Noah 5:What Needed to Change
Noah 6:Guilt

[Noah] Chapter 5: What Needed to Change

In a shocking twist, Noah finds out the real culprit, and realizes that he didn't fix everything like he thought in the previous loop.

 Enemy Within
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the What He Wanted to Knock story quest

Noah realizes something must have gone wrong from the situation at camp. Yuria, injured, tells a shocking story.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  •   Camper 2: Ugh... gah, cough! Cough!
  •   Noah: It's dark already. Is it because I spent time going through the door?
  •   Noah: But something's wrong. Yuria should be here. Why is the camp like this? Did something go wrong?
  •   Yuria: Ugh... huu... huu... Dummy... I'm such an idiot!
  •   Noah: Yuria!
  •   Yuria: You...? You're ok.
  •   Noah: Thanks to you. What happened here? Did you fail to lift the curse?
  •   Yuria: Ha, haha. It's a curse alright. But it's not a curse from the temple.
  •   Yuria: It was Titania's. Titania was a traitor!
  •   Noah: What? What are you talking about? Isn't Titania your sister? Why would she...
  •   Yuria: Heh... But when I hurried outside after your warning, I saw Titania casting the curse with my own eyes.
  •   Yuria: I don't want to believe it either. But it's already... Ugh!
  •   Noah: Oh no... Are you alright? What happened to Titania?
  •   Yuria: She disappeared. I guess she thought I'd be taken out by monsters.
  •   Yuria: Leader of the camp my butt...! If only I didn't use all my power... No, before that, if only I listened to Grandad Kuenbaren...!
  •   Noah: Calm down. We should save the cursed people first. You rest here, I'll go look for the cure.
  •   Yuria: The cure... Oh, right... You mentioned it. That Moonflower should... work...
  •   Yuria: ... Titania must have gone to get rid of them...! It's not too late. If we hurry, we can... Agh!
  •   Noah: You stay here. I'll go get the flowers. And...
  •   Noah: When I return with the flowers, will you remove the seal on my weapon?
  •   Yuria: Seal? Oh... That ancient looking weapon... Give it to me.
  •   Noah: Huh? But last time you said you don't do this kind of service everyday...
  •   Yuria: Of course, it's not for free. You just seem like the type who returns the favor. Then, it's probably in my best interest for you to owe me one.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • (SHHIIN)
  •   Yuria: Anyway, this weapon...
  •   Noah: The seal wasn't removed completely, right? There should be two. Can you just remove the first one?
  •   Yuria: Oh? Is it supposed to be like this? But the first spell... Hm...
  •   Noah: Is something wrong?
  •   Yuria: I did manage to remove the seal, but it's reacting slowly. Like it's not being removed right away. It's going to take some time before it's completely removed.
  •   Noah: Oh...
  •   Noah: (Why is that? Did going to Clamor's past, somehow affect the seal?)
  •   Noah: What if it's never removed completely? What do I do?
  •   Yuria: Don't worry! It's just reacting slowly. It's essentially just going through a synchronization process. It's a bit too complicated to explain... but it should be fine!
  •   Noah: If you say so... Alright. Thank you.
  •   Yuria: I'm glad you seem to be feeling better. Did my advice help at all?
  •   Noah: Yes, thank you. But, um... I'd rather you forget about it...
  •   Yuria: I'll try. And if you're really grateful, you should tell me after you come back.
  •   Yuria: How you know my name, my sister's, and the fact that I can remove seals.
  •   Noah: Oh, that's...
  •   Yuria: I told you I'm nosy, didn't I. You better be prepared, nameless traveler.
  •   Noah: Ok. Um... My name is Noah.
  •   Noah: Noah Ebalon. Won't you remember my name?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 8,926,758   Intermediate Explorer Armor Cube x1   N/A
ED 3,119,400   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Righting the Wrong
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Enemy Within story quest

