• English

3:Before Joining 3

Before Joining 3

 Family 9
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The two almost complete their research.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • It wasn't the best, but this was the best we could do.
  • Even though we may not succeed, it was amazing that rookie magicians like us could make meaningful results.
  •   Lithia: I hope Joy is happy with what we've done...
  • I took out my Chrysona and placed it at the center of the magic circle. Mathi checked around to make sure everything was fine. The preparations have been made.
  • We breathed slowly, closed our eyes, and slowly pushed our mana into the circle.
  • We could tell that the circle was reacting. We first felt it with the ends of our hands and soon, with our entire bodies.
  • We slowly opened our eyes. Wow, Mathi let out a breath of excitement. We could see a sliver of line at the center of our circle. It was the Rift!
  • I shouted in excitement.
  •   Lithia: We did it... We did it! We did it!
  • Then, the ground shook with a great rumble.
  • Earthquake? It felt different. Instead of the ground shaking, it felt as if something was knocking from underground.
  • (Riiiip!)
  • And it seemed that I fainted.
  • ... ... ... ....
  • When I came to senses, I was lying on my bed. Joy and Felix were by my sides with worried looks.
  •   Joy: I'm glad you're safe. I was so worried...
  •   Lithia: Joy... Felix...?
  • The two continued to grab my hands and caressed my cheeks and hair as they apologized.
  • I felt weak, as if stricken with fever. My head was burning slightly, but I was happy that the two cared for me.
  •   Felix: Stay in bed, Lithia, you need to rest and get better.
  • I took to their words and stayed in bed. Even though it didn't hurt, my body felt heavy and I couldn't get up for a while.
  • Thinking about that now... it was a form of aftereffect of healing, a sort of healingache.
  • Neither Joy nor Felix asked what happened that day. They didn't explain what happened after either.
  • I had nothing to do while lying in bed, so I wanted to ask Mathi, but Mathi never came. I heard that Mathi lay in bed because he fell sick as well.
  • I heard he was better off than me, but he refused to eat food and grew weak because of it. It seemed that opening the Rift had great side effects on both of us.
  • As I laid in bed, I could overhear great sighs and talks from the other side of the door. Sometimes it were from Joy and Felix, but sometimes it was from others.
  •   Melinda: Why did you do it....
  • Melinda criticized Joy and said that she had to take a certain position... I couldn't understand what she meant. Even though she sounded reproachful, I could feel that she pitied Joy.
  • I would have felt that I was excluded from all this before, but as I lay in bed, I changed.
  • Joy stopped her work to take care of me and Felix was always by my side. I pampered all I could and realized how much they had loved me.
  •   Lithia: I'm sorry Joy, for stealing your work... I... I was scared that Joy would leave with Felix and leave me behind.
  •   Joy: I would never do that. Lithia, you're my beloved family.


  • I hugged Joy tightly, delighted by her affectionate response.
  • Lithia: Hee hee! Thanks. But Joy, you want to go to the Demon Realm, right? I'm all right now.
  • Lithia: Even if I'm separated... you'll love me, right? That's all that matters for me.


  • Joy: Lithia...
  • Joy: ......
  • I soon recovered enough to get out of my bed. The two would go on short trips to perk my curiosity, celebrating my recovery.
  • I learned a lot from them. How to light up fire, how to find ways in the forest, where I could camp, and magics to repel wild animals.
  • The trips would be short as a day, or sometimes days. I had fun...
  • ... but thinking about it now, it was all training.
  • I was too young to realize why they had such gloom expressions on their faces when they said let's not unpack since we might have to leave again.
  • And that... is how our short-lived peace ended.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Family 10
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The girl asks for assistance from those around her to save her family.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Felix: Lithia! You can't go!
  • I shook off Felix's hands and sprinted as fast as I could. I knew not where to go, but my feet carried me in my desperation to seek help.
  • Early dawn, just as the morning sun slowly illuminated the dark skies, I arrived at Landar Camp.
  • (Ram! Ram! Ram! Ram! Ram!)
  •   Lithia: Help! They're taking Joy away! Please help!
  • I slammed on the door and asked for help.
  • I could hear commotion and soon I was able to see Melinda with a worrisome look. I felt relief wash over me.
  •   Lithia: Huh? What? What do you mean you can't help?
  •   Melinda: Lithia... Joy did something of the unspeakable. Not only did she conduct forbidden research, but she even summoned a monster.
  •   Melinda: It's not just about the damage the monster caused. Too many eyes saw what happened... Lithia, we can't do anything about that.
  •   Lithia: The village...? Monster...?
  • From the forgotten memories... I could recall something leap out of the Rift. That was forbidden? A monster came out of the Rift...? Then... Then...
  •   Lithia: That happened because of me!
  •   Melinda: Lithia...
  •   Lithia: I opened the Rift! Joy had nothing to do with this!
  •   Lithia: I am the one who should be taken away! Please save Joy!
  •   Melinda: Shh! You can't say such words! Never ever say that anywhere!
  •   Melinda: Sigh... why did Joy resort to such measures leaving this young child behind...
  • I knew that she couldn't help at all. Even the magician family with the kingdom's support could not defend the magician who dared research forbidden magic.
  •   Melinda: Don't cry. We can take care of you.
  • As a child who had no clue what was happening, I did not understand anything.
  • Ah, these people have no intentions to save Joy. That's all I could think of.
  • They had praised Joy so much, they received so much help from Joy, and they were so close to Joy. But when I heard that they couldn't help Joy, I took that as betrayal.
  • I backed off from the extended hand and ran off in case they would grab me. I could hear them calling my name and running after me, but soon their sounds trailed off.
  • I ran away for now... but I had nowhere to go. My feet went to the forest where Mathi and I did our research together that day.
  • I had visited the forest for the first time after that day. It was tranquil as if nothing had happened.
  • All the magic circles we drew, all the books we used for research... They were all gone. All that was left were small desks and toys. Joy or Felix probably wiped off every evidence in here.
  • It could not be helped, but watching all our ardor gone hollowed out my heart.
  • Then, I found a well-folded paper under the tree stump that I often sat.
  • When I opened the piece of paper pinned down to the ground with a rock, I found Mathi's letter.
  • I'm sorry, It's all my fault... Mathi's apology and asking for forgiveness was blotched with his tears.
  •   Lithia: ... Idiot. You really think I'm mad at you?
  •   Lithia: Actually, yeah! I'm mad at you! How could you not visit me once while I was so sick!
  •   Lithia: Ugh, uugh, uuuh... uh...
  • My tears ran down and blotched the already wrinkled letter.
  • It feels so hard... And yet you only left a letter!
  •   Lithia:' Sniffle, sniffle... Uwaaaaah!'
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Family 11
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

After wandering in despair, the girl finally gets to reunite with some of her family.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Family 12
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The girl's friend recollects and regrets that day.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0


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Character Progression
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  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other