Ain/zh-hans: Difference between revisions

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| '''{{CZ}}{{CZ}}{{CZ}}{{CZ}}'''
| '''{{CZ}}{{CZ}}{{CZ}}{{CZ}}'''
| Attacks 3 times with a projected sword and finishes with a multihit blast.
| 艾因投影长剑进行3次斩击,最后发射多边体引发爆炸。
{{CZ}} 160% 物理伤害<br>
{{CZ}} 160% 物理伤害<br>
{{CZ}} 197% 物理伤害<br>
{{CZ}} 197% 物理伤害<br>
{{CZ}} 245% 物理伤害<br>
{{CZ}} 245% 物理伤害<br>
{{CZ}} 54% 魔法伤害 x5<br>
{{CZ}} 54% 魔法伤害(x5)<br>
320% 魔法伤害
320% 魔法伤害
| '''{{CZ}}{{CZ}}{{CX}}{{CX}}'''
| '''{{CZ}}{{CZ}}{{CX}}{{CX}}'''
| Attacks 2 times with a projected sword before stabbing the enemy, shattering the projected sword to infict more damage.
| 艾因投影长剑进行2次斩击,随后引爆长剑并造成爆炸。
{{CZ}} 160% 物理伤害<br>
{{CZ}} 160% 物理伤害<br>
{{CZ}} 197% 物理伤害<br>
{{CZ}} 197% 物理伤害<br>
{{CX}} 374% 物理伤害<br>
{{CX}} 374% 物理伤害<br>
{{CX}} 100% 物理伤害 x5
{{CX}} 100% 物理伤害(x5)
| '''{{CZ}}{{CZ}}{{CZ}}{{CHoldX}}'''
| '''{{CZ}}{{CZ}}{{CZ}}{{CHoldX}}'''
| Attacks 3 times with a projected sword and finishes by firing multiple spears at enemies while in super armor.
| 艾因投影长剑进行3次斩击,随后以霸体状态连续投影多把长枪,给前方的目标造成伤害,最后向前方发射一把稍大的长枪。
{{CZ}} 160% 物理伤害<br>
{{CZ}} 160% 物理伤害<br>
Line 108: Line 108:
{{CZ}} 245% 物理伤害<br>
{{CZ}} 245% 物理伤害<br>
{{CHoldX}} 100% 魔法伤害<br>
{{CHoldX}} 100% 魔法伤害<br>
43% 魔法伤害 x3~24
43% 魔法伤害(x3~24)
| '''{{CX}}{{CX}}{{CX}}{{CRoX}}'''
| '''{{CX}}{{CX}}{{CX}}{{CRoX}}'''
| Use circular magic to fire 2 magic bullets before causin a small explosion and firing a non-elemental bullet. There is a chance the bullet will create a circular magic blast that pulls in enemies and deals damage over time.
| 艾因使用循环魔法发射2个魔法弹,在造成爆炸后追加发射1个无属性魔法弹。有一定几率召唤拉扯敌人并造成伤害的循环魔法爆炸。
{{CX}} 286% 魔法伤害<br>
{{CX}} 286% 魔法伤害<br>
Line 117: Line 117:
{{CX}} 377% 魔法伤害<br>
{{CX}} 377% 魔法伤害<br>
{{CRoX}} 470% 魔法伤害<br>
{{CRoX}} 470% 魔法伤害<br>
*<font color={{ColorSel|Character|Ain}}>Circular Magic Blast</font> : 37% 魔法伤害 x10
*<font color={{ColorSel|Character|Ain}}>循环魔法爆炸</font>:37% 魔法伤害(x10)
| '''{{CX}}{{CX}}{{CX}}{{CAinUX}}'''
| '''{{CX}}{{CX}}{{CX}}{{CAinUX}}'''
| Use circular magic to fire 2 magic bullets before causin a small explosion and firing a wind-elemental bullet. There is a chance the bullet will cause a wind blast that inflicts bleed and knocks enemies up.
| 艾因使用循环魔法发射2个魔法弹,在造成爆炸后追加发射1个风属性魔法弹。 有一定几率引发风之爆炸,挑空敌人并造成[[Status Effects/zh-hans|出血]]状态。
{{CX}} 286% 魔法伤害<br>
{{CX}} 286% 魔法伤害<br>
Line 126: Line 126:
{{CX}} 377% 魔法伤害<br>
{{CX}} 377% 魔法伤害<br>
{{CAinUX}} 423% 魔法伤害<br>
{{CAinUX}} 423% 魔法伤害<br>
*<font color={{ColorSel|Element|Wind}}>Wind Blast</font> : 109% 魔法伤害 x6
*<font color={{ColorSel|Element|Wind}}>风之爆炸</font>:109% 魔法伤害(x6)
| '''{{CX}}{{CX}}{{CX}}{{CDeLX}}'''
| '''{{CX}}{{CX}}{{CX}}{{CDeLX}}'''
| Use circular magic to fire 2 magic bullets before causin a small explosion and firing a fire-elemental bullet. There is a chance the bullet will cause a fire blast that inflicts burn.