Though he thought he fixed everything, he actually hasn't. But Noah is determined it will be different this time.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  •   Lympy: Gahh...
  •   Noah: Ugh, haa!
  •   Noah: Monsters at night... This reminds me of the first time. I was chased back then, and now I'm the one chasing...
  •   Noah: So many things changed... Even Titania's betrayal didn't happen last...
  •   Clamor: 'A curse? Strange... It looks like effects of poison to me.'
  •   Titania: 'I can't really control the range of my magic. You might end up getting caught in my poisonous spores or vines.'
  •   Noah: Poison... from plants?
  •   Titania: 'Oh, it's just a stain. I'm not injured. Don't worry about it.'
  •   Clamor: '... Huh. Something seems odd about that one. Maybe we should follow her?'
  •   Noah: 'No. I doubt she'd want us to anyway.'
  •   Noah: It DID happen! How stupid... I failed to save them last time as well!
  •   Noah: There's no way Titania returned with the flowers if she's the reason everyone was hallucinating in the first place...!
  •   Noah: Even with a second chance... I still didn't manage to save anyone...
  •   Noah: Damn it. All the pieces are coming together. If only I've noticed them sooner...
  •   Yuria: 'I was able to sneak in because Titania let me, but now I have nothing to show. Its not like me to be out of my element like this...'
  •   Titania: 'He has a weapon. It's him! he's the reason Yuria is...!'
  •   Noah: ... Did she plan to get rid of Yuria in the temple back then?
  •   Noah: I thought I managed to fix my first mistake. That I seized the opportunity given to me. I thought I managed to save them...
  •   Noah: But in the end, I couldn't change anything.
  •   Noah: ... But this time.
  •   Gramans: Grrr...
  •   Noah: I will change. I won't run away. Get out of my way!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Gramans: KEEEEE...
  • (SLAM!)
  •   Noah: The monsters here... Even considering that it's nighttime, it seems more... violent? And I sense something... different.
  •   Noah: I don't know why, but it feels familiar. Especially those strange patterns that are surrounding this area...
  •   Noah: ... Now is not the time. I have to find the flower that will act as the cure.
  •   Noah: It should be around here somewhere. Since Moonflower reacts to Moonlight, I should be able to find... them...
  •    Noah: Ea... sily...?
  •   Noah: What's going on! They're all dug up! Is this Titania's doing?
  •   Noah: What do I do? Will it still work even though it's damaged? It's changing color rapidly...
  •   Noah: No... I can't stop now. Even now, the poisoned people and Yuria are suffering. I can find flowers somewhere else...
  •   Noah: No! That will take too long! And if Titania decides to return back to the camp, Yuria might not be able to fact her all by herself...
  •   Noah: Ahhh... I should have been faster. Even now... I can't change...
  •   Noah: ... No. I think. Don't give up.
  •   Noah: There must be something left that I can do.
  •   Moonflower: .......
  •   Noah: Oh...
  •   Moonflower: .......
  •   Noah: What? It was brief, but it definitely reacted to my power. It looked livelier... Is this the power of healing?
  •   Noah: Yes! I still have the power of the Moon that the imposter injected in me. Even if it mutated just like my power of Darkness, the fundamental property of regeneration should still remain.
  •   Noah: And this is an Elriabrunnr with strong Moon properties... If the power of the Moon surrounding this place compensates for my lacking power...
  •   Noah: ... Let's remember. How Harque used the power of the Moon. How that man forced me to contain the power of the Moon.
  •   Noah: Goal, will, and concentration...
  •   Noah: (I have to save this flower, to save Yuria and the people at the camp.)
  •   Noah: (I need to save them. I want to save them. I wanted to save them.)
  •   Camper1: (Ugh... Aaaack... Help... Save me!)
  •   Noah: (I'm sorry. I'm so sorry...)
  •   Noah: (Truthfully, I wanted to save you from the start. I regretted turning my back and running away.)
  •   Noah: (I kept thinking I shouldn't have done that. That I made the wrong decision.)
  •   Noah: (It was a long way around, but I'm here now. I wanted to fix this, all this time.)
  •   Noah: (Now I finally have the chance.)

  •   Moonflower: .......
  •   Noah: ....... Ah...!
  •   Noah: I did it...! I can really do it...!
  •   Noah: ... I did it, Harque... All by myself...
  •   Noah: .......
  •   Noah: Ah, no time to feel sentimental. I should go back immediately.
  • (RUSTLE)
  •   Noah: ! Who's there!
  •   Titania: ... Ahh.
  •   Noah: (Titania...!)
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 8,926,748   Shining Pollen Puff x20   N/A
ED 3,375,600   Gramans Juice x20   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Overwhelming Animosity
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Righting the Wrong story quest

