Secret Dungeon Reorganization

Revision as of 06:46, 25 December 2013 by Psycho K (talk | contribs) (12/19 update, 2-x damage reduction buff corrected to 30%, 6-x awakening effect corrected)

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Secret Dungeon Revamp

On the 29th of August 2013, Korean Elsword had an update which involved the reorganization of Secret Dungeon related stuff.

Addition of 6-x Secret Dungeon

A new secret dungeon opened in Hamel. The name of the dungeon is called "Temple of Trials."

  • The appropriate character level of Temple of Trials is 65-70.
  • New titles are also added.


Addition of 6-x Armor set

Armor and weapons for the new dungeon set are also added.

  • The set is named "Ancient Guardian."
  • The armor pieces can be made and upgraded by Horatio, Hamel's blacksmith.
    • Weapons and the accessory are dropped by the boss.

Ancient Guardian (에이션트 가디언)

  • Elite
Name Stats Set Bonus
Ancient Guardian Accessory Lv. 65 Accessory (Bottom Piece):

[Unidentified * ?]
Damage Reduction +1%

2-Piece Effect:

Critical +1.5%
Action Speed +1.5%

4-Piece Effect:

Physical Attack +1%
Magical Attack +1%
Physical Defense +1%
Magical Defense +1%

5-Piece Effect:

When hit, 10% chance to reduce damage by 20%
(Cooldown: 10 seconds)

Awaken to gain 50 MP and cure any status effects you have (Dungeon & field only)
Awaken to gain 25 MP and cure any status effects you have (Arena only)
(Cooldown: 30 seconds for both)

Ancient Guardian Top Piece Lv. 65 Top Piece:

[Unidentified * ?]

Ancient Guardian Bottom Piece Lv. 65 Bottom Piece:

[Unidentified * ?]

Ancient Guardian Gloves Lv. 65 Gloves:

[Unidentified * ?]

Ancient Guardian Shoes Lv. 65 Shoes:

[Unidentified * ?]

Ancient Guardian Weapon Lv. 65 Weapon:

[Unidentified * ?]
Attack with a chance to make a icy blast that inflicts frostbite

|-| Unique=

Name Stats Set Bonus
Grendized Ancient Guardian Accessory Lv. 70 Accessory (Bottom Piece):

[Unidentified * ?]

2-Piece Effect:

Critical +3%
Action Speed +3%

4-Piece Effect:

Physical Attack +2%
Magical Attack +2%
Physical Defense +2%
Magical Defense +2%

5-Piece Effect:

When hit, 10% chance to reduce damage by 40%
(Cooldown: 10 seconds)

Awaken to gain 100 MP and cure any status effects you have (Dungeon & field only)
Awaken to gain 50 MP and cure any status effects you have (Arena only)
(Cooldown: 30 seconds for both)

Grendized Ancient Guardian Top Piece Lv. 70 Top Piece:

[Unidentified * ?]

Grendized Ancient Guardian Bottom Piece Lv. 70 Bottom Piece:

[Unidentified * ?]

Grendized Ancient Guardian Gloves Lv. 70 Gloves:

[Unidentified * ?]

Grendized Ancient Guardian Shoes Lv. 70 Shoes:

[Unidentified * ?]

Grendized Ancient Guardian Weapon Lv. 70 Weapon:

[Unidentified * ?]
Attack with a chance to make a icy blast that inflicts frostbite

Secret Dungeon Equipment Revamp

  • After the patch, a new type of equipment set can be obtain from all secret dungeons.
  • New set items are obtained in "Unidentified" state.
  • Old equipment will no longer be able be acquired nor crafted.
    • New sets' crafting requirements are also changed.

Area Secret Dungeon New Set Name
Elder Wally's Underground Laboratory Mechanized MK-3
(기계화 MK-3)
Bethma Dragon Nest: Abyss Dragonic-Origin
Altera Transporting Tunnel: Contaminated Area Alterasia TYPE_E
(알테라시아 TYPE_E)
Velder Velder's Hallucination Glitter Amethyst
(글리터 애머시스트)
Hamel Temple of Trials Ancient Guardian
(에이션트 가디언)

New Set Effects


Secret Dungeon Ticket Revamp

All existing tickets used for Secret Dungeons are no longer usable after the patch. All entry into dungeons will be used by 1 new ticket, "Luto Pass."

  • Players can find Luto in town and trade old tickets for the new ones.
  • Normal difficulty requires 1 pass. Hell mode requires 2.

Secret Dungeon Bethbite Revamp

All existing bethbites are no longer usable after the patch. Requirements for making dual stat magic stones are now unified into a new bethbite.

  • Players can find Luto in town and trade old bethbites for the new ones.
  • Items that need bethbites to be crafted get their required materials changed.


Secret Dungeon Level Requirement & Monster Revamp

  • Character level 60 is required to enter Secret Dungeons.
  • Mobs are randomly spawned instead of being the same set per room.
  • "General" mobs added. These mobs have a dark aura and are similar to sub-bosses.
  • All bosses adjusted to 45 life bars on all difficulties.


  • 10/31/13 KR
    • Cooldowns added to most effects.
    • 2-x set: Defense buff chance decreased.
    • 3-x set: Critical damage split into two values.
    • 4-x set: Counter MP gain and attribute activation chance doubled.
    • 6-x set: PvP value for MP gain increased.
  • 11/14/13 KR
    • 6-x set: MP gain doubled.
  • 12/19/13 KR
    • 2-x, 3-x, 4-x sets: 30-second cooldown added to awakening effects.
    • 5-x, 6-x sets: Cooldowns for awakening effects increased from 20 to 30 seconds.

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