Residential Area 3: Difference between revisions

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|'''Arc Glitter Guard''' - The same as the '''Glitter Spearman''' from Feita, except that it has a horn, has grey skin, wears shiny golden armor and wields a flashier spear.
|'''Arc Glitter Guard''' - The same as the '''Glitter Spearman''' from Feita, except that it has a horn, has grey skin, wears shiny golden armor and wields a flashier spear.
-''Spear Combo:'' Stab forward with its spear then performs an overhead slash.
*'''Spear Combo:''' Stab forward with its spear then performs an overhead slash.
*'''Spear Charge:''' Charges forward with his spear dealing multiple hits.
-''Spear Charge:'' Charges forward with his spear dealing multiple hits.
*'''Aerial Counter:''' It will counter attack with a downward smash if it is struck while in the air.
-''Aerial Counter:'' It will counter attack with a downward smash if it is struck while in the air.
|'''Arc Glitter Protector''' - The same as the '''Glitter Shielder''' from Feita, except that it has a horn, has grey skin, wears shiny golden armor and wields a flashier shield.
|'''Arc Glitter Protector''' - The same as the '''Glitter Shielder''' from Feita, except that it has a horn, has grey skin, wears shiny golden armor and wields a flashier shield.
-''Defend:'' Guards against any on coming attacks from the front.
*'''Defend:''' Guards against any on coming attacks from the front.
*'''Shield Bash:''' Smashes players with its shield.
-''Shield Bash:'' Smashes players with its shield.
*'''Shield Rush:''' Dash forward shield bashing anybody in front of it.
-''Shield Rush:'' Dash forward shield bashing anybody in front of it.
|'''Arc Glitter Dasher''' - The same as the '''Glitter Pounder''' from Feita, except that it has a horn, has grey skin, wears shiny golden armor and wields a flashier hammer.
|'''Arc Glitter Dasher''' - The same as the '''Glitter Pounder''' from Feita, except that it has a horn, has grey skin, wears shiny golden armor and wields a flashier hammer.
-''Hammer Swing:'' Pulls its hammer back then slams it into the ground.
*'''Hammer Swing:''' Pulls its hammer back then slams it into the ground.
*'''Dash Swing:''' It can perform an upward swing while dashing launching players into the air.
-''Dash Swing:'' It can perform an upward swing while dashing launching players into the air.
*'''Leap Smash:''' Leaps in the air and smashes the ground with its hammer.
-''Leap Smash:'' Leaps in the air and smashes the ground with its hammer.
|'''Arc Glitter Sniper''' - The same as the '''Glitter Archer''' from Feita, except that it has a horn, has grey skin, wears shiny golden armor and wields a flashier bow.
|'''Arc Glitter Sniper''' - The same as the '''Glitter Archer''' from Feita, except that it has a horn, has grey skin, wears shiny golden armor and wields a flashier bow.
-''Arrow Shot:'' Fires an arrow forward.
*'''Arrow Shot:''' Fires an arrow forward.
*'''Down Shot:''' Fire an arrow downward.
-''Down Shot:'' Fire an arrow downward.
|'''Glitter Commander''' - This is a muscular and taller version of a Glitter.
|'''Glitter Commander''' - This is a muscular and taller version of a Glitter.
-''Battle Formation:'' Is able to organize Glitter troops into a blockade formation.
*'''Battle Formation:''' Is able to organize Glitter troops into a blockade formation.
*Arc Gitter Defenders up front.
**Arc Glitter Defenders up front.
*Arc Glitter Guards with their spears pointed upwards.
**Arc Glitter Guards with their spears pointed upwards.
*Arc Glitter Snipers in the back firing arrows in an arc.
**Arc Glitter Snipers in the back firing arrows in an arc.
-''Double Stab:'' A quick two hit combo with his dagger.
*'''Double Stab:''' A quick two hit combo with his dagger.
|'''Arc Glitter Assassin''' - A Glitter Soldier garbed in a black outfit.
|'''Arc Glitter Assassin''' - A Glitter Soldier garbed in a black outfit.
-''Aerial Slash:'' Dashes forward and perform an aerial attack.
*'''Aerial Slash:''' Dashes forward and perform an aerial attack.
*'''Slash & Dodge:''' After stabbing you, it will roll away.
-''Slash & Dodge:'' After stabbing you, it will roll away.
*'''Bomb Recovery:''' When recovering they will roll out of the way and leave behind a poisonous explosive.
-''Bomb Recovery:'' When recovering they will roll out of the way and leave behind a poisonous explosive.
|'''Cockatrigle''' -  A big, yellow chicken-like animal that utilizes quick pecking moves and super-armored laser attacks which can cause a very slight burning ailment.
|'''Cockatrigle''' -  A big, yellow chicken-like animal that utilizes quick pecking moves and super-armored laser attacks which can cause a very slight burning ailment.
-''Peck:'' It will peck several times with its beak.
*'''Peck:''' It will peck several times with its beak.
*'''Bird Laser:''' The Cockatrigle will fire a laser out of its mouth at the ground dealing damage to those in front of it.