Titania, realizing Noah already knows about her, shows her true colors.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  •   Titania: Traveler? Are you in need of assistance?
  •   Noah: (... I see. She didn't recognize me because this is the 'first time' we're meeting each other.)
  •   Titania: There are monsters that are appearing out of nowhere. It's too dangerous here.
  •   Titania: I'll help you. Come this way...
  •   Noah: (Wait, that ring on her finger...)
  •   Noah: Stop. Don't come any closer. What are you playing at?
  •   Titania: Tsk.
  •   Titania: It seems you already know about me. Sigh... What a nuisance. All these unexpected things keep happening.
  •   Titania: That damn girl comes out alive, a witness appears out of nowhere...
  •   Noah: I thought so... It was you who trapped Yuria and poisoned the people at the camp.
  •   Titania: I didn't say you could talk back. Just answer me. I saw you revive that flower. how did you do it?
  •   Noah: Haa-!
  • (CLANG!)
  •   Titania: You're an impatient one, aren't you? Relax. I want to learn more about you.
  •   Titania: Constrict!
  •   Noah: (Ugh!...! The vines shot out all of a sudden...!)
  •   Noah: What's this? I thought you weren't good in magic?
  •   Titania: ... Who told you that? Yuria? That insolent brat?
  •   Noah: ... Why are you calling her that? I thought she was your sister.
  •   Titania: Hahahaha... Aren't you naive. What did you expect? Blood, love, a bond that can only be shared between family members?
  •   Titania: How cute. If you were my brother, it would have been... much easier to get rid of you.
  •   Noah: What...!
  •   Titania: It was cute, for a question asked while pointing a sharp object at me. I would love to play with you more... But I'm a bit busy at the moment. I'll just get rid of you and be one my way.
  •   Noah: Then I'd like to ask one more thing.
  •   Noah: The ring... Is that a mark of the Order?
  •   Titania: Oh...?
Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Titania: ... You know much more than I expected. Hm... the Order didn't send you to test me, I hope?
  •   Noah: I'm not like any of those people!
  • (WRAP)
  • (CLANG!)
  •   Noah: Ugh... Another troublesome spell...!
  •   Titania: You use quite and antiquated weapon. I almost though you were from the Order.
  •   Noah: You joined the Order for a reason, right? But you attack your family... Do you not care what happens on the way to achieve what you want?
  •   Titania: Ho ho ho... You really don't understand how this world works, boy.
  •   Titania: There are too many Landars in this world.
  •   Titania: I gave everything in my life to be acknowledged in that damn household. Huhu, but only a select few are cherished.
  •   Noah: That's... it? Because you feel slighted? That's the reason you betrayed them?
  •   Titania: I guess that's just the way I am. Can't handle being stuck under the shadow of the Landar name, but don't want to give it all up. Besides, I'm too proud to be satisfied with what I have.
  •   Titania: So I found a place that saw my value.
  •   Noah: A place that only accepts you after you sacrifice your family? Isn't it obvious they're using you?
  •   Titania: Stop being a brat!
  •   Noah: Argh...
  •   Titania: I entertain you for one moment, and now you think you can tell me what to do with my life. Well, I'm running out of patience.
  •   Titania: Now, tell me how you revived that flower, or else...
  • (CLING)
  •   Titania: I will give you the honor of dying by your own weapon.
  •   Noah: Ugh... There's... no way!
  •   Titania: Huhuhu... Don't be so upset. The Order delves into its own Darkness. We find Truth that cannot be found under the gods of order.
  •   Clamor: Does that Truth include killing innocent children?
  •   Titania: ?! Who's there!
  •   Noah: Ah......!
  •   Clamor: Delves into your own Darkness... Pretty grand words you got there. So, what are you going to do after you delve in? What great purpose does it serve?
  •   Clamor: A scholar's purpose must be ethical, their methods, reasonable, and their results, practical. Don't they teach that to young magicians these days?
  •   Titania: Who's saying this? Come out wherever you are!
  •   Clamor: Then again, throwing around 'Truth' like a true pseudo-intellect who can't even think for themselves... I don't see you as the studious type.
  •   Clamor: If you were my student, I would have given you a big fat FAIL. Go study for another year. Fire Bolt!
  •   Titania: Kya! A spell from a weapon? What...
  •   Clamor: Ah well. As I thought. The firepower is really unsatisfactory in this form. But, this should still be enough to buy us some time to get out of here.
  •   Noah: Haaa! Move!
  •   Titania: Tsk, I didn't manage to finish off everything. Oh well. I'll leave that for later.
  •   Titania: You there, I'm warning you. You're going to wish you were dead.
  •   Noah: That's nothing new.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 17,859,798   Intermediate Flexible Weapon Cube x1   N/A
ED 3,638,700   Intermediate Flexible Armor Cube x1   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Overwhelming Animosity story quest

