A raging storm forms ahead. The storm sweeps the enemies and move towards the caster.


Class Level Required Skill Requirement
Any 3rd Job Master Class 99 Raging Storm Item

Skill Information

Rarity Windblast (Physical/Magical) Max Hits Cooldown
Rare 95% 28 120 Seconds
Elite 189%
Unique 269%
Rare 38% 28 120 Seconds
Elite 75%
Unique 107%

Total Damage

Mode Rarity
Rare Elite Unique
PvE 2,660% 5,292% 7,532%
PvP 1,064% 2,100% 2,996%

Tips and Details

  • Although not mentioned anywhere in-game, neither on the skill's tooltip nor the unlocking item, this skill's vertical range increases with rarity.
  • The attack deals more hits the further away a target is since the hitbox travels towards the user. The tornado lingers in front of the user for a bit, ensuring at least a minimum of 6 hits against point-blank targets.
  • There is a noticeable delay between casting this skill and actually dealing damage/hitstun, so it is quite a predictable move to dodge in PvP.
  • Due to the multi-hit nature of this skill, it can feed a lot of Awakening and Mana to your opponent.


Date Changes
01/16/2020 02/12/2020
  • Raging Storm added.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 몰아치는 돌풍 Sweeping Gale
  Germany Stürmischer Wirbelwind Tempestuous Whirlwind
  Spain Torbellino tormentoso Tempestuous Whirlwind
  France Tornade puissante Powerful Tornado
  Italy Tempesta ciclonica Cyclonic Storm
  Poland Burzliwy Cyklon Tempestuous Cyclon
  United Kingdom Tempestuous Whirlwind