials of Elsword Ataque Físico +20
Ataque Mágico +20
Defesa Física +10
Defesa Mágica +10
Esquiva +1%
File:AX Shout Out Title.png AX Shout Out Use the exclusive Anime Expo Coupon for attendees Ataque Físico +25
Ataque Mágico +25
Defesa Física +10
Defesa Mágica +10
Esquiva +1%
  AX Shout Out (2012 Version) Use the exclusive Anime Expo Coupon for attendees Ataque Físico +250
Ataque Mágico +250
Defesa Física +100
Defesa Mágica +100
Esquiva +10%
(Note: Stats have been temporarily boosted for a time period)
File:QuizQuiz Title.png QuizQuiz Use the QuizQuiz (30 Days) title item. Ataque Físico +150
Ataque Mágico +150
Crítico +2%
Velocidade de Carga do Despertar+8%
Velocidade de Movimento +2%
Esquiva +2%
File:Change Your Password Title.png Change Your Password Title Use the Change Your Password Promotional Title (30 Days) title item Ataque Físico +150
Ataque Mágico +150
Crítico +2%
Velocidade de Ataque +2%
File:Elympics Title.png Elympics Use the Elympics (15 Days) title item Ataque Físico +100
Ataque Mágico +100
Defesa Física +50
Defesa Mágica +50
Crítico +3% (Dungeon)
File:Master of Hamel Monsters Title.png Master of Hamel Monsters Use the Master of Hamel Monsters Title (30 Days) title item Ataque Físico +100
Ataque Mágico +100
Crítico +2%
Velocidade de Ataque +1%
+5% chance of reducing damage by 100% from nearby Hamel monsters (Dungeon)
File:Title Conquer Inspector.png Conquer the Secret Dungeon - Wally's Underground Laboratory Conquer the Secret Dungeon - Wally's Underground Laboratory (1 Day) Velocidade de Ataque +5%
Crítico +5%
Physical / Ataque Mágico * 1.5 when in 2-x
File:Title Conquer Dragon.png Conquer the Secret Dungeon - Dragon Nest: Abyss Conquer the Secret Dungeon - Dragon Nest: Abyss (1 Day) Velocidade de Ataque +5%
Crítico +5%
Physical / Ataque Mágico * 1.5 when in 3-x
File:Title Conquer TypeH.png Conquer the Secret Dungeon - Transporting Tunnel: CA Conquer the Secret Dungeon - Transporting Tunnel: CA (1 Day) Velocidade de Ataque +5%
Crítico +5%
Physical / Ataque Mágico * 1.5 when in 4-x
File:Title Conquer Joaquin.png Conquer the Secret Dungeon - Velder's Hallucination Conquer the Secret Dungeon - Velder's Hallucination (1 Day) Velocidade de Ataque +5%
Crítico +5%
Physical / Ataque Mágico * 1.5 when in 5-x
File:Greenlight Elsword (B&W).png Greenlight Elsword (B&W) Use "Greenlight Elsword (B&W) (14 Days)" title item No stats
File:Greenlight Elsword (Bronze).png Greenlight Elsword (Bronze) Use "Greenlight Elsword (Bronze) (14 Days)" title item Crítico +2%
Velocidade de Ataque +2%
File:Greenlight Elsword (Silver).png Greenlight Elsword (Silver) Use "Greenlight Elsword (Silver) (14 Days)" title item Crítico +3%
Velocidade de Ataque +3%
1% chance of inflicting double damage

AFTER 11/21/2012 UPDATE:
Crítico +1.5%
Velocidade de Ataque +1.5%

File:Greenlight Elsword (Gold).png Greenlight Elsword (Gold) Use the "Greenlight Elsword (Gold) (14 Days)" title item Crítico +4%
Velocidade de Ataque +4%
2% chance of inflicting double damage

AFTER 2/13/2013 UPDATE:
Crítico +2%
Velocidade de Ataque +2%

  Demon Invasion Warrior Use "Demon Invasion Warrior" title item
Note: Title has temporary boosted stats as a promo event for Gate of Darkness revamp (NA Edition).
Ataque Físico +200
Ataque Mágico +200
Crítico +10%
Velocidade de Ataque +10%
File:WondersofTimeandSpace.png Wonders of Time and Space Use "Wonders of Time and Space" (1 Day) title item obtained from "An Invitation from Luto" Event quest available during Henir Revamp Promo (NA Edition). Crítico +10% (Dungeon)
Velocidade de Carga do Despertar+10% (Dungeon)
Addtional Damage +10% (Dungeon)
Dano Reduzido +10% (Dungeon)
A 10% chance of MP +10 when attacked. (Dungeon)
File:Tag Beginner.png Elsword Tag Mode (Beginner) Obtained after logging in during the Tag Mode Event Critical Hit +0.5%
Velocidade de Ataque +0.5%
Precisão +0.5%
Esquiva +0.5%
Velocidade de Movimento +0.5%
Velocidade de Salto +0.5%
File:Tag Novise.png Elsword Tag Mode (Novice) Obtained after obtaining 10 Tag Points during the Tag Mode Event Critical Hit +1%
Velocidade de Ataque +1%
Precisão +1%
Esquiva +1%
Velocidade de Movimento +1%
Velocidade de Salto +1%
File:Expert title TAG.png Elsword Tag Mode (Expert) Obtained after obtaining 100 Tag Points during the Tag Mode Event Critical Hit +2%
Velocidade de Ataque +2%
Precisão +2%
Esquiva +2%
Velocidade de Movimento +2%
Velocidade de Salto +2%
File:Tag Master.png Elsword Tag Mode (Master) Obtained after obtaining 500 Tag Points during the Tag Mode Event Critical Hit +4%
Velocidade de Ataque +4%
Precisão +4%
Esquiva +4%
Velocidade de Movimento +4%
Velocidade de Salto +4%
  Elsword Tag Mode (Hero) Obtained after obtaining 2000 Tag Points during the Tag Mode Event Critical Hit +8%
Velocidade de Ataque +8%
Precisão +8%
Esquiva +8%
Velocidade de Movimento +8%
Velocidade de Salto +8%
File:Heart Passion M.png Heart of Passion (M) Available to Elswords during the 2013 NA Valentine's Day event. Critical Hit +3%
Dano Adicional +3%
File:Heart Passion F.png Heart of Passion (F) Available to female characters during the 2013 NA Valentine's Day event. Critical Hit +3%
Dano Adicional +3%
File:Heart Purity M.png Heart of Purity (M) Available to Chungs during the 2013 NA Valentine's Day event. Critical Hit +3%
Dano Adicional +3%
File:Heart Purity F.png Heart of Purity (F) Available to female characters during the 2013 NA Valentine's Day event. Critical Hit +3%
Dano Adicional +3%
File:Heart Story M.png Heart of Story (M) Available to Ravens during the 2013 NA Valentine's Day event. Critical Hit +3%
Dano Adicional +3%
File:Heart Story F.png Heart of Story (F) Available to female characters during the 2013 NA Valentine's Day event. Critical Hit +3%
Dano Adicional +3%
File:Heart Lonely.png Very Lonely Heart Available to players during the 2013 NA Valentine's Day event after completing an event quest from Lowe. Critical Hit +3%
Dano Adicional +3%
  Looking For Guild! Use the item, Looking for Guild! Ataque Físico +32
Ataque Mágico +32
HP +3%
Precisão +2%
File:Artillery Support.png Artillery Support Automatically obtained for 15 Days when you log in during Shelling Guardian's pre-release events Ataque Físico +1% (Dungeon)
Ataque Mágico +1% (Dungeon)
Critical +1% (Dungeon)
1% Chance of activating Mark of Commander when attacking (Dungeon and Not Overlapped)
File:The Faithful Adventurer.png The Faithful Adventurer Use the Faithful Adventurer item (1 Day) Critical +1% (Dungeon)
Velocidade de Ataque +1% (Dungeon)
Dano Reduzido +1% (Dungeon)
Dano Adicional +1% (Dungeon)
File:Rookie Halloween Fashion Designer.png Rookie Halloween Fashion Designer Use Rookie Halloween Fashion Designer Title Item (15 Days) given at the NA 2013 Halloween Event Ataque Físico +50
Ataque Mágico +50
Defesa Física +50
Defesa Mágica +50
Critical +2%
Velocidade de Ataque +2%
Dano Reduzido +2%
Dano Adicional +2%
File:Legendary Halloween Fashion Designer.png Rookie Halloween Fashion Designer Use Rookie Halloween Fashion Designer Title Item (15 Days) given at the NA 2013 Halloween Event Ataque Físico +100
Ataque Mágico +100
Defesa Física +100
Defesa Mágica +100
Critical +3%
Velocidade de Ataque +3%
Dano Reduzido +3%
Dano Adicional +3%

|-| ID Only=

Icon Title Type Discovery Obtain Stats
  Ramadan Title Event Title Descoberto no início Obtained after logging in during the Ramadhan Event Curse Resistance +50% (Dungeon)
Poison Resistance +50%
Dano Adicional +61
Dano Reduzido +61
  Lebaran Title Event Title Descoberto no início Obtained after logging in during the Lebaran Event

Ataque Físico +15
Ataque Mágico +15
Critical +1%
Velocidade de Ataque +1%

General Guides
Character Progression
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