Every character in Elsword have their own unique features that sets them apart from other characters.


Along with the new system, Rena's mobility is also improved. Her double jump has been changed to from spinning in midair to jumping off a platform made of wind and leaves. Like Elsword and Raven, Rena is also able to air dash, but with a lower distance. Along with the new double jump, Combat Ranger's ^^ZZ is also changed to drag target towards you instead of kicking them into the air.
Rena's old double jump and dive kick. }}


Rena's MP Regeneration

As Rena arrows require MP, Rena can also regenerate MP by standing still. This is a good aspect in PvP as it help Rena get more MP to unleash skills to support teammates. Rena's MP regeneration is much slower than Aisha's but can be sped up if you play as a Grand Archer and have the passive Inducing Nature.


Rena's Arrow Shot
An example of Rena triple element ice shot

Wie Aisha und Eve, kann auch Rena mit   ein magisches Projektil nutzen. This is highly useful as Rena's kicking range is not as large as the other characters' normal attacks.

Rena's arrows can be destroyed if an opponent counters it with a timed physical attack.

If you are using a weapon with a triple fire/poison/ice element, the arrow will change color and appear larger, however her kicks andTrapping Ranger's Erendil have no outline or show of motion when attacking like every other character.

Quick Recovery

Nur Rena and Aisha haben diese Fähigkeit. Wenn sie in der Luft getroffen werden, landen sie schnell auf dem Boden, was ihnen erlaubt aus Combos zu entkommen. Wiederholtes treffen in der Luft führt dazu, sie herum hüpfen. Das macht es schwer, genau voraus zu sagen, wann sie landen.Das wird auch Tumbling genannt.


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Gameplay-Modi DungeonsFelderPvP
Gameplay-Features ErfolgeEldrit-ResonanzEXP-TabelleForce-SkillsQuestsSkill-QuestsSkill-TreeSkillTitelInterface-Guide
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Charakter-Fortschritt 1. Klassenwechsel2. KlassenwechselTranszendenz3. Klassenwechsel
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