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Set List

Image Name Description Stats
[Novel Academy]


Novel Academy Hair - (Prologue/Epilogue) Hair for novelist wannabes. How should this story begin?

Hair for novelist wannabes. Don't you want to know how this story ends?

Costume Hair:

Physical Attack +15
Magical Attack +15
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20

Action Speed +1%
Awakening Charge Speed +3%



Novel Academy Top Piece - (Prologue/Epilogue) A top piece for novelist wannabes. How should this story begin?

A top piece for novelist wannabes. Don't you want to know how this story ends?

Costume Top:

Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense +15
Magical Defense +15

MP Recovery Attacking +1.5%
Awakening Charge Speed +2%



Novel Academy Bottom Piece - (Prologue/Epilogue) A bottom piece for novelist wannabes. How should this story begin?

A bottom piece for novelist wannabes. Don't you want to know how this story ends?

Costume Bottom:

Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense +15
Magical Defense +15

Critical +1.5%
Awakening Duration +2.25%



Novel Academy Gloves - (Prologue/Epilogue) Gloves for novelist wannabes. How should this story begin?

Gloves for novelist wannabes. Don't you want to know how this story ends?

Costume Gloves:

Physical Attack +15
Magical Attack +15
Physical Defense +15
Magical Defense +15

Awakening Duration +0.75%
Maximize +1%



Novel Academy Shoes - (Prologue/Epilogue) Shoes for novelist wannabes. How should this story begin?

Shoes for novelist wannabes. Don't you want to know how this story ends?

Costume Shoes:

Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10

Critical +1%
Awakening Duration +0.75%



Novel Academy Sword / Blade / Claymore / Dynamo / Sickle - (Prologue/Epilogue) A fountain pen for the first lesson. Let's think about what to write today.

A fountain pen for the first lesson. Let's complete a poem today.

Costume Weapon:

Physical Attack +25
Magical Attack +25
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20

Critical +2%
HP Increase +1.5%

Novel Academy Staff / Bow / Cannon / Spear / Gunblade / Mirror - (Prologue/Epilogue) A manuscript for the first lesson. Let's write down a rough draft.

A manuscript for the first lesson. Let's read what you have written today.

Novel Academy Drone / Gun - (Prologue/Epilogue) A stationary set for the first lesson. This is all you need to get going.

A stationary set for the first lesson. This is all you need until the lesson is over.

Novel Academy Claw - (Prologue/Epilogue) Gloves for the first lesson. It helps to keep your hands clean.

Gloves for the first lesson. Getting a bit of ink on your hands is fine.

Novel Academy Pendulum - (Prologue/Epilogue) An inkpot for the first lesson. Close it tight to keep the ink from drying up.

An inkpot for the first lesson. You don't have to worry about the ink drying up from your first letter, to your last.



Novel Academy Beret - (Prologue/Epilogue) A hat for novelist wannabes. The protagonist for this story is.....

A hat for novelist wannabes. The protagonist for the next story is.....

Costume Face Accessory (Top):

Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10

Action Speed +1%
Awakening Charge Speed +3%



Novel Academy Glasses - (Prologue/Epilogue) Glasses for novelist wannabes. The research for this story is airtight.

Glasses for novelist wannabes. It's time to start researching for the next story.

Costume Face Accessory (Middle):

Physical Attack +15
Magical Attack +15
Physical Defense +15
Magical Defense +15

Critical +1%
Awakening Duration +2.25%

Set Effects

Type [Novel Academy]
2 Piece Effect
  • Movement Speed +1%
  • Additional Damage +1.5%
4 Piece Effect
  • Critical +1.5%
  • Awakening Duration +2.25%
5 Piece Effect
  • Critical +3%
  • Maximize +2.5%


Set Appearance

Weapon Appearance

Information: This page/section is missing some pictures. Please help contribute by uploading the appropriate images!


  • The hairstyle for characters of the same gender is the same except for two minor differences: the styling direction of the bangs, and the styling direction and height of the cowlick.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea ??? Lord Academy
  Japan ノベルアカデミー(プロローグ/モノローグ) Novel Academy (Prologue/Monologue)
  Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) 諾布爾學院 (後記/序言) Noble Academy (Postscript/Foreword)
  China (Simplified Chinese) 小说学院 Novel Academy