Caluso Tribe Territory

Revision as of 19:18, 2 September 2024 by Gameboy224 (talk | contribs)
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Temple of the Wind Caluso Tribe Territory Wind Stone Ruins
Caluso Tribe Territory
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Monster Image Monster Description Monster Moves Monster Type
Strong Buggy Trock - A desert dwelling Trock that will attack in the exact same way as Rash Buggy Trock.
  • Dark Skull: This Trock monster will summon a dark skull that does substantial damage.
Strong Vegar Trock - A desert dwelling Trock that will attack in the exact same way as Rash Vegar Trock.
  • Punch: The Trock will perform a basic punch attack.
Strong Rocky Trock - A desert dwelling Trock that will attack in the exact same way as Rash Rocky Trock.
  • Block: Rock Trocks will defend against any attack front their front side.
  • Counterattack: While being attacked from the front they can dish out a quick slap.
  • Punch: The Trock will perform a basic punch attack.
Strong Oba Trock - A desert dwelling Trock that will attack in the exact same way as Rash Oba Trock.
  • Boomerang: The Oba Trock will throw their boomerang which can hurt both on its way forward and back.
  • Boomerang Ram: The Oba will position his boomerang like a horn then charge forward in super armor.
Caluso Wind Shaman - A warrior of the Caluso tribe that will attack in the exact same way as Caluso Wind Warrior.
  • Tailwind: Using the power of Wind, they can drag any target closer to them if their distance is too high. Players affected by this can be dragged vertically and / or horizontally.
  • Sylph Summon: A basic attack where the warrior summons Whirlwind Slyphs to move across the stage and attack their targets.
Caluso Fighter - A warrior of the Caluso tribe that will attack in the exact same way as Caluso Combat Warrior.
  • Martial Arts Combo: He'll perform a barrage of hits.
  • Slide Kick: He'll slide across the ground closing the gap between him and his target.
Caluso Warrior - A warrior of the Caluso tribe that will attack in the exact same way as Caluso Elite Warrior.
  • Guard: Defend against any oncoming attacks.
  • Heavenly Strike: Stab enemies in front of him with his spear then pulls himself closer.
  • Shield Bash: Bashes his enemy with a shield inflicting stun then knocks them into the air.
Caluso Assassin - A warrior of the Caluso tribe that will attack in the exact same way as Caluso Assassin Warrior.
  • Lunge: He will dash forward and quickly stabs you, inflicting Bleed.


Mini Boss
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Epithet Monster Image Boss Description Boss Moves
Crazy Dog
Cerberus - This crazy dog swipes with his rock hard paws. He uses his feral instincts to howl and charge at enemies, causing them to run in panic!
  • Poison Gas: Cerberus will exhale toxic gas to its targets, inflicting Poison to all targets.
  • Charge: Cerberus will dash into his targets while continuously headbutting them.
  • Panic Aura: Cerberus will emit a large green aura, dealing multiple hits while inflicting Panic to all targets.
Dark Magician
Mapu - This warlock is one of the more powerful Trocks who uses undead sorcery to manipulate its opponents.
  • Dark Skull: Mapu will summon a dark skull that does substantial damage.
  • Bomb Trail: Mapu will dash in Super Armor while leaving Fogta Trocks in his trail. Anyone in his path will be affected by Condemnation (You are completely unable to move, similar to Petrified. Cannot be mitigated by Light Resistance). After five Trocks are dropped, Mapu will detonate them.


Caluso Tribe Territory - field_sander001
Alternative Names
Server Name Translation
South Korea 칼루소 부족 정찰지대 Caluso Tribe Territory
Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) 卡盧索部落偵查之地 Caluso Tribe Investigation Site
China (Simplified Chinese) 卡鲁索部落侦查地带 ?
Germany Patrouillengebiet des Kalluso-Stamms Kalluso Tribe's Patrol Area
Spain Zona de Patrulla de la tribu Caluso Caluso Tribe's Patrol Area
France Zone de patrouille de la tribu des Kalluso Kalluso Tribe's Patrol Area
Italy Area di Pattugliamento della Tribù dei Kalluso Kalluso Tribe's Patrol Area
United Kingdom Kalluso Tribe's Patrol Area
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous