Ta strona zawiera informacje dotyczące nowości, które występują w różnej kolejności i odstępie czasów na wszystkich serwerach.


Content South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong China North America Europe Thailand Indonesia Brazil Philippines
Elsword N/A
Aisha N/A
Rena N/A
Raven N/A
Eve N/A
Chung N/A Nie
Ara N/A Nie
Elesis N/A Nie
Add N/A Nie
1st Class
Content South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong China North America Europe Thailand Indonesia Brazil Philippines
Sword Knight N/A
Magic Knight N/A
Dark Magician N/A
High Magician N/A
Sniping Ranger N/A
Combat Ranger N/A
Sword Taker N/A
Over Taker N/A
Code: Exotic N/A
Code: Architecture N/A
Fury Guardian N/A Nie
Shooting Guardian N/A Nie
Little Hsien N/A Nie
Little Devil N/A Nie N/A Nie
Saber Knight N/A Nie
Pyro Knight N/A Nie
Psychic Tracer N/A Nie
2nd Class
Content South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong China North America Europe Thailand Indonesia Brazil Philippines
Lord Knight N/A
Rune Slayer N/A
Void Princess N/A
Elemental Master N/A
Grand Archer N/A
Wind Sneaker N/A
Blade Master N/A
Reckless Fist N/A
Code Nemesis N/A
Code Empress N/A
Iron Paladin N/A Nie
Deadly Chaser N/A Nie
Sakra Devanam N/A Nie
Yama Raja N/A Nie N/A Nie
Grand Master N/A Nie
Blazing Heart N/A Nie
3rd Subclass
Content South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong China North America Europe Thailand Indonesia Brazil Philippines
Sheath Knight N/A Nie
Battle Magician N/A Nie
Trapping Ranger N/A Nie
Weapon Taker N/A Nie
Code: Electra N/A Nie
Shelling Guardian N/A Nie
3rd Subclass Skill Notes N/A ??? Nie
3rd Subclass 2nd Job
Content South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong China North America Europe Thailand Indonesia Brazil Philippines
Infinity Sword N/A Nie
Dimension Witch N/A Nie
Night Watcher N/A Nie
Veteran Commander N/A Nie
Code Battle Seraph N/A Nie
Tactical Trooper N/A Nie
New Dimension Witch Portrait N/A ???
New Night Watcher Portrait N/A ???
New Veteran Commander Skill Cut-in N/A Nie ???
Current Maximum Level
South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong China North America Europe Thailand Indonesia Brazil Philippines
70 67 64 56 52 50


Released Towns
Content South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong China North America Europe Thailand Indonesia Brazil Philippines
Ruben N/A
Elder N/A
Bethma N/A
Altera N/A
Feita N/A
Velder N/A
Hamel N/A Nie
Sander N/A Nie


All Skill
Content South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong China North America Europe Thailand Indonesia Brazil Philippines
New Skill Interface N/A
Skill change in dungeon N/A
1st Class Locked Skills N/A
Skill Notes N/A
Skill Notes Addition N/A Nie
2nd Class Locked Skills N/A
2nd Class New Skills N/A
Way of the Sword N/A
Nature's Spirit N/A Nie
Anger of Raven N/A
Skill Tree Revamped N/A
Hyper Actives N/A Nie N/A Nie


Content South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong China North America Europe Thailand Indonesia Brazil Philippines
Free Market Zastąpiony N/A
Cash Shop N/A
Notice Board N/A
Pets N/A
Stat specific gems N/A
New Dual Stat Gems N/A Nie
Element Revamp N/A
Ruben Revamped N/A
Epic Quests N/A
New Questing System N/A
Guild System N/A
Guild Skills N/A
Tier 3 Guild Skills N/A Nie
Mentor System N/A Zastąpiony Nie Zastąpiony Nie
Individual Voices 1 N/A Nie N/A Nie N/A Nie N/A Nie
Alchemy Revamp N/A Nie
Old Result Board N/A
New PvP System N/A
PVP Season 2 N/A
New Stat Quantity System N/A
Bank Sharing Service Nie N/A Nie N/A Nie
Quickslot Expansion N/A
In-game Recorder N/A
Character Renewal N/A Nie
Monster Card System N/A Nie N/A
Selling Service N/A Nie Zastąpiony Nie
2nd Password System N/A Nie N/A Nie
Support OTP Authentication2 N/A Nie N/A Nie N/A Nie
Field Map N/A
New Party System N/A
New User Interface N/A
Item Revamped N/A
Balance Combo N/A
Epic NPCs N/A Partial N/A Nie N/A
Boot Vote Kick System N/A Nie
New Mailbox Design N/A
Mounting System N/A Nie
Wedding System N/A Nie
Ranked PVP Re-Match System3 Nie N/A
Market Revamped N/A Nie
New Loginscreen Design N/A Nie

Secrets, Henir, Other Special Dungeons

Content South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong China North America Europe Thailand Indonesia Brazil Philippines
2-x N/A Nie
3-x N/A Nie
4-x N/A Nie
5-x N/A Nie
6-x N/A Nie
Secret Dungeon Revamped Zastąpiony N/A Nie
Secret Dungeon Revamped - Season 3 N/A Nie
Henir Dungeon - Season 2 Zastąpiony N/A Nie
Henir Dungeon - Season 3 N/A Nie
Gate of Darkness (GoD) - Season 2 Zastąpiony Never
Gate of Darkness (GoD) - Season 3 N/A Nie
Raid Boss Dungeon N/A Nie


  1. All Non-Individual Voices use Korean Voice
  2. OTP = One Time Password
  3. Rematch that allowed to fight same player again