-''Bird Laser:'' The Cockatrigle will fire a laser out of its mouth at the grounddealing damage to those in front of it.
|'''Wyvern''' - A yellow wyvern with brown spots over its body.
|'''Wyvern''' - A yellow wyvern with brown spots over its body.
-''Wyvern Dive:'' Wyvern will stall in the air then dive at an angle.
*'''Wyvern Dive:''' Wyvern will stall in the air then dive at an angle.
*'''Meteor Breath:''' Wyverns will fire mini-meteor fireballs out of their mouths. It is inadvisable to stand in front of a wyvern when he vomits meteors as it can juggle you, dealing very substantial damage.
-''Meteor Breath:'' Wyverns will fire mini-meteor fireballs out of their mouths. It is inadvisable to stand in front of a wyvern when he vomits meteors as it can juggle you, dealing very substantial damage.
|'''Dark Elf Sentinel''' - A skimpily dressed elf with dark skin.
|'''Dark Elf Sentinel''' - A skimpily dressed elf with dark skin.
-''Dagger Slash:'' Dark Elves will pull a dagger on close ranged targets.
*'''Dagger Slash:''' Dark Elves will pull a dagger on close ranged targets.
*'''Arrow Shot:''' Fire an arrow forward.
-''Arrow Shot:'' Fire an arrow forward.
|'''Blood Eater''' - Similar to the Mana Eater in Feita, except that it eats HP instead of MP.
|'''Blood Eater''' - Similar to the Mana Eater in Feita, except that it eats HP instead of MP.
-''Blood Absorb:'' The Blood Eater will absorb 50% of your current health. Defeating it after it has absorbed your HP will give you a 50% total HP recover, this can be used as a means of recovering health.
*'''Blood Absorb:''' The Blood Eater will absorb 50% of your current health. Defeating it after it has absorbed your HP will give you a 50% total HP recover, this can be used as a means of recovering health.
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|'''Uno Hound''' - A towering Glitter with a sinewy physique. Looks like a wrestler.... ALL HIS MOVES ARE DONE WITH IMMEDIATE SUPER ARMOUR.
|'''Uno Hound''' - A towering Glitter with a sinewy physique. Looks like a wrestler.... ALL HIS MOVES ARE DONE WITH IMMEDIATE SUPER ARMOUR.
-''Downward Punch:'' The Glitter pulls his arm back and punches downwards at you. The punch is inaccurate and it will miss you entirely if you stand right next to him.
*'''Downward Punch:''' The Glitter pulls his arm back and punches downwards at you. The punch is inaccurate and it will miss you entirely if you stand right next to him.
*'''Double Lariat:''' The Glitter spins himself around with his arms wide apart, knocking everything in his radius away from him. This does rather substantial damage if he manages to combo you.
-''Double Lariat:'' The Glitter spins himself around with his arms wide apart, knocking everything in his radius away from him. This does rather substantial damage if he manages to combo you.
*'''Leap Smash:''' The Glitter leaps up into the air and smashes downwards.
*'''Running Punch:''' If the Glitter notices that you are some distance away from you, he will run towards you and punch you. This does not do much damage as long as he doesn't combo you.
-''Leap Smash:'' The Glitter leaps up into the air and smashes downwards.
*'''Seismic Smash:''' The Glitter squats, and repeatedly smashes the ground with his two arms. At the 4th smash, it will cause an earthquake effect on whoever is on the same level ground as it. Does substantial damage.
*'''Regeneration (Passive):''' This Glitter is so fit, he can recover health slowly...
-''Running Punch:'' If the Glitter notices that you are some distance away from you, he will run towards you and punch you. This does not do much damage as long as he doesn't combo you.
-''Seismic Smash:'' The Glitter squats, and repeatedly smashes the ground with his two arms. At the 4th smash, it will cause an earthquake effect on whoever is on the same level ground as it. Does substantial damage.
-''Regeneration (Passive):'' This Glitter is so fit, he can recover health slowly...
*Has a stoic threshold of 20 hits.
-Has a stoic threshold of 20 hits.
*The best time to attack is whenever he does the '''Downward Punch''' or right after he smashes down with '''Leap Smash'''. Keep your distance and use ranged attacks whenever he uses '''Seismic Smash''' or '''Double Lariat'''.
-The best time to attack is whenever he does the '''Downward Punch''' or right after he smashes down with '''Leap Smash'''. Keep your distance and use ranged attacks whenever he uses '''Seismic Smash''' or ''Double Lariat''.
*Elsword can [[Counter Attack]] all of his moveset, excluding  '''Running Punch''' if you are standing directly in front of him. The final hit of '''Seismic Smash''' cannot be parried.
-Elswords can [[Parry]] all of his moveset, excluding  '''Running Punch''' if you are standing directly in front of him. The final hit of '''Seismic Smash''' cannot be parried.
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| BDrop={{tabs|name=1|tab1=Dark Steel Cannon|contents1={{:6-1Bdrop1}} |tab2=Dark Steel Bracelet|contents2={{:6-1Bdrop2}}}}
| BDrop={{tabs|name=1|tab1=Dark Steel Cannon|contents1={{:6-1Bdrop1}} |tab2=Dark Steel Bracelet|contents2={{:6-1Bdrop2}}}}
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