Henir's Time and Space/Season 3/zh-hans: Difference between revisions

Text replacement - "{{ColorSel|Village|SP}}" to "{{ColorSel|Special}}"
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{{DISPLAYTITLE:S-1 赫尼尔时空}}
{{Languages|Henir's Time and Space}}
= 赫尼尔时空 =
<div class="section-wrapper" style="border-color: {{ColorSel|Special}};">
| SectionSty=text-align: center;
| Color0={{ColorSel|Special}}
| Title0=介绍
| Content0=
{| class="section-side-column"
| [[File:HenirCN.png|800px]]
| SectionSty=height: 50%;
| Color0={{ColorSel|Special}}
| Title0=适当入场等级
| Content0={{tabs|name=x|tab1=普通|contents1=80 ~ 99|tab2=挑战|contents2=90 ~ 99}}
| SectionSty=height: 50%;
| Color0={{ColorSel|Special}}
| Title0=战斗力限制
| Content0=50000
| SectionSty=text-align: center;
| Color0={{ColorSel|Special}}
| Title0=副本概要
| Content0=
| Color0={{ColorSel|Special}}
| Title0=背景
| Content0=

{| width="100%" style="font-size:1em; line-height:1.5em;"
| valign="top" style="border:2px solid #708090; border-radius: 1px;"|
{| cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5" rules="all" style="margin:0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em; empty-cells:show;"
|valign="top" width="100%" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #708090; color:#FFFFFF;"  colspan="12"| '''介绍'''
| SectionSty=text-align: center;
| Color0={{ColorSel|Special}}
| Title0=关卡配置
| Content0=
{| cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse; text-align: center"
! 关卡 !! Boss群组 !! 关卡 !! Boss群组 !! 关卡 !! Boss群组 !! 关卡 !! Boss群组
| Stage 1 || rowspan=3 | 随机群组1 || Stage 7 || 特殊群组 || Stage 13 || 随机群组4 || Stage 19 || rowspan=3 | 随机群组6
| Stage 2 || Stage 8 || rowspan=3 | 随机群组3 || Stage 14 || 特殊群组 || Stage 20
|width="100%" colspan="12" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; font-size:1em; line-height:1.5em;" valign="top"|
| Stage 3 || Stage 9 || Stage 15 || 休息区域 || Stage 21
|rowspan="4" | [[File:HenirCN.png|800px]]
| Stage 4 || rowspan=3 | 随机群组2 || Stage 10 || Stage 16 || rowspan=3 | 随机群组5 || Stage 22 || 特殊群组
|align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #708090; color:#FFFFFF;" colspan="12" | '''所需等级'''
| style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000;" align="center" colspan="12" |
| Stage 5 || Stage 11 || rowspan=2 | 随机群组4  || Stage 17 || Stage 23 || 特殊群组
| align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #708090; color:#FFFFFF;" colspan="12" | '''适合道具等级'''
| Stage 6 || Stage 12 || Stage 18 || Stage 24 || 休息区域
| SectionSty=text-align: leftr;
| Color0={{ColorSel|Special}}
| Title0=Boss群组
| Color0={{ColorSel|Village|3}}
| Title0=随机群组
| Content0=<dfn>{{</dfn>
{| cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left"
! 群组 !! 关卡1 !! 关卡2 !! 关卡3
| style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000;" align="center" colspan="12" |
| 群组1 || 杜拉汉公爵<br>暴君迪奇 || 聪明的督特<br>机敏的普洛施<br>强袭的克莱斯 || 贝罗克<br>暗影贝罗克<br>通灵者卡亚克
| align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #708090; color:#FFFFFF;" colspan="12" | '''副本地图'''
| 群组2 || 雷文(x3) || 代码:Q-PROTO_00<br>古代纳斯德公主苹果 || 维克多(x2)
| style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000;" align="center" colspan="12" | [[File:NewHenirMap.png|250px]]
| 群组3 || 重装哈德<br>珂露尔 || 潜行的摩尔波斯<br>勇猛的麦加德<br>普尔卡<br>无敌的巴洛顿<br>阴险的霍亚金 || 瓦利8号MK2<br>克劳尔莱德(x2)
|valign="top" width="100%" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #708090; color:#FFFFFF;"  colspan="12"| '''背景'''
| 群组4 || 波尔德(x2) || 暗影通灵者卡亚克<br>远古巨龙 || 凶恶石兔布特鲁<br>黑暗之翼:奥克琵特<br>战斗酋长:圆子<br>战斗酋长:土阿丁<br>魅魔:爱丽路德
|width="100%" colspan="12" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; font-size:1em; line-height:1.5em;" valign="top"|
| 群组5 || 影夜首领(x2) || 堕落的守护者:黑波特 || 玛丹玛朵(x2)
|valign="top" width="100%" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #708090; color:#FFFFFF;"  colspan="12"| '''Boss'''
| 群组6 || 巨人瓦督(x2) || 突变魔气的形象 || 大战斗酋长:卡鲁(x2)
|width="100%" colspan="12" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; font-size:1em; line-height:1.5em;" valign="top"|
| 群组7 || 族长托克塔(x2) || 愤怒的邪念体 || 克丽丝(x2)
==== 魔奇/艾德区域 ====
Stage 1:威廉噗鲁<br>
| 群组8 || 森林女神肯塔(x2) || 幻境霍亚金 || 背叛者依格尼亚<br>狂战士阿玛格顿(x3)<br>钢铁熔岩狂战士<br>钢铁熔岩斗士
Stage 2:蘑菇王、炸弹猴王 '''或''' 精灵守卫(x5) '''或''' 巨猩王、托托 '''或''' 赛亚噗鲁<br>
Stage 3:艾特、蝙蝠王 '''或''' 重装班得斯、纳斯德班得斯 '''或''' 威廉噗鲁、窃贼噗鲁、盗贼噗鲁 '''或''' 瓦利8号、拜伦格特<br>  
| 群组9 || 束缚的伊芙利坦(x2) || 厄泰拉西亚:TYPE-H || 影夜史丁格<br>奇妙的肯拉德<br>堕落的珂露尔<br>巨锤波波斯
| 群组10 || 钢铁铁砧斯德因(x2) || 魅惑的魔族:震<br>束缚的魔族:印 || 真克丽丝
| Color0={{ColorSel|Village|6}}
| Title0=特殊群组
| Content0=<dfn>{{</dfn>
| Color0={{ColorSel|Special}}
| Title0=休息区域
| Content0=

==== 贝斯马/厄泰拉区域 ====
Stage 1:蜥蜴人狂战士(x2) '''或''' 暗影蜥蜴人杀戮者(x2) '''或''' 雷文(x2) '''或''' 污染的纳斯德挖土机(x2)<br>
Stage 2:贝罗克(x2) '''或''' 暗影贝罗克(x3) '''''' 通灵者卡亚克(x2) '''或''' 火之纳斯德:尼克莉丝、水之纳斯德:雷比亚坦 '''或''' 寄生花厄泰拉西亚、污染的纳斯德挖掘机(x2)<br>
Stage 3:纳斯德挖土机(x2) '''或''' 瓦利8号MK2(x2) '''或''' 克劳尔布莱德(x2)<br>
Stage 4:纳斯德之王(x1) '''或''' 瓦利9号重装守护者(x2)<br>
| Color0={{ColorSel|Special}}
| Title0=建议
| Content0=<span>

==== 沛塔区域 ====
Stage 1:杜拉翰公爵(x2) '''或''' 暴君迪奇(x2)<br>
Stage 2:紫炎领主、格雷特死灵法师(x2) '''''' 变异绵羊领主(x3)<br>
Stage 3:科迪沙克<br>
Stage 4:波尔德(x2)<br>

==== 拜德区域 ====
Stage 1:重装哈德(x2)<br>
Stage 2:疯狂的帕比、暗黑格雷特炼金术师(x2)<br>
Stage 3:斯普利冈(x2)<br>
*当玛丹玛朵不在霸体状态下时,每受到超过60HIT的攻击会跳到背景进行背景攻击,所以不要在它不在霸体时使用低伤的高HIT数的技能,例如[[Cyclone/zh-hans|龙卷风]]、[[Thousand Star/zh-hans|众星攻击]]解散等。
Stage 4:黑暗尼非汀<br>
*有些技能的准备时间很长,如[[Gungnir/zh-hans|究极神箭]]、[[Secret Dragon Arts - 'Blast'/zh-hans|龙牙奥义:爆碎]],不要在队友还在技能准备时把Boss推走了。

==== 哈梅尔区域 ====
Stage 1:影夜首领x3<br>
Stage 2:异变珊瑚蛇(x3)<br>
Stage 3:光之塔伦巴修 '''''' 维克多(x2)<br>
Stage 4:玛丹玛朵(x2) '''''' 阿巴拉兹<br>
Stage 5:兰(x2)<br>
**[[Residential Area 3/zh-hans|重装哈德]]的'''自然回血'''不再根据它的HP上限而是固定的百分比,在挑战模式下,它回血的速度会''再''提高。
**[[Caluso Tribal Village/zh-hans|卡鲁]]的'''风暴漩涡'''的前两发漩涡会接近到距离卡鲁非常近的位置,你必须紧贴着卡鲁躲避。
**如果当一只[[Collapsing Temple of Fire/zh-hans|伊芙利坦]]使用'''地面坍塌'''时,另一只正处于战场外环,它会直接落入深坑而死亡。
**最好同时攻击两个[[Grand Cavern: Chasm of the Divided Land/zh-hans|斯卡]],对他们造成接近的伤害,以使其同时使用'''破灭'''。否则如果当一个斯卡使用'''破灭'''的时候,另一个斯卡依然在攻击,场面会变得较为危险。
==== 桑德斯区域 ====
Stage 1:巨人瓦督 '''或''' 钢铁翅膀:卡莱诺<br>
Stage 2:酋长托克塔<br>
Stage 3:大战斗酋长:卡鲁<br>
| Color0={{ColorSel|Special}}
Stage 4:克丽丝<br>
| Title0=奖励
Stage 5:真克丽丝<br>
| Content0=<dfn>{{</dfn>
通关赫尼尔时空可以获得时空的结晶,完成[[Glave/zh-hans|格雷夫]]处的每日任务可以获得时空的结晶和精致的时空的结晶。使用时空的结晶和精致的时空的结晶可以在[[Glave/zh-hans|格雷夫]]处制造[[Henir Equipment/zh-hans|赫尼尔时空装备]]。<br>
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" width="80%" style="border-collapse: collapse; text-align: center"
! rowspan=2 | 关卡 !! colspan=2 | 通关成功 !! colspan=2 | 通关失败 !! rowspan=2 | 关卡 !! colspan=2 | 通关成功 !! colspan=2 | 通关失败
! width=54 | 材料 !! width=54 | 数量 !! width=54 | 材料 !! width=54 | 数量 !! width=54 | 材料 !! width=54 | 数量 !! width=54 | 材料 !! width=54 | 数量
| Stage 1 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 2 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 0 || Stage 16 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 32 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 30
| Stage 2 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 4 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 2 || Stage 17 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 34 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 32
| Stage 3 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 6 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 4 || Stage 18 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 36 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 34
