Before Joining 1

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1:Before Joining 1

Before Joining 1

 Family 1
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

Someone began to talk to a girl who remained alone for a long time.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • I still remember the first day I met Joy.
  • Ever since I could remember, I was alone. When an apple fell out of a carriage heading towards the market, I swiftly picked it up and started digging into it. A stranger watched me in my actions, staring me down.
  •   Joy: ... Does it taste good?
  • Instead of eying me and passing away like the others, the woman walked up to me and talked to me in a warm way. I couldn't help but nodded and showed her the apple I took a bite out of.
  • The woman took a bite out of the apple I was eating. Maybe she didn't think of me as a dirty thief. Crunch, a refreshing sound could be heard.
  •   Joy: Mmm, it's a bit drier than I thought!
  • The unexpected words with a booming laugh caused me to smile along.
  • ... From that day, Joy took my hands to the Beryl mansion, my newfound home.
  • ... ... ... ...
  • The Beryl mansion is located atop the hill, a bit off to the side through a small forest from the village. It was a grand mansion with a workshop.
  • Joy was a jewel appraiser and crafter, but above all, Joy was a magician. However, not many visitors came to her for magic. I was told that the magics of Beryl are very special and rarely used nowadays.
  • And so Joy was mostly known as the owner of the jewel workshop on top of the hill.
  • Although not many sought her out for her magic, Joy continued her magical research. She would polish her gems during the day and she would research countless ores and minerals during the night.
  • When I would seek her out in curiosity, Joy would always send me to bed, telling me 'Sleeping late won't help you grow taller'. She'd always sit by my side until I would fall asleep.
  • Every time, I would attempt to feign sleep and watch Joy's research. However, every time Joy pulled the blankets over me, I'd quickly fall into deep sleep.
  • When I came out to the living room furious next morning, Joy would greet me with a smile and breakfast. Such was our everyday routine.
  • .......
  • One day, I sneaked into the workshop while she was out to go to the village. There were many ores that Joy had been studying.
  • I stepped on the chair to lift myself to study the ores. I then proceeded to pick one up and did some incantations like the ones Joy did.
  • For a moment, I enjoyed doing what Joy was doing. Then the ore trembled a little and started to light up.
  •   Lithia: Ah...!
  • Surprised, I accidentally dropped the ore and it exploded into fragments and flew everywhere. It fore away at my legs on the chair and I was soon engulfed by pain.
  • Scared out of my mind, I closed my eyes and started to cry.
  •   Joy: Lithia?! Are you okay?
  • Joy, who had just returned home, rushed to my help.
  •   Lithia: Ahhh, Joy...
  •   Joy: Were you startled? It's okay. Will you show me where you are hurt?
  • With tears still rolling down my face, I showed her my legs. Joy disinfected my wounds and healed them with magic.
  •   Joy: Lithia, how did you do it?
  • Joy's voices weren't reproachful, which made me feel even more guilty. I never saw Joy get angry. After a small hesitation, I told her the truth.
  •   Lithia: I wanted to do something you did... So I followed the incantations that you did...
  •   Joy: I see.
  •   Joy: Lithia, I'm happy that you're showing interest in magic. But, in order to become a magician, you must be very careful.
  •   Joy: You can't climb up all the stairs at once. We need to go step by step.
  • After that, Joy started to teach me magics. I quickly became immersed with it.
  • ... ... ... ...
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Family 2
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The girl begins to learn magics from the woman.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png ???: Aren't you teaching too advanced magic to the kid? You should start from the basics.
  • Said the magician at the Landar Camp who watched me copy the magic circle. Landar Camp has been at the base of the hill, a bit off the side of the village.
  • The Landar Family is known to be wandering about. I heard that they are staying longer at this camp because of the kids.
  •   Joy: She's learning the basics just fine. I'm showing her this because she's interested in the magic circle.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png ???: You can't teach everything the kid wants. There are steps in learning.
  •   Joy: If you're full of things to learn, you won't be focus on whatever you're studying. I'm not trying to push her too far.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png ???: ... Well, you'll know if she's on a whim or not once she starts learning. If that's the way you'd teach, then it is what it is.
  • I remember then that I heard the Beryl Family was not so friendly with Landar Family.
  • The stories were quite old but listening to that, I wondered if I should feel hostile since I was living under Beryl Family's house.
  • However, Joy did not carry on the hatred and showed courtesy and honesty.
  •   Joy: Thank you for bringing me these. I was running short on them.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png ???: It is hard to get your hands on these around here.
  •   Joy: Huhu, yes. This would never get here unless it's Landar.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png ???: If you need it, I'll always get it. Until next time.
  • File:Story Quest Icon - .png ???: Lithia, did you finish your studies? You might want to go down with me.
  •   Lithia: No? Uh... Wait! I forgot Mathi wanted to play with me after my studies!
  •   Joy: You had promised, huh? You can go play and study later.
  •   Lithia: No! I want to finish this first. You go on ahead without me.
  • ... ... ... ...
  • But after my studies, it was already close to sunset.
  • I told Joy that I would tell Mathi that we can't play today, but that we'll play tomorrow. With Joy telling me not to return too late, I set off into the woods.
