[Special Active: Strength]
Project a sanctuary on the ground and break the limits of projection magic. The use of command/active skills in the sanctuary grants additional damage to each attack.
Burning Land of Projection
  • Give additional damage when Command/Active skills are used within the radius.
  • [Projected Dagger]: Hit targets are inflicted with   at a 100% chance.
  • [Projected Longsword]: Hit targets are inflicted with   for 1 second at a 50% chance.
  • [Projected Spear]: Penetrate all targets and give a 100% critical hit.
Final Enhanced Skill
  • Duration is increased by 1.2 times.


Class Level Required
Arme Thaumaturgy: Transcendent 90

Skill Information

Mode Barrier Shockwave
Burning Land of Projection Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
   Duration Shockwave Projected Dagger Projected Longsword Projected Spear
Projected Dagger Projected Longsword Projected Spear Reactivation
Damage (Physical)    Damage (Physical)    Damage (Physical) Critical Rate
Chance Duration Chance Duration
PvE 1786% 118% 100% 10 Seconds 806% 50% 1 Second 1152% 100% 0.5 seconds 1 Second 15 Seconds 1 3 1 1 200 MP 15 Seconds
PvP 380% 29% 202% 288%
PvE 1786% 118% 100% 10 Seconds 806% 50% 1 Second 1152% 100% 0.5 seconds 1 Second 18 Seconds 1 3 1 1 200 MP 15 Seconds
PvP 380% 29% 202% 288%

Skill Traits

Reversed Brennen Pantasma BodenRegenerating (2) Brennen Pantasma Boden
Attribute EffectMP UsageCooldownAttribute EffectCooldown
MP Usage decreased to 60%
Cooldown increased to 130%
120 MP19.5 Seconds50% chance of lowering cooldown to 60%9 Seconds

Related Skills

Tips and Details

  • Unlike what the visual may suggest, this skill has no effect on any allies. Only you gain the ability to summon projected weapons.
  • The additional Projection attacks will occur whenever you execute a command or active skill with a cooldown of 0.5 seconds.
    • Unlike Ain's Power System: Creation Magic, the Projection attacks can occur on any command, including Ain's ZZZX ~ X, which will trigger it repeatedly while the command is held.
  • You will gain a blue afterimage while inside the field's radius, as well as a 1 second buff to indicate you are currently affected by the field.
    • The buff will constantly refresh while inside the field, though only while standing on roughly the same height. Hovering or standing on a platform above the field will not grant you the buff.
    • Due to the effects of the skill being tied to a buff, stacking multiple fields together does not affect the skill's buff at all, meaning you will only ever fire one of the Projection attacks.
  • Your attacks do not have to hit a target to summon projections.
  • The skill has a strong suction in its area of effect upon activation, drawing mobs to the center.


  • This skill's name is German for Burning Phantasm Floor.
    • Correctly translated, the skill's name would be Brennender Phantasma-Boden/Phantasmaboden.
  • In Europe, Ardēre Imago Solum is Latin but means absolutely nothing since the words Imago, and Solum are not declined and the verb Ardēre is not conjugated. Moreover the word order does not matter in Latin.
    • Ardēre means to burn, Imago has multiple meanings but the most appropriate translation would be phantom, Solum means ground.
    • Burning Phantom Ground would be Ardens Solum Imaginum for multiple phantoms or Ardens Solum Imaginis for one phantom.


Date Changes
12/29/2016 01/11/2017
  • Brennen Pantasma Boden added.
02/23/2017 03/15/2017
  • Chain Shockwave damage increased.
04/27/2017 05/10/2017
  • Chain Shockwave damage increased.
  • Damage decreased.
07/27/2017 08/09/2017
  • None
  • Damage decreased.
09/28/2017 10/18/2017
  • None
  • Damage decreased.
02/22/2018 04/18/2018
  • Damage decreased.
  • Burning Land of Projection damage increased.
  • Barrier Shockwave damage decreased.
  • Damage increased.
10/28/2021 11/24/2021
  • Cooldown decreased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 브레넨 판타즈마 보덴 Brennen Phantasma Boden
  China (Simplified Chinese) 燃烧的投影之地 Burning Land of Projection
  Germany Ardēre Imago Solum
  Spain Ardēre Imago Solum
  France Ardēre Imago Solum
  Italy Ardēre Imago Solum
  Poland Ardēre Imago Solum
  United Kingdom Ardēre Imago Solum
  Brazil Fantasma das Terras Flamejantes Phantom of Burning Lands