| Stage 4 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 8 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 6 || Stage 19 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 38 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 36
| Stage 5 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 10 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 8 || Stage 20 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 40 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 38
| Stage 6 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 12 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 10 || Stage 21 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 42 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 40
| Stage 7 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 15 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 12 || Stage 22 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 45 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 42
| Stage 8 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 17 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 15 || Stage 23 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 70 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 45
| Stage 9 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 19 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 17 || Stage 24 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 70 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 70
| Stage 10 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 21 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 19
| Stage 11 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 23 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 21
| Stage 12 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 25 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 23
| Stage 13 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 27 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 25
| Stage 14 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 30 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 27
| Stage 15 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 30 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 30
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" width="80%" style="border-collapse: collapse; text-align: center"
! rowspan=2 | 关卡 !! colspan=2 | 通关成功 !! colspan=2 | 通关失败 !! rowspan=2 | 关卡 !! colspan=2 | 通关成功 !! colspan=2 | 通关失败
! width=54 | 材料 !! width=54 | 数量 !! width=54 | 材料 !! width=54 | 数量 !! width=54 | 材料 !! width=54 | 数量 !! width=54 | 材料 !! width=54 | 数量
| Stage 1 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 4 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 0 || Stage 16 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 54 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 50
| Stage 2 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 7 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 4 || Stage 17 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 57 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 54
|valign="top" width="100%" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #708090; color:#FFFFFF;"  colspan="12"| '''进入隐藏/精英关卡'''
| Stage 3 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 10 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 7 || Stage 18 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 60 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 57
|width="100%" colspan="12" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; font-size:1em; line-height:1.5em;" valign="top"|
| Stage 4 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 13 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 10 || Stage 19 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 63 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 60
Secret and Elite stages are additional stages in Henir that the player may take to earn additional Pieces of Time and Space.
Encountering a Secret\Elite stage is random and the chances of them appearing is affected by both the number of players and fever. <br/>
The formula is: ([# of Players] -1) * 15 + Fever/3 = % Chance.<br/>
*1 Player = 0% Chance [0 Fever]
*2 Players = 15~26% Chance [0~33 Fever]
*3 Players = 30~52% Chance [0~66 Fever]
*4 Players = 45~78% Chance [0~100 Fever]
**Having any player be dead after the last boss of a Stage Set is defeated reduces the odds to 0%.
|valign="top" width="100%" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #708090; color:#FFFFFF;"  colspan="12"| '''休息区域Buff'''
| Stage 5 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 17 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 13 || Stage 20 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 67 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 63
|width="100%" colspan="12" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; font-size:1em; line-height:1.5em;" valign="top"|
| Stage 6 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 21 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 17 || Stage 21 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 71 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 67
Rest Areas will restore a fixed percentage of HP and MP.  Each rest area after the first will restore a bit less HP\MP than the previous one.
Rest Areas will also have a chance of giving every player a special buff at random as follows:
*Light Buff is mislabeled in this image, it is an Attack Power boost.
*In the image it doesn't give a duration for Dark Buff as that is instantaneous.
|valign="top" width="100%" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #708090; color:#FFFFFF;"  colspan="12"| '''建议'''
| Stage 7 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 25 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 21 || Stage 22 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 75 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 71
|width="100%" colspan="12" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; font-size:1em; line-height:1.5em;" valign="top"|
| Stage 8 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 29 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 25 || Stage 23 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 100 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 75
''Be equipped to your best ability.''
*Bring at least +6 weapons, have least 18% attack speed, 10% accuracy, bring lots of mana potions, craftable potions and/or 30% HP potions from Camilla, and most importantly, high DPS skills.
''In Henir there are multiples of most enemies. Generally as a first priority, you would want to group the enemies if conveniently possible.''
*By grouping enemies together, you can effectively multiply your damage output.
*A grouped enemy is usually much easier to defend against since you will only need to focus your attention on a single area.
''Be considerate of your party mates.''
*Do not purposely knock down bosses that have high knockdown damage reductions. (This includes everything past Feita Set)
*Do not hit the harpoons at Cutty Sark in Feita if you do not know the timing.
*Do not use 250+ MP skills or some of [[Ara]]'s skills that count as 250+ MP skills due to Orb usage such as [[Falling Dragon]], [[Hell of Tornado]], [[Suppression : Energy]], [[Suppression : Bond]] or [[Swallow Assault]] at Berthe after he has over half his MP bar full.
*Magmanta will escape after 60 hits when it is not super armored, do not use weak multi-hit skills that will cause it to escape like awakened [[Plasma Cutter]], or [[Cyclone]].
*Some skills like [[Gungnir]] and [[Shooting Star]] have a long skill delay which is needed to hit enemies, do not interrupt it with a short skill delay if it will interfere with the skill.
''Have an understanding of how each boss fights before challenging Henir's Time and Space.''
*There is information on every boss you can encounter in this wiki. If you are unfamiliar with any, you can read up on their skills and attacks as well as their weaknesses.
*However there are some bosses that operate differently in Henir. These include:
**No boss will have any displayed text warnings when they use a special attack.
***This can make Joaquin's Hallucination skill much harder to spot, especially if he is in dwarf mode.
**Uno Hound's regeneration is a fixed rate not dependent on its maximum HP. In Challenge mode, it will regenerate ''extremely'' fast.
**Chloe's summoning of Dark Elves is time based in here. They will all do it at the same time if the fight is prolonged.
**Coral Sea Serpents cannot be flinched by any attack, preventing them from being stun-locked.
***It's still possible to flinch by inflicting [[Suppression : Bond]]'s debuff after it uses the move '''Poison Spit''' though most [[Sakra Devanam]] users rarely use this tactic.
**Taranvash's mirrors which will turn much faster than normal.
**Avalanche will fire 4 homing ice blasts instead of 2 when he retreats. These will move much faster and further as well.
|valign="top" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #708090; color:#FFFFFF;" width="50%" colspan="6"| '''奖励'''
| Stage 9 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 32 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 29 || Stage 24 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 100 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 100
|valign="top" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #708090; color:#FFFFFF;" width="50%" colspan="6"| '''BGM'''
| colspan="6" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000;" valign="top" width="50%" |
| Stage 10 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 35 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 32
| colspan="6" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000;" valign="top" align="center" width="50%" |  
赫尼尔时空休息区域 - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=217kBiwmymU '''''space_henir''''']
|valign="top" width="100%" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #708090; color:#FFFFFF;"  colspan="12"| '''花絮'''
| Stage 11 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 38 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 35
|width="100%" colspan="12" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; font-size:1em; line-height:1.5em;" valign="top"|
| Stage 12 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 42 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 38
|valign="top" width="100%" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #708090; color:#FFFFFF;"  colspan="12"| '''可能存在的BUG'''
| Stage 13 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 46 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 42
|width="100%" colspan="12" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; font-size:1em; line-height:1.5em;" valign="top"|
| Stage 14 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 50 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 46
|width="60%" colspan="6" style="border:0px solid; border-color:#000000; font-size:1em; line-height:0em;" align="center" valign="top"|
| Stage 15 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 50 || [[File:TSCrystal.png|54px]] || 50
|width="60%" colspan="6" style="border:0px solid; border-color:#000000; font-size:1em; line-height:0em;" align="center" valign="top"|
| SectionSty=height: 50%;
| Color0={{ColorSel|Special}}
| Title0=视频
| Content0=<dfn>{{</dfn>
| SectionSty=text-align: center;
| Color0={{ColorSel|Special}}
| Title0=BGM
| Content0=赫尼尔时空休息区域 - [http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/ARr7GidueSw/ '''''space_henir''''']
| Color0={{ColorSel|Special}}
| Title0=可能存在的BUG
| Content0=<span>
| Color0={{ColorSel|Special}}
| Title0=副本对话
| Content0=<span>
| Color0={{ColorSel|Special}}
| Title0=花絮
| Content0=<span>
*[[William's Time and Space/zh-hans|威廉的时空]]是赫尼尔时空的前身。
ElEditors, Administrators
