• English
66:On to the Steel Wall

Chapter 66: On to the Steel Wall

Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Entering Serpentium story quest

While the El Search Party prepares to enter the fortress, Ricardo leaves records about the wall.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Ricardo: Going in deeper, we found a mine site.
  •   Ricardo: It seems that it has been here for quite some time, and seems to have sent supplies to the aerial island.
  •   Elsword: ......
  •   Raven: (A mine site and an aerial island. What a handful.)
  •   Ricardo: (Since we are inside the wall, no machines attacked us. We set up a... temporary outpost...)
  •   Ricardo: Hmm, no. Camp would be better. Temporary camp...
  •   Aisha: You're working hard on that. What are you recording everything for?
  •   Ricardo: It's to record the history of the Torta. It's for the future.
  •   Aisha: I doubt anyone's going to read that...
  •   Ricardo: What's important is we have something. I have alot of brothers much older than me. Many have already forgotten them.
  •   Ricardo: We lost a lot of brothers challenging this wall. The only elite members alive are Shaddie and me. So, it makes sense for me to leave things like this at the very least.
  •   Ain: It would have been better if you didn't start all this.
  •   Ciel: You should take more care of Shaddie if she's the only one left and not pick on her.
  •   Ricardo: Hey now. When have I picked on her? I dote on her all the time..
  •   Ricardo: Anyway, if I don't record as is, everyone will come up with their own stories about it.
  •   Aisha: It's good to record so diligently... but if they're that precius, you should take good care of them.
  •   Aisha: You gave us the first draft of the records last time, right? What if we lost that?
  •   Ricardo: Are you kidding me? You should take good care of things others lent you.
  •   Aisha: (Why do these stupid folks trigger me by sometimes saying common sense things?)
  • (SWING!)
  •   Rena: Everyone~ Shaddie's coming back. Let's go greet her.
  •   Ara: You're back early. I hope nothing happened in the Land of Steel.
  •   Ricardo: Let me guess. It's the same reason as last time. I can bet on it.
  •   Lu: Do you even have anything left to bet?
  •   Ricardo: Oops~ you're right. You own the Torta now~
  •   Raven: ......
  •   Ricardo: Tch, if only I wasn't so reckless, I would have been in the middle of Land of Steel.
  •   Raven: Even if Dream Demons are resistant to the disease, we're uncertain of the dangers ahead. I can't let you just barge in ahead.
  •   Raven: We need to be gradual with our exposure and make sure everything is safe.
  •   Ricardo: Even so, we shouldn't just sit around here for days with no end! I acame here to have some fun!
  •   Rena: (Raven always shows disproval, but he's so considerate. He's always a leader.)
  •   Rena: Let's be on the positive side! If Shaddie came back safely, then the situation shouldn't be as bad, right?
  •   Rena: Wait, how long ago did we clean out the wall?.
  •   Elsword: ......
  •   Aisha: Hey, what are you thinking?
  •   Elsword: Wha? Oh. Yeah, it's been quite a while. It seems abnormally quiet... I thought they would retaliate from the island since we took over the wall.
  •   Ara: I hope everything stays that way until we get up to the island. Getting blasted in midair was a horrible experience.
  •   Elsword: Yeah. I would be nice if we could set off now... Where's Haivan?
  •   Ara: So Haivan will be the one coming from White-Ghost Land?
  •   Elsword: Yeah. I heard he's bringing some items that have been requested.
  •   Elsword: And I forgot what he said... but I think he said he had some troublesome company.
  •   Ara: Company?
  • (Boom!)
  •   Aisha: What's going on?!
  •   Raven: Are we under attack?!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470   N/A   N/A
ED 1,350,000   N/A   N/A
EP 15   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 [Village] The Fall
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Base story quest

Lithia hears word of the El Search Party from Haivan.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • (Whoosh-!)
  •   Haivan: ... That's all I know up to that point.
  •   Haivan: They solved a lot of problems in White-Ghost Land, so we're working as allies for now.
  •   Lithia: So since the El Search Party has passed White-Ghost LAnd and Red Demon Territory... They're already halfway through the Demon Realm, right?
  •   Lithia: Man, what a letdown. I thought I would be the first human to explore the Demon Realm~
  •   Lithia: (The academy talked of friends from other worlds. Records of the Rift date all the way to ancient times.)
  •   Lithia: (There should be countless methods other than those that I used. I doubt many people crossed over the boundaries of the world.
  •   Lithia: (But this mass invasion is another story. The huge transport device hidden in these lands...)
  •   Lithia: (I can clearly see that someone tampered with this... Is the Order behind this?)
  •   Lithia: (It would be nice if I can find the people who got here ahead of me to cooperate, but I'm not sure if I can trust them.)
  •   Lithia: (Well, I guess it;s the same for them too, right?)
  •   Haivan: Why did you go silent all of a sudden? That worries me.'
  •   Lithia: If only I had enough time, I'd love to tour Iserlohn. but too bad.
  •   Haivan: Who's going to let you do that? It's off-limits now. I'm not even allowed in there.
  •   Lithia: That's all on you. If I were Winster, I wouldn't even let you get near it, you troublemaker.
  •   Lithia: Anyhow, you said we should hurry over, but flying so slowly.
  •   Haivan: Well, we have so much stuff that we slightly exceeded the weight limit. And besides, this is a 1-man mount to begin with.
  •   Lithia: Are you sure you're adept at driving? I feel like we're just circling around our destination.
  •   Haivan: Don't look down on me. Look!
  • (Rrrrring!! ... ... Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep...)
  •   Lithia: Huh. What is that sound?
  •   Haivan: Uh, oh. We might have overheated from accelerating too quickly with too much onboard.
  •   Lithia: What happens if you overheat?
  • (... Beep Beep Beep Beeuuuuuuu...)
  •   Lithia: Hey, I think the engine shut do... Uwaaah!
  •   Haivan: G, going down!
  • (...Boom!)
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 [Village] Join Forces
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the The Fall story quest

