[Passive] Reduces the knockdown rate of your attacks. Attack power will increase if the user's HP is higher than a certain amount. |
Class | Level Required |
Sword Taker | 40 |
Skill Information
Skill Level | Level Required | Attack Power Increase | Knockdown Decrease | |
HP Requirement | Amount | |||
PvE | ||||
1 | 40 | 90% or higher | 2% | 5% |
2 | 46 | 80% or higher | 6% | 8% |
3 | 47 | 70% or higher | 8% | 11% |
4 | 93 | 60% or higher | 10% | 15% |
PvP | ||||
1 | 40 | 90% or higher | 2% | 5% |
2 | 46 | 80% or higher | 3% | 8% |
3 | 47 | 70% or higher | 4% | 11% |
4 | 93 | 60% or higher | 5% | 15% |
Date | Changes | ||
KR | NA | PvE | PvP |
08/06/2015 | 01/13/2016 |
| |
04/27/2017 | 05/10/2017 |
| |
09/20/2018 | 10/11/2018 |
| |
07/18/2019 | 08/14/2019 |
| |
06/22/2023 | 07/19/2023 |
01/04/2024 | 01/31/2024 |
Alternative Names
Sword Taker - Skills
Special Active