Moonlight Hill (Night) (Downhill)

The hill covered with strange markings no longer look the same.


Recommended Level
Required Combat Power
Dungeon Layout
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Monster Image Monster Description Monster Moves
Vipera - An altered Freak Leech now infused with bio poisons.
  • Acid Spit: Spit out acid which leaves a poisonous trail in front of it.
Freak Viterra - An altered Freak Beast now infused with bio poisons.
  • Acid Breath: Spew a noxious cloud of poisonous gas in front of it.
  • Charge: Run across the area ramming into targets.
Lulore - A flower bud that hand on the underside of platforms.
  • Water Ball: Create a ball of water which slowly travels forwards.
  • Self-Destruct: When defeated, these creatures will burst.


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Obstacles Image Obstacles Description
  Strange Root - A strange root that appears to be corrupting the environment. Will obstruct the way, but seemingly has no other effects.
  Cursed Water - The contaminated water will curse those who step on it, draining their MP.
  Slippery Slope - Smooth stone slopes which makes you slide down the side.


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Monster Image Boss Description Boss Moves
Titania - The elder of the Landar sisters.
  • Teleport: Titania can teleport around the map at will.
  • Dark Orbs: Create three dark orbs above her which home onto targets.
  • Dark Burst: Create a shockwave of darkness around her.
  • Root Summon: Creates roots around the map.
  • Root Strike: Strike the ground and cause six roots to burst out of the ground around her.


  •   Titania: How cute. I would love to play with you more... But I'm a bit busy at the moment. I'll get rid of you and be on my way!
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Date Changes
12/17/2020 01/13/2021
  • Moonlight Hill (Night) (Downhill) added.
Alternative Names
Server Name Translation
  South Korea 밤의 언덕 (하행) Nighttime Hill (Downhill)
  China (Simplified Chinese) 黑夜山丘下山道 Nighttime Hill Downhill
  France Colline nocturne (descente) Nighttime Hill (Downhill)

  • Noah
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous