[Hyper Active]
Activate special Dynamo calculation system, creating a special field. Enemies caught in the field decrease all speed and receive more damage
See Tips and Details
from the Dominator
Requires 1 El's Essence (Item)
  • Uses one when Hyper Active skill is used. (Cannot be used without it)
  • Right-click on identified El Shards to obtain El's Essence.

(Sockets do not apply to Hyperactive skills unless they are [Hyperactive Damage Increase] sockets)


Class Level Required Skill Requirement
Dominator 99 Ultimate Skill II Quest

Skill Information

Mode Install Field (Physical) Distortion Zone MP Usage Cooldown Item Usage
  Enemy DebuffDistortion Zone
(Within Field)
  Enemy DebuffDistortion Zone
(Within Field)
Field Duration
All Speeds Decrease
This effect is multiplicative
to your current stats. 
Received Damage Increase
(From Caster)
PvE 32400% 30% 25% 10 Seconds 300 MP 180 Seconds   x1
PvP 4860%

Tips and Details

  • The NA tooltip mistaken left out the part where the damage increase from   Distortion Zone only affects the Dominator who cast the skill despite being a debuff.
  • Install Field's damage is affected by   Enemy DebuffDistortion Zone and will always deal increased damage to targets that can be debuffed.


  • Distortion Zone and Absolute Judgement are the only two Hyper Active Skills that deal only one hit.



Date Changes
12/28/2017 02/07/2018
  • Distortion Zone added.
06/28/2018 07/11/2018
  • Damage increased.
  • Damage decreased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 디스토션 존 Distortion Zone
  Japan ディストーションゾーン Distortion Zone
  Germany Verzerrungszone Distortion Zone
  Spain Zona de distorsión Distortion Zone
  France Zone de distorsion Distortion Zone
  Italy Area di distorsione Distortion Zone
  Poland Strefa Deformacji Warp Zone
  Brazil Zona Distorcida Distorted Zone