| 艾因使用循环魔法发射2个魔法弹,在造成爆炸后追加发射1个火属性魔法弹。 有一定几率引发火之爆炸,造成[[Status Effects/zh-hans|火伤]]状态。
{{CX}} 286% 魔法伤害<br>
{{CX}} 286% 魔法伤害<br>
Line 135: Line 135:
{{CX}} 377% 魔法伤害<br>
{{CX}} 377% 魔法伤害<br>
{{CDeLX}} 423% 魔法伤害<br>
{{CDeLX}} 423% 魔法伤害<br>
*<font color={{ColorSel|Element|Fire}}>Fire Blast</font> : 500% 魔法伤害
*<font color={{ColorSel|Element|Fire}}>火之爆炸</font> : 500% 魔法伤害
| '''{{CX}}{{CX}}{{CX}}{{CViDX}}'''
| '''{{CX}}{{CX}}{{CX}}{{CViDX}}'''
| Use circular magic to fire 2 magic bullets before causin a small explosion and firing an ice-elemental bullet. There is a chance the bullet will cause an ice blast that inflicts ice and knocks enemies down.
| 艾因使用循环魔法发射2个魔法弹,在造成爆炸后追加发射1个冰属性魔法弹。 有一定几率引发冰之爆炸,击倒敌人并造成[[Status Effects/zh-hans|严寒]]状态。
{{CX}} 286% 魔法伤害<br>
{{CX}} 286% 魔法伤害<br>
Line 144: Line 144:
{{CX}} 377% 魔法伤害<br>
{{CX}} 377% 魔法伤害<br>
{{CViDX}} 423% 魔法伤害<br>
{{CViDX}} 423% 魔法伤害<br>
*<font color={{ColorSel|Element|Water}}>Ice Blast</font> : 609% 魔法伤害
*<font color={{ColorSel|Element|Water}}>冰之爆炸</font> : 609% 魔法伤害
| '''{{CDR}}{{CZ}}{{CZ}}{{CZ}}'''
| '''{{CDR}}{{CZ}}{{CZ}}{{CZ}}'''
| Dash at an enemy with a projected sword, slash through them, then slam the ground to launch them into the air.
| 艾因投影长剑进行斩击,随后冲向前方目标进行贯通斩击,并对其背部进行斩击,最后重击地面并挑空目标。
{{CDR}} <br>
{{CDR}} <br>
Line 156: Line 156:
| '''{{CDR}}{{CX}}'''
| '''{{CDR}}{{CX}}'''
| Dash behind enemies and fire a spear at their back.
| 艾因绕过前方目标,随后投影长枪对目标背部进行切砍。
Line 162: Line 162:
| '''{{CU}}{{CZ}}'''
| '''{{CU}}{{CZ}}'''
| Stomp downwards.
| 艾因跳到空中,重击下方目标。
Line 169: Line 169:
| '''{{CU}}{{CHoldX}}'''
| '''{{CU}}{{CHoldX}}'''
| Use circular magic to fire a charged bullet at enemies.
| 艾因调到空中,使用循环魔法对目标发射蓄力魔法弹。
Line 175: Line 175:
| '''{{CDRU}}{{CZ}}{{CZ}}{{CZ}}'''
| '''{{CDRU}}{{CZ}}{{CZ}}{{CZ}}'''
| Attack 3 times with a projected sword while in mid-air.
| 艾因跳到空中,随后投影长剑进行3次斩击。
Line 183: Line 183:
| '''{{CDRU}}{{CX}}{{CX}}{{CX}}'''
| '''{{CDRU}}{{CX}}{{CX}}{{CX}}'''
| Throw projected spears 3 times while in mid-air.
| 艾因跳到空中,随后投影长枪向下方目标进行发射。
Line 190: Line 190:
{{CX}} 400% 魔法伤害
{{CX}} 400% 魔法伤害
| '''空中 {{CU}}'''
| 空中 {{CHoldU}}
| Ain is able to levitate by holding the {{CU}} key. You can move while levitating.
| 艾因在空中进行漂浮,漂浮期间可以变更左右方向。
| '''漂浮 {{CDR}}'''
| 漂浮 {{CDR}}
| Launch yourself forward with a jump while floating in midair.
| 艾因在空中漂浮时,向前方进行冲刺。
{{CDR}} 220% 魔法伤害
{{CDR}} 220% 魔法伤害
| 倒地 {{CZ}}/{{CX}}
