• English



  Korean Server   North American Server
  • 01/19/2023 - 02/16/2023
  • 09/06/2023 - 10/03/2023


Sanctus Seraphim (Black)
Character South Korea North America International Japan Taiwan China Europe
Elsword Yes No
Aisha Yes No
Rena Yes No
Raven Yes No
Eve Yes No
Chung Yes No
Ara Yes No
Elesis Yes No
Add Yes No
Lu Yes No
Ciel Yes No
Rose Yes No
Ain Yes No
Laby Yes No
Noah Yes No

Set List

Image Name Stats
[Sanctus Seraphim (Black)]
  Sanctus Seraphim Wing Hair

Costume Hair:
Physical Attack +30
Magical Attack +30
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20

Critical +2%
Action Speed +2%

  Sanctus Seraphim Hair
  Sanctus Seraphim Top Piece

Costume Top:
Physical Attack +45
Magical Attack +45
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10

Damage Reduction 3%
HP +2%

  Sanctus Seraphim Bottom Piece

Costume Bottom:
Physical Attack +45
Magical Attack +45
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10

Critical +2%
Action Speed +2%

  Sanctus Seraphim Gloves

Costume Gloves:
Physical Attack +30
Magical Attack +30
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10

HP +2%
Resistance to All Attributes +10

  Sanctus Seraphim Shoes

Costume Shoes:
Physical Attack +30
Magical Attack +30
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10

Movement Speed +4%
Resistance to All Attributes +10

[Sanctus Seraphim (Black)]
  Sanctus Seraphim Weapon

Costume Weapon:
Physical Attack +150
Magical Attack +150

Critical Damage +5%
Maximize +2%

  Sanctus Seraphim : Brilliant Halo

Face Accessory (Top):
Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25
Physical Defense +15
Magical Defense +15

Awakening Duration +3%
Maximize +2%

  Sanctus Seraphim : Three Pairs of Wings

Accessory (Top Piece):
Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25
Physical Defense +15
Magical Defense +15

Action Speed +2%
Add. Damage +2%

  Sanctus Seraphim : Trace of a Sanctum

Accessory (Bottom Piece):
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20

Add. Damage +2%
Damage Reduction 2%

Set Effects

Type [Sanctus Seraphim (Black)] [Sanctus Seraphim (Black)]
2 Piece Effect Maximize +6%
Damage Reduction 5%
Physical Attack +3%
Magical Attack +3%
3 Piece Effect N/A Critical Damage +4%
All Skill Damage +4%
4 Piece Effect Critical Damage +5% - When attacking, 3% chance to activate   Self BuffSword of Betrayal effect. Increase All Skill Damage by 5% for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 30 seconds) (Dungeon)
- When attacking, 3% chance to activate   Self BuffSword of Betrayal effect. Increase All Skill Damage by 5% for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds) (Match)
- When attacked, 3% chance to activate   Self BuffDarkness of Corruption. Increase Damage Reduction by 5% for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 30 seconds) (Dungeon)
- When attacked, 3% chance to activate   Self BuffDarkness of Corruption. Increase Damage Reduction by 5% for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds) (Match)
- Upon using Special Actives, 3% chance to activate   Self BuffShadow of Redemption effect. Recover 20 MP per second for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 30 seconds) (Dungeon)
- Upon using Special Actives, 3% chance to activate   Self BuffShadow of Redemption effect. Recover 2 MP per second for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds) (Match)
5 Piece Effect Damage Reduction 4%
All Skill Damage +5%

Related Items

Image Item Name Description
  Sanctus Seraphim (Black) <Part> Cube A cube that contains a Sanctus Seraphim (Black) <Part>. Acquire the item for your active character. Lu/Ciel's Costume will depend on the active character.


Set Appearance


Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 상투스 세라핌 (흑) Sanctus Seraphim (Black)

Find the Hedgehog

  Eligos (White)

  Shaviana Truffles (Black)

  Horde of Darkness (Crimson)

  Sanctus Seraphim (Black)

Treasure Hunt

  Radiant Flower (Black)

  Mariposa Requiem (White)

  Chess - Arena (Black)

  Black Dragon: Servius

  White Mass


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