Note:This article is currently under development. Please be patient while we're adding the finishing touches!
Full Name
Anna Testarossa (Rose)
Revolvers, Muskets, Automatic Pistols, Hand Cannons
, Heavy Weaponry
180 cm (5 ft 11 in)
Class Tree

Voice Actors
이용신 (Lee Yong-shin)
小清水 亜美 (Ami Koshimizu)
Erica Lindbeck
Dagmar Bittner
Ana Valeiras
Bénédicte Bosc
Marta Lucini
Zuzanna Galia
Clara Dane
Release Date
17 December 2015
1 June 2016
1 June 2016
2 June 2016
29 June 2016
19 July 2016
Theme Song
I will obey the imperial princess's command!


[A royal guard member that protects the Imperial Princess]

Special Ability

Main Article: ECP System

The "ECP System" enables her to switch to 4 different weapons and activate Over Strike.


Main Article: Atlas Station Outskirts
  • In-game Version
  • Nexon Version

Name: Anna Testarossa
A member of the [Majestic Garden] that protects the Royal City in Heaven.

She was given the code name [Rose], as the most powerful of the Majestic Garden.

In order to eliminate the enemies that threaten Heaven, Rose was given the task to investigate a different dimension called Elrios.

First Class Advancement

Rose is required to be Lv.15 to begin her first class advancement. You can decide between the following:

Heavy Barrel
A heavy arms specialist that dominates the battlefield with absolute power.


A assassin who uses her chain revovler and her blade to bind and even bleed her enemies to death.


A soldier who utilizes elemental bullets and grenades coupled with high mobility to ambush her enemies.


Metal Heart
Uses various robots using Nasod technology in a unique battle style.


Skill Tree

Skills Passives
[Create a bond and use the new skills!]
Changes to   if Married.
Changes to   if Partnered.
    Level 1
        Level 5
      Level 10
        Level 15
      Level 20
  • Skill Traits unlocked at Level 20.
  • Final Enhanced Skill unlocked upon advancing to 1st job class.


Combo Description Damage
     Basic 3 kick combo that launches targets upward at the final hit.

  146% Phy. Damage
  171% Phy. Damage
  213% Phy. Damage
  281% Phy. Damage

     Basic 3 kick combo, followed by tossing a frag grenade at enemies that launches enemies.

  146% Phy. Damage
  171% Phy. Damage
  213% Phy. Damage
  100% Phy. Damage + 397% Mag. Damage

A combo used while holding revolvers.
 [Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +  
Muskets: V +  
Auto-guns: V +  
Hand Cannons: V +  
[Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +  
Muskets: V +  
Auto-guns: V +  
Hand Cannons: V +  
Fires 1 bullet from the first revolver, 2 bullets from the second revolver before firing a final shot that knocks enemies away. Shots are able to pierce once and will "explode" to deal additional splash damage. Can switch weapons during the white commands (consumes ECP).

  333% + 10% Phy. Damage (4MP)
[Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +  
Muskets: V +  
Auto-guns: V +  
Hand Cannons: V +  
333% + 10% Phy. Damage (4MP)
[Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +  
Muskets: V +  
Auto-guns: V +  
Hand Cannons: V +  
333% + 10% Phy. Damage (4MP)
  467% + 12% Phy. Damage (4MP)(10ECP)
First   deals 100% Phy. Damage when contact

A combo used while holding Muskets.
 [Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +  
Muskets: V +  
Auto-guns: V +  
Hand Cannons: V +  
Fires 2 bullets from the first musket and a final shot from the second musket that knocks enemies away. Shots are able to pierce an unlimited amount of enemies and will "explode" to deal additional splash damage. Can switch weapons during the white commands (consumes ECP).

  354 % + 10% Phy. Damage (7MP)
[Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +  
Muskets: V +  
Auto-guns: V +  
Hand Cannons: V +  
354% + 10% Phy. Damage (7MP)
  585% + 12% Phy. Damage (7MP)(10ECP)
First   deals 100% Phy. Damage on contact

A combo used while holding Auto-guns.
 [Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +  
Muskets: V +  
Auto-guns: V +  
Hand Cannons: V +  
[Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +  
Muskets: V +  
Auto-guns: V +  
Hand Cannons: V +  
[Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +  
Muskets: V +  
Auto-guns: V +  
Hand Cannons: V +  
[Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +  
Muskets: V +  
Auto-guns: V +  
Hand Cannons: V +  
Fires 3 shots from each auto-gun and can fire up to 7 times. The last hit will do hitstun and each bullet burns 2 MP off the target. Shots are unable to pierce at all however they do have an explosion radius so all targets within range take damage. Can switch weapons during the white commands (consumes ECP).
  • Currently bugged: if Rose is interrupted while firing, the unused bullets will fire by themselves, maintaining hitstun/damage.

  94% + 10% Phy. Damage x3 (2MP)
[Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +  
Muskets: V +  
Auto-guns: V +  
Hand Cannons: V +  
94% + 10% Phy. Damage x3 (2MP)
[Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +  
Muskets: V +  
Auto-guns: V +  
Hand Cannons: V +  
94% + 10% Phy. Damage x3 (2MP)
[Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +  
Muskets: V +  
Auto-guns: V +  
Hand Cannons: V +  
94% + 10% Phy. Damage x3 (2MP)
[Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +  
Muskets: V +  
Auto-guns: V +  
Hand Cannons: V +  
94% + 10% Phy. Damage x3 (2MP)
  74% + 12% Phy. Damage x6 (2MP)(10ECP)
First   deals 100% Phy. Damage on contact

[Hand Cannons]
A combo used while holding hand cannons.
[Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +  
Muskets: V +  
Auto-guns: V +  
Hand Cannons: V +  
Fire a blast forward, followed by a second blast that knocks enemies back. Shots are an area of effect rather than a projectile and can hit an infinite amount of enemies. Can switch weapons during the white commands (consumes ECP).

[Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +  
Muskets: V +  
Auto-guns: V +  
Hand Cannons: V +  
679% + 100% Phy. Damage (2MP)
  1018% Phy. Damage (2MP)(10ECP)
+ 100% Phy. Damage x2
Physical Damage only applies on contact

    Slide to kick and launch the target.

  146% Phy. Damage
  180% Phy. Damage

    Slide to kick and dodge behind enemies and toss a frag grenade that launches enemies.

  146% Phy. Damage
  100% Phy. Damage + 286% Mag. Damage

   Dodge behind enemies and fire a shot. Shots differ from weapons.  
A combo used while holding revolvers.
  295% + 10% Phy. Damage x2 (4MP)
A combo used while holding Muskets.
  281% + 10% Phy. Damage (4MP)
A combo used while holding Auto-guns.
  94% + 10% Phy. Damage x3 (4MP)
[Hand Cannons]
A combo used while holding hand cannons.
  499% Phy. Damage (4MP)
   Single jump kick.

  133% Phy. Damage

   Single jump with weapon shot without knocking down. Shots differ from weapons.  
A combo used while holding revolvers.
  333% + 10% Phy. Damage (4MP)
A combo used while holding Muskets.
  354% + 10% Phy. Damage (4MP)
A combo used while holding Auto-guns.
  94% + 10% Phy. Damage x3 (4MP)
[Hand Cannons]
A combo used while holding hand cannons.
  679% Phy. Damage (4MP)
  While in the air, perform a double jump.


   While in midair, kicks forward. After landing, continues to run if you hold  .

  133% Phy. Damage

A combo used while holding revolvers.
While in midair, fires 1 shot from the first revolver and finishes with 2 shots from the second revolver.

  333% + 10% Phy. Damage (4MP)
  333% + 10% Phy. Damage x2 (3MP)

A combo used while holding Muskets.
While in midair, fires 2 shots. The last shot pushes you back.

  354% + 10% Phy. Damage (4MP)
  354% + 10% Phy. Damage (4MP)

A combo used while holding Auto-guns.
While in midair, fires 3 shots from each gun.

  94% + 10% Phy. Damage x3 (3MP)
  94% + 10% Phy. Damage x3 (3MP)
  61% + 10% Phy. Damage x6 (3MP)

[Hand Cannons]
A combo used while holding hand cannons.
While in midair, blast the enemies. The last shot pushes you back greatly.

  679% Phy. Damage (4MP)

Recovery  / 

Recover with a series of spinning kicks that provide hitstun leaving opponents open for combo.

 /  100% Phy. Damage x3


Date Changes
02/21/2019 -
  • Fixed bullet being fired on the next attack when   is interrupted during use.





Full Gallery: Rose/Gallery



Tips and Details

  • Most of her   commands have much larger range than the visual implies. Sometimes they are also able to hit behind her.
  • If her   firing animation gets interrupted, the bullets may be unleashed upon next attack or after some amount of time.
    • It was attempted to be fixed in the past and does not happen as frequently as it used to.
  • Her   bullet commands are physical projectiles, thus making them impossible to be reflected or absorbed, unlike normal magical projectiles.
    • Some Special Actives can still absorb her projectiles, such as Fire Wall.
    • Rose's bullets can also be reflected by Taranvash of 7-3 and Bloody Glitter Defenders in Velder's Hallucination.
  • Just like Deadly Chaser and Ciel, Rose's weapons deal physical damage at close range.
  • Upon advancing to 3rd job, your weapon will automatically switch to the class' default weapon during the starting and ending animations.


  • Rose's job path in Lore/Story would be the Minerva path.
  • Rose's official theme song is Set Fire.
  • Rose's prologue dungeon takes place in Atlas, shortly before she arrived in Elrios. Her "Before Joining" Side Story reveals that she arrived in Ruben shortly after Elsword's group left for Feita and followed their trail, investigating each location that the group had visited, including Altera. She witnesses the El Search Party for the first time, fighting Solace in Solace's Fortress, during the story quest Final Battle.
    • On her way to Sander, Rose got caught in a powerful sandstorm, but was led to safety by Anduran via telepathy. Later, after meeting the priestesses in Lanox and explaining her situation to them, she returned to Atlas through the prophecy to follow the El Search Party. Because of this, she has unique dungeon clear lines from Diceon Mines onward. Prior to this, all dungeons will re-use one of 3 generic dungeon clear lines.
    • Rose has a different story summary for the story quest Together, Once More up till Henir's Passage. She makes her official introduction to the group for the first time during the story quest Debrian Laboratory 1.
  • Anna Testarossa's (Rose) design is based of the "female Gunner" from the MMO Dungeon Fighter Online, making her the first collaboration character in Elsword. Although they come from the same universe, Rose and the "female gunner" have different backstories, making Rose's backstory an Elsword-original.
    • Rose's classes and skills up to 2nd job are lifted from DFO in some way, while her 3rd job classes are all Elsword-original, and were created long before the similar "Neo-Awakening" classes in DFO. No skills are shared between the two, and their designs are very different between the two games.
    • Rose's robot navigator, Zero, is an Elsword-original character and was originally planned to have the ability to become Rose's weapons, but this idea was scrapped because it was "too difficult to implement".
      • Along with being a navigator, Zero was installed with the "Elrios Class Change System", using El Shards to help Rose enhance her weapons for her class advancements.
    • Rose is, however, not the first crossover character. Elesis was originally from Grand Chase, KoG's previous MMO, which, while not a collaboration (as it's the same company), is still a crossover.
    • Rose is the first character to have 4 job paths, likely to reflect the 4 subclass lines she has in her original game. The other characters received their 4th paths later on.
  • Based of "female gunner" from DFO, various commands are based on attacks and skills from said game.
    • The final attack in      is based on the Female Gunner skill Marilyn Rose.
    • The grenade thrown in      is based on the Gunner skill G-14 Buster.
    •     is based on the Gunner skill Steep Slide.
    • Recovery  /  is based on the Female Gunner skill Topspin Kick.
    • In addition to her attacks being based on various skills from Dungeon Fighter Online, Rose's idle pose is also based on that of the Female Gunner.
    • Some skills are also transferred from her original game such as Spriggan, Gatling Gun, Barbecue!, and Flame Thrower.
    • Despite having multiple weapons, she only has one weapon costume slot. Her weapon costume is applied to all of her weapons.
  • Despite her portrait showing her using pistols, her awakening shadow depict her using Hand Cannons even if another weapon is selected. This applies to all job changes too.
    • Her ready animation also shows her primarily using Hand Cannons.
  • Before the removal of the preliminary questline for 1st Job, Rose's quests referred to her as Jamming, which doesn't indicate a class title like most other characters' preliminary quests.
  • Rose's Fluttering Heart Skill Cut-in was censored in NA, removing her pistol. This was likely done to distance itself from any implications of school shootings.
  • Elsword is not the first game that Female Gunner has made an appearance through a collaboration. She is featured as a playable character through crossovers in other MMOs such as Cyphers Online and Sudden Attack.

Prior to joining the El search Party
Generic Clear Lines

  • Rose: I won't forgive anyone that gets in my way!
  • Rose: That was a battle worth fighting for as a royal guard!
  • Rose: Battle finished. Now moving to the next battlefield!

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 로제
안나 테스타로사
Anna Testarossa
  Japan ロゼ
Anna Testarossa
  Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) 蘿潔
Anna Testarossa
  China (Simplified Chinese) 萝丝
安娜 · 特斯塔罗莎
Anna Testarossa