Though they returned to the past, Clamor's Memory was still intact due to being connected with Noah. Now, Noah knows that Clamor is telling the truth.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  •   Clamor: And there she runs off.
  •   Noah: I remember the vines. When I went to the manor the first time... It must have been Titania's doing.
  •   Clamor: And... Where is this? It's nighttime already? What's going on?
  •   Noah: ... Oh!
  •   Noah: (... Right. I returned back in time. Clamor must have forgot. All those times we've spent together, and moments we've shared, would no longer exist.)
  •   Noah: (... It's fine. I was prepared for this.)
  •   Noah: Um, I'm Noah... Ebalon. Uh, I'm chasing the Order... Like you.
  •   Clamor: .......
  •   Noah: Um, so, I know it's confusing, but I can explain everything. I met you earlier and...
  •   Clamor: What are you doing?
  •   Noah: Huh?
  •   Clamor: Why are you acting all weird? I mean, I was unconscious for a long time... But it's not like I'd forget you just like that.
  •   Clamor: Huh? Wait, is this it? That thing where you go back in time?
  •   Noah: (He remembers me? I'm not the only one that's back?)
  •   Clamor: Hey...
  •   Clamor: ... Are you still mad?
  •   Clamor: ... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hide it from you. I didn't know that it would be used that way.
  •   Clamor: But... Yes, I was stupid. I didn't expect my invention could be used for something terrible.
  •   Clamor: ... I didn't notice the biggest flaw, just because I, the inventor, did not have any malintent.
  •   Clamor: As a result, I'm trapped in my own invention, but I know that doesn't exonerate me from my mistake.
  •   Clamor: I... I just wanted to tell you that.
  •   Noah: ... At the manor, I said we should leave because it didn't look like it had anything to do with the Order.
  •   Clamor: ... You did.
  •   Noah: But you wanted to stay. Why? If you didn't stop me, I would have left, and would have been none the wiser.
  •   Clamor: ... My conscience.
  •   Clamor: I had a feeling. And when we saw those documents... It's just as I feared.
  •   Clamor: So I thought I needed to destroy it, before it can be used anymore. Since I created it, it was still, in a sense, my responsibility.
  •   Clamor: I was a bit relieved. I was wondering why I woke up... and it felt like I was given another chance.
  •   Clamor: Of course... it was just a thought.
  •   Noah: ... I was thinking... what you must have been going through.
  •   Noah: I thought... you would have regretted taking on that request.
  •   Clamor: I did.
  •   Noah: I thought, you would want to fix it somehow.
  •   Clamor: I still do.
  •   Noah: (Yes. From what I've seen back then, I knew this would be your answer.)
  •   Noah: Let's go Clamor. To stop Titania and fix the mistake of the past.
  •   Clamor: ... Is it really alright? You were really disappointed in me.
  •   Noah: I'm not anymore. Now, I know you better.
  •   Clamor: ... Thank you.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Yuria: Ugh, the fire almost caught here as well. Who put the mana herbs next to the cooking pot! It belongs in the storage!
  •   Noah: ... Maybe because it tastes great with meat.
  •   Yuria: Yikes! When did you get here? What happened? You're not hurt, are you?
  •   Noah: I see you're still the same, bombarding with questions. Here's the flower.
  •   Yuria: Thank goodness! I really needed it. I was trying out other potions, but it wasn't working. Everyone regained some energy, but they're still hallucinating.
  •   Noah: It's likely because it's not a curse. I think it's due to a poisonous plant, but I heard Moonflower had curing properties.
  •   Yuria: Poison? ... I didn't know a plant like that existed. But it makes sense. Titania is likely to use plants with her spell.
  •   Yuria: And it explains why you and I, who were inside the temple, were not affected! You're right! It's making so much more sense.
  •   Yuria: Grrr... Why did I think it was a curse? You dummy!
  •   Noah: (Probably because I gave her the wrong information...)
  •   Yuria: Anyway, thank you so, so much. Oh, what happened to the seal on the weapon? Hand it over! I think it should be removed by now...
  •   Clamor: Oh? So I was sealed this time as well? My memory was intact, though.
  •   Yuria: Gya! What's that voice?
  •   Clamor: Huh? Do you hear me as well?
  •   Yuria: Hold on... Hey! Is this an ego weapon? Wow... This is the first time I'm seeing one... Can I take a closer look? Wow...
  •   Noah: Can you talk to Clamor as well? This didn't happen before...
  •   Yuria: Oh, this weapon here? It's connected to you. I think that's why there was a delay after removing the seal. To sync with your wavelength.
  •   Clamor: I see. A temporary clash, because the owner and the caster who released the seal is different. There was a delay while the girl's mana remained.
  •   Noah: ... What?
  •   Clamor: A fun little trivia for magic experts.
  •   Yuria: Haha, I can't talk to this weapon all the time. Besides you, others should only be able to hear the voice when they are in contact with the weapon.
  •   Noah: I guess that's why Titania reacted to Clamor's voice when she took my weapon.
  •   Yuria: You saw Titania?
  •   Noah: Yeah. Now that I've seen that the people here are safe, I'm going to go after her again.
  •   Noah: I think I know where she went as well. It's probably Rosso's abandoned manor.
  •   Yuria: The abandoned house beyond the hill, right? I'll be right behind you.
  •   Noah: Will you be alright? You're still not feeling well.
  •   Yuria: Yup. Don't worry. It's something I must do anyway.
  •   Yuria: ... There's something I must confirm about Titania. We were headed to Elrianode after receiving Master Denif's request.
  •   Yuria: He needed information on an organization that threatens the world, and he needed the help of the Landar family.
  •   Noah: .......
  •   Yuria: I can't give you any more details, but I suspect Titania is a member of that organization.
  •   Yuria: So you can't stop me. I have to see it with my own two eyes.
  •   Noah: Alright. If you say so.
  •   Yuria: And! When we come back safe and sound, can I talk with your weapon again? Clamor, right?
  •   Yuria: Wait a second! This is the guy! Right? The one you had a fight with! This is the one!
  •   Clamor: Oh, did you mention me while I was gone?
  •   Noah: If you promise you don't repeat any of what I said to Clamor. Let's go, Clamor!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 17,859,798   Intermediate Steel Weapon Cube x1   N/A
ED 3,907,800   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 [Village] What was Hidden
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Partner story quest

Noah explains what has happened, and follows Titania to the manor.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  •   Clamor: So Titania is a member of the Order, and she's the one that attacked us at Rosso's manor? Talk about being right under our noses...
  •   Noah: She tricked not only her friends and relatives, but also her sister as well. It's no surprise we didn't notice anything.
  •   Noah: I don't know if it's because of their difference in skill, or something else completely, but from what she said earlier... she seemed to have some kind of an inferiority complex against Yuria...
  •   Clamor: Is she considered the difference in skill, she likely did something to Yuria before she entered the temple, since she knows she doesn't stand a chance if she fights fair.
  •   Noah: Before the temple?
  •   Clamor: A slip in the drink, or food... There would have been plenty of opportunities since they live together, especially with no one suspecting her.
  •   Noah: ... Yuria seemed to have mixed feelings, but overall, looked resolute. And if they received a request from a Master, the Landar might have known about the Order already.
  •   Clamor: ... It's likely. Since the Order snuck in within Seven Tower as well.
  •   Clamor: When I was at Seven Tower, there was a rumor that the Landars were going to leave the Tower soon. They said it was because or Debrians, but...
  •   Clamor: Looking back now, I don't think Debrians were the only thing that Landars were looking out for.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Clamor: That way! As we expected, she headed towards the manor?
  •   Noah: Stop right there, Titania!
  •   Titania: How... I thought I lost him...!
  •   Noah: It's no use. I knew you needed the experiment documents in this manor.
  •   Titania: ... How did you know? There was no sign or entry other than me.
  •   Noah: I stopped you from hurting the people at the camp, and from getting rid of all the plants that could cure them.
  •   Noah: Now I'm going to stop you from concealing what happened here. Give it up!
  •   Titania: You know my every move...
  •   Titania: ... Is it that weapon?
  •   Noah: What?
  •   Titania: That weapon... it was at the temple, right? Does it have similar effects as the door? There's something about that weapon.
  •   Noah: What are you...?
  •   Clamor: Noah! Watch out!
  •   Titania: Haaa-! Earthquake!
  • (CLANG!)
  •   Noah: Ugh, the ground is falling apart...! Clamor!
  •   Titania: I just need to break this weapon, right? Hahaha... You won't be able to chase me anymore.
  •   Noah: No! I refuse to repeat the same experience over and over again!
  •   Clamor: What... Ah, watch out, Noah!
  • (CLANG!)
  •   Titania: Tsk, he got in the way!
  •   Noah: Agh...!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   Advanced Magic Stone x10   N/A
ED 0 File:Blessed Enhacment Stone.png Blessed Enhancement Stone x10   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0

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