  • There was a small forest between the hill and the camp, but it wasn't a dangerous place. I left the Beryl mansion in a light-hearted mood towards the Landar Camp.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Family 3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The girl encounters an unwanted visitor from the bushes in a small forest.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • It happened in an instant.
  • I heard some rustling noise while walking the roads. I thought it was a rabbit and got a bit too close to the bushes.
  • Then in an instant, I was lying on the ground.
  • Pinned down on the forest, I looked up to a black shadow clutching my neck. The hand wasn't pressuring me, but it was big and rough.
  • I couldn't tell who it was, but I could tell that my assailant was neither human, monster, nor any race I know of.
  • A word intuitively came to my mind. A 'monster'.
  •   ???: The children here all look the same... Darn it, I can't be found.
  •   Lithia: Ugh... Uuugh...
  • When the monster realized that I was squirming in fear, the monster started to ramble and speak in an undertone.
  •   ???: Shh! Quiet, quiet! I'll let you go if you stay quiet.
  •   ???: You, why are you in a forest at such a late hour?
  • The monster asked a lot of questions. Where I live, who I live with, how far my house is...
  • As I answered all these questions, I was wondering why a monster would ask such questions.
  •   ???: All alright... I'll let you go now, but don't you scream.
  • I nodded frantically as the hands released me. Coldness swept me as the warmth around my neck was lifted.
  •   Joy: -
  •   Lithia: -
  •   ???: You said your house is nearby, right? Bring me some food. Don't let anyone find out.
  •   ???: Even if you're found out, don't let anyone know. If you let anyone find out... I will eat you alive!
  • I nodded furiously and ran to my home.
  • ... ... ... ...
  •   Lithia: Joy! Joy!
  •   Joy: Hmm? Lithia, you're home early. What happened? Your clothes are all dirty.
  • It was true. Dirt was all over my hair and clothes from being slammed into the forest grounds.
  • But that's not what's important!
  •   Lithia: Hey, Joy! Listen! I met a monster in the forest!
  •   Joy: Monster?
  •   Lithia: The monster said that if I don't bring it food, it'll eat me alive!
  •   Lithia: We need to pack and run away!
  • Joy probably did not understand a single thing I said.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Family 4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The woman, hearing words about this unwanted visitor, goes to find out the truth.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • After listening to me, Joy said that she'd take a look. She told me to stay at home as she left towards the forest with fruits, bread, and drinks in a basket.
  • I tried to stop her, but it was no use. Joy probably took the description of the monster as some lost adventurer pulling a prank on some kid.
  • What should I do if the monster eats Joy? Worried about Joy's safety, I followed her in secrecy.
  • ... ... ... ...
  • I finally arrived to where I had met the monster, but no one was to be found. I almost blurted out in surprise.
  • Why isn't it here? Was everything a dream? What should I tell Joy? As different thoughts faced through my mind, it seemed that Joy found something in the bushes.
  • I was unsure if she found footsteps, but Joy quickly walked toward an orchard tree with determination.
  •   Lithia: (Oh...! It's that monster!)
  • The monster, pitifully hanging from the branches, finally secured himself a fruit. Then, casting a doubtful look, he murmured,
  •   ???: I don't know if I can eat the fruits of this world... Why is it so red? Is it poisonous?
  •   Joy: ...!
  • Joy dropped the basket as she saw the monster. The contents of the basket flew out from falling.
  •   ???: ! What are you?!
  • The monster growled in anger at finding Joy.
  •   Lithia: (No!)
  •   Lithia: (The monster will not let Joy off the hook since she'd not a child! What should I do?)
  • Instead of fearful scream, Joy let out a breath of delight.
  •   Joy: Wa! It's a different race! This is so amazing!
  •   ???: What...?
  •   Joy: Where do you live? How did you get here? Horns? Don't these get in the way when you sleep?
  •   Joy: Wow, you have quite a special eye! How does it feel compared to human eyes? Oh, you probably wouldn't know. Do you know how to eat fruits? Are you an omnivore?
  • The monster looked sick of all the questions bombarding him as he took a couple of steps backward.
  •   ???: One, one at a time! No rushing!
  •   Joy: One? Hmm...
  • Joy coked her head from side of side, trying to decide on what question to ask. Then, she pointed her index finger at the monster in determination.
  •   Joy: Name.
  •   ???: Name?
  •   Joy: What's your name?
  • The monster thought longer than Joy before he responded.
  •   ???: Can't tell you. I'm kind of a deserter, so I can't really say.
  • The monster seemed to be taken aback by his own words. He looked as if he said something unnecessary.
  •   Joy: Then how should I call you?
  •   ???: Just call me by whatever you like.
  • The monster seemed to want to say a lot of words, but with Joy's adamant stance, he blurted out.
  •   Joy: Is that so? Hmm... Then... Hmm~ mmm... Hmm...!
  • After giving a great deal of thought, Joy began to stifle her laugh.
  •   ???: Why, why are you laughing?!
  •   Joy: Your name is...
  • After barely calming down her laugh, Joy began to speak.


  • Joy: Felix. Your name is Felix.
  • Then, she burst into a laughter. I felt so alienated, watching Joy laugh maniacally like that.
  • ???: What do you mean? Why are you laughing like that? It must be a stupid name! Are you making fun of me?
  • Joy: Ahaha! Ahahahahaha! No, it's not!
  • Joy looked so joyful. Even tough the monster was talking angrily, the two didn't seem to be on bad terms.
  • Joy: Joy...
  • I have never felt the air of the forest so cold. Feeling dejected, I returned home alone.
  •   Lithia: I've never seen Joy laugh like that...
  • That day when I saw a side of Joy that I have never seen before, I went to bed crying.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0


General Guides
Character Progression
Other Media
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other