Haivan and Lithia meet the El Search Party after the emergency landing onto the base on top of the wall.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   Haivan: O, ouch! Be gentle with me.
  •   Aisha: Stop being such a baby about it... Keep your hands to yourself so I can sanitize the wounds.
  •   Ain: You were lucky to have landed safely. I suggest you stop flying if you're going to fly around like that.
  •   Haivan: I'm usually good at it! If only I didn't have someone grilling me all the way over here...
  •   Lithia: Sorray~
  •   Haivan: Ugh, you're just so full of talk...
  •   Haivan: Ow, this hurts... Can't you just use magic to heal me up?
  •   Aisha: It's just a scratch. You don't need healing magic for that. It's not even good to keep receiving healing magic.
  •   Lithia: ......
  •   Rena: So, now that we're done with that, let's have a talk. Who are you?
  •   Lithia: Yup. Hello, Senpai! My name is Lithia.'
  •   Chung: Sen...pai?
  •   Lithia: Ehehe, since you guys all got to the Demon Realm ahead of me, I should refer everyone as Senpai~.
  •   Elesis: Why are you here in the Demon Realm?
  •   Lithia: I have some personal reasons, but that's a long story to tell. So, I'll save that for later. We have pressing matters, no?
  •   Lithia: I've heard from the great Masters that you all are searching for the Dark El in the Demon Realm.
  •   Lithia: Mind if I ask how far you have progressed?
  •   Elsword: ......
  •   Raven: ...... Mmm...
  •   Lithia: ... I see everyone rolling their eyes and no response.
  •   Chung: Uh... Uhm... Probably... 0%...?
  •   Lithia: Eh? Really?! You don't have a single clue? What have you all been doing in the Demon Realm?
  •   Haivan: Don't be so harsh on them. They probably went through a lot. I had personal requests, too.
  •   Elsword: Mmm... 0% on information on... Nero...
  •   Haivan: What? You really don't know anything? Did you guys fool around?!
  •   Elsword: We didn't fool around!
  •   Ara: We, we went through a lot...!
  •   Ain: It is indeed shocking. We came to the Demon Realm, yet we didn't get anything done.
  •   Lithia: (Why is everyone so depressed?... Are they really heroes?)

  Lithia: Hem, hem. So going back to my story... So, I think I can be of some help to whatever you guys are trying for.

  •   Lithia: I'm quite an expert in terms of minerals. And I'm very skilled in magic!
  •   Lithia: So, I think I'll be very useful in finding El in the Demon Realm. Nice to meet you!
  •   Raven: If you've heard of us from the Masters, you know why we're here, right?
  •   Lithia: Yes. I was told that we need to get Dark El to recover the Giant El in Elrios to prevent the world from collapsing.
  •   Raven: I don't think the Masters would have exaggerated to that extent... but let's just say that's the case.
  •   Ara: If you're well versed in minerals, you would be of great help to us.
  •   Rena: You said you're a mage, right? I'm sure Aisha would be a good friend. You two are both around the same age as well.
  •   Aisha: Mmm......
  •   Lithia: Hnngh~ so you're Aisha Lander? Nice to meet you.
  •   Aisha: Good to see you. But if you're trying to continue exploring with us... I am against it.
  •   Lithia: Wha, What?! Why!


  • Aisha: Since you just came here, you probably weren't aware of the magnitude of the battles we had on this wall. It was dangerous.
  • Aisha: Our next destination is that mechanical island that you see floating up there. If the wall is this dangerous... then the island would be even more so.


  • Lithia: You mean to say that I'm a dead weight?
  • Aisha: No. What I mean is that for someone who just got to the Demon Realm, it would be dangerous. So, it's better to wait here for this one time.
  • Lithia: I, I can protect myself! Even though I may be new to the Demon World, I know very well about demons!
  • Lithia: Don't make hasty judgements when you don't even know about me!
  •   Aisha: Well, that's not what I meant!
  •   Chung: Wait! Both of you, calm down. Let's not scream at each other!
  •   Raven: Aisha does have a point. We're not sure how strong you are. We haven't seen what you can do.
  •   Raven: So, since we cannot set off right now, we should agree to watch the situation for now.
  •   Aisha: If that is the case... then I'm okay with it.
  •   Lithia: ... All right.
  •   Haivan: So... are these the lands of your highness? It's quite... desolate.
  •   Haivan: It's not even as cold as the White-Ghost Land... why are the lands void of vegetation?
  •   Lu: Well... there are complications. I will let you know as time passes.
  •   Rose: Anyhow, what about the supplies we asked for? I hope they're not damaged from the fall.
  •   Haivan: Who do you think I am? Of course, I secured them! So what do I do with them?
  •   Ciel: Let's go over the details when everyone gets here.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   N/A   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0

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