• English
Greedy Wonder
  • 2nd Job
  • Transcendence

Full Name
Lithia Beryl
Greedy Wonder
Pickaxe, Gemstones, Sling
ED Gain Increase
Class Tree

Release Date
South Korea 01 February 2024
North America & International TBA
Japan TBA
China TBA
Thailand TBA
Taiwan TBA
Europe TBA

Greedy Wonder



  • Nexon Version
  • Korean

리티아는 향상된 치유마법으로 사람들을 도왔다.
많은 이들이 리티아에게 감사를 표했고, 사례하며 자신들에게 도움을 준 치유사의 이름을 기억하려 했다.

“저는 리티아 베릴이에요. …베릴, 꼭 기억해 주세요.”

꼭 잊지 않겠노라는 사람들의 말에 리티아는 뿌듯한 한편 가슴이 뭉클해지는 것을 느꼈다.
금지된 연구를 했다는 오명을 쓰고 쇠락해 이제는 그 이름을 기억하는 이가 거의 없는 마법사 가문, 베릴.
자신이 활약하여 조금이라도 베릴 가문의 이름이 알려지고 명예가 회복된다면… 이보다 더 기쁜 일이 있을까?
리티아는 조이와의 추억을 떠올리며 더욱 일에 매진했다.

그런 모험 중 기묘한 꿈을 체험한 리티아. 그 꿈을 통해 자신의 써오던 저주의 힘이 과거 바람의 신녀의 힘이었음을 깨닫는다.
자신이 치유술을 이전보다 더 능숙하게 쓸 수 있었던 이유는 그 힘의 원래 주인이 사제였기 때문이리라.
어째서 망령이 되어 유적에 잠들어 있었던 건지는 모르지만 리티아는 안타까움을 느끼며 바람의 신녀를 대신하여 많은 사람을 구하리라 다짐한다.
물론, 선행을 베푼 대가는 별개의 이야기.

본격적으로 유적을 탐험하는 트레저 헌터의 일과 치유술사의 일을 병행하는 리티아.
리티아의 실력은 일취월장하여 샌더의 특수한 마법석을 이용해 더욱 강한 마법을 부릴 수 있었다.
시간이 지날수록 베릴의 명성은 드높아졌고, 리티아를 찾아 다른 대륙에서 찾아오는 사람들도 늘어났다.
리티아의 생활은 점차 풍족해졌다.

이거야, 이런 안정감을 원했어. 정처 없이 떠돌며 불안한 하루하루를 걱정하지 않아도 되는 삶!
모든 것이 마음에 들고, 자연스럽게 흘러간다.

‘그리디 원더’는 이것이 자신의 길이라 확신한다.

Second Class Advancement

Completing the following advancement quest or using the Item Mall item: Greedy Wonder's ?   will change your job to Greedy Wonder.

Greedy Wonder
 Greedy Wonder 1/3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Greedy Wonder 2/3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete Greedy Wonder 1/3
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 3,000   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Greedy Wonder 3/3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete Greedy Wonder 2/3
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   2nd Job Change Promotion Cube x1   N/A
ED 7,000   [Cobo] 2nd Job Useful Items Cube x1   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0

You can Transcend at Lv 70.

Skill Tree

Skills Passives
      Level 35
      Level 40
      Level 45
      Level 50
        Level 55
      Level 60
        Level 65
      Level 70
      Level 80
      Level 90
        Level 95
  • 2nd Job Skill Traits unlocked at Level 70.
  • 2nd Job Final Enhanced Skill unlocked upon Transcending.
  • Transcendence Skill Traits unlocked at Level 99.
  • Transcendence Final Enhanced Skill unlocked upon advancing to 3rd job class.


  : All damage values for new and preexisting commands receive a 1.1x multiplier during 2nd job.
Combo Description Damage


Greedy Wonder/Skills


Transcendence Advancement

Completing the following advancement quest or using the Item Mall item: Book of Transcendence: God's Will   will advance to your Transcendent 2nd job.

Greedy Wonder - Transcendence
 Limit Break 1/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Achieve level 70
  • Complete your Second Job Advancement

[Book of Transcendence] - Intro
Many seek power, but it's not easy to acquire one. Among those that seek power, the El Masters have achieved theirs in a unique way.
Each El Master has overcome their limits using their innate abilities. This book, specifically, will be narrating the power of transcendence, a power that was developed and used by the Earth Master.
Power of Transcendence is given to those that overcome their limits, no matter their origin.
First, one should prove their worth.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Limit Break 2/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Limit Break 1/5

[Book of Transcendence] - Chapter 1
Those who seek power must first look and see if they are properly prepared.
A powerful body obtained through regular training is important, one's resolve to face difficult trials is more important.
Your firm resolve and belief in yourself will materialize Symbol of Resolve.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Limit Break 3/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Limit Break 2/5

[Book of Transcendence] - Chapter 2
Transcendence is the power to overcome your limits. You must undergo trials in order to find the key to do so.
Though a proven method is to throw yourself in danger, you need the determination to turn those dangerous situations into an opportunity.
Your unshaken determination will materialize as Symbol of Determination.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Limit Break 4/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Limit Break 3/5

[Book of Transcendence] - Chapter 3
Those seeking the power of transcendence will face many trials. When you lose yourself in face of these trials, you must remember your goal, your purpose.
Your single minded focus in showing your purpose will materialize as Symbol of Purpose and put you closer to transcendence.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Limit Break 5/5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Limit Break 4/5

[Book of Transcendence] - Chapter 4
Those who have faced their limits, now you will face the final trial.
Only those who overcome their own limitations are truly worthy of power.
You will now face transcendence, but remember, those who found the end, will soon find themselves a new beginning.
Overcome your limits and prove your worth. Then, the power of transcendence will reside in you.

Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   [Cobo] Transcendence Useful Items Cube   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0

Upon reaching Lv.99, a Transcendent: Greedy Wonder can job advance to a ??.


Greedy Wonder/Transcendent/Skills



Full Gallery: Lithia/Gallery




Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 그리디 원더 Greedy Wonder
