For the Elder Alchemist NPC with the same name, see Echo (NPC).
A glance that sees through the truth.
An arrow that pierces the world.
The song of light that echoes in the great flow of time.

Using the same grade skill consecutively will activate [Literacy - Echo].

[Literacy - Tenacious Echo]
Using Tenacity Skill after using Tenacity Skill will decrease Magical Defense of enemies within range and increase the caster's Tenacious Skill Damage.

[Literacy - Strong Echo]
Using Strength Skill after using Strength Skill will decrease damage from Boss Monsters for allies and increase the caster's Strength Skill Damage.

[Literacy - Brave Echo]
Using Bravery Skill after using Bravery Skill will create a barrier on allies and increase all damage, and also increase the caster's Bravery Skill Damage.


Class Level Required
Prophetess 99

Skill Information

  • NA
  • KR (02/27/2025)
Skill Level Level Literacy Self BuffEcho
  Enemy DebuffTenacious Echo   Party BuffStrong Echo   Party BuffBrave Echo Duration       Duration
Magical Defense Decrease Damage Reduction from Boss Monsters
This effect is normalized
to your current stats. 
Shield HP All Damage Increase
This effect is multiplicative
to your current stats. 
Tenacity Skill Damage Increase
This effect is multiplicative
to your current stats. 
Strength Skill Damage Increase
This effect is multiplicative
to your current stats. 
Bravery Skill Damage Increase
This effect is multiplicative
to your current stats. 
1 99 25% 15% 10% of Caster's Max HP 10% 30 Seconds 20% 30 Seconds
1 99 12.5% 15% 5% of Caster's Max HP 5% 30 Seconds 10% 30 Seconds

Related Skills


Date Changes
07/07/2022 08/02/2022
  • Echo added.
07/21/2022 08/17/2022
  • Duration increased.
02/29/2024 03/27/2024
  •   Party BuffTenacious Echo Critical Increase removed.
  •   Enemy DebuffTenacious Echo Magical Defense Decrease added.
  •   Enemy DebuffTenacious Echo Magical Defense Decrease decreased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 울림 Ring
  Italy Canto Singing