Story/North Fluone: Difference between revisions

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|Description= Laby and Mao witness Calonne taken by the soldiers of Lord's Keep.<br>Laby hesitates, seeing Mao upset, but she soon promises to help Mao.<br>Nisha is silently at Laby's side, as if she never reacted strangely.
|Description= Laby and Mao witness Calonne taken by the soldiers of Lord's Keep.<br>Laby hesitates, seeing Mao upset, but she soon promises to help Mao.<br>Nisha is silently at Laby's side, as if she never reacted strangely.
*'''???''': ''-''
*'''Mao''': ''Gramps! Graaaaamps!!''
*'''Laby''': ''Calonne, Calonne, where are youuu!''
*'''Mao''': ''I don't see him anywhere! Where did he run off to! There's a lot of dokkaebies around here, and the road is dangerous...''
*'''Laby''': ''Eh? There's someone over there... Mao! The bad guys from earlier are with Calonne!''
*'''Mao''': ''What!? Those guys...!''
*'''Laby''': ''They're taking Calonne away! Oiiii!!!! What are you doing!!!''
*'''Mao''': ''Tsk, it's too far. Since when were they even this fast? Stop!! Stope right there!! Where are you taking Gramps?!''
*'''Laby''': ''They were around here somewhere... Where are they? Calonne and the bad guys...''
*'''Mao''': ''Why did they take him... ugh, Gramps...''
*'''Laby''': ''Mao... (It's weird again. Laby doesn't understand... Why is Mao acting like that? Laby knew, Laby understood, and now there's nothing. It's like that time, watching the scared people on the ship. If Laby takes care of everything again, would Mao feel better? But Laby doesn't understand. What should Laby do to make Mao feel better?) Mao, Mao, what do you want?''
*'''Mao''': ''Ugh... h, huh?''
*'''Laby''': ''Laby will help get what Mao wants!''
*'''Mao''': ''... Isn't it obvious? I want to save Gramps... But...''
*'''Laby''': ''Ok! Then let's go save Calonne! If we go now, we can catch up to the bad guys!''
*'''Mao''': ''What? Do you even know what you're saying? They're headed to Lord's Keep, do you understand? I get that you're strong, but the soldiers from Lord's Keep are not to be messed with!''
*'''Laby''': ''It's ok! Laby is much stronger than Mao thinks! Tougher too! And Laby didn't forget! Mao was the one that saved Laby from the scary soldiers! Laby learned to pay back any good deeds, but also, Laby just really likes Mao! So this time, Laby will make sure to help Mao!''
*'''Mao''': ''Laby...... You're right. I can't just sit around and cry all day... Even now, Gramps would... Laby, let's go. Please help me save Gramps!''
*'''Laby''': ''Uh, oh, ok! Laby will help! Let's go save Calonne!...... (... 'sit around and cry all day'? Laby knew it. What Mao feels... Is something Laby doesn't know, but... It feels like Laby shouldn't learn.)''
*'''Nisha''': ''(......)''
*'''???''': ''-''
*'''Laby''': ''The ground is all floaty! And Laby can see sooooo faaaar doooown! Where are we going? This road is so narrow!''
*'''Mao''': ''This is the short cut to Lord's Keep. If we go down to the village, there would be a better road, but... That place is probably swarming with soldiers right now. So this is safer, even if it does have a little problem.''
*'''Laby''': ''A little problem?''
*'''Mao''': ''Well... There's not a lot of people around, so...''
*'''Dokkaebi''': ''Our... Territory...''
*'''Mao''': ''... There are a lot of dokkaebies.''
*'''Dokkaebi''': ''Gonna hurt you!''
*'''Laby''': ''Mmmrrr, you again? Mao and Laby are too busy to deal with you! Don't worry Mao, let's hurry and knock them out!''
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|Description= <font color=blue>Something has changed with Spring of Memory.</font> Laby and Mao take the short cut to Lord's Keep. On their way, Mao explains to Laby what had happened at the village.
|Description= <font color=blue>Something has changed with Spring of Memory.</font> Laby and Mao take the short cut to Lord's Keep. On their way, Mao explains to Laby what had happened at the village.
*'''???''': ''-''
*'''Mao''': ''... Laby, I have a question for you.''
*'''Laby''': ''Huh? What is it?''
*'''Mao''': ''Why are you helping me? I mean, I get that I helped you out and all, but... We just met.''
*'''Laby''': ''Well... Mao looked like you needed help!''
*'''Mao''': ''Just like that? Then what if bad guys look like they need help too? Will you help them out, then?''
*'''Laby''': ''Eh? Erm... That never happened before... Is it weird to want to help? Mao is nice after all!''
*'''Mao''': ''Well...... I guess you have your own reasons and thoughts. But you have to understand, helping someone also means making someone else your enemy. So you should think hard before you help someone. Or...... Someone might just use your kindness to fulfill their selfish needs.''
*'''Laby''': ''Mmmr? Laby doesn't understand. How is helping Mao good for bad guys again?''
*'''Mao''': ''Well, you've got plenty of time to think about it during your travel, I guess. We've arrived at the bottom of the mountains already. Lord's Keep is just ahead. But I don't see the ones that took Gramps. Did they already head inside? I was prepared... But this is going to be difficult.''
*'''Laby''': ''It's fine, it's fine! Even if Calonne is in Lord's Keep, we'll get him out! Just leave it to Laby!!''
*'''Lord's Keep Soldier''': ''Who's there! No one suspicious is allowed beyond this point!''
*'''Mao''': ''Suspicious? You're the one that kidnapped Gramps!'''
*'''Laby''': ''Yeah, yeah! You're the one that kidnapped Calonne!''
*'''Lord's Keep Soldier''': ''Hmph, just a bunch of brats. You'll pay for your insolence!''
*'''???''': ''-''
*'''Mao''': ''She just defeated him in one shot...''
*'''Laby''': ''People here are always so angry. It's like they want to fight all the time.''
*'''Mao''': ''They weren't always this bad. Since the current Lord took over, the village became more... oppressive.''
*'''Laby''': ''Eh? They weren't always this bad?''
*'''Mao''': ''Remember the incident at the Capital? People who lost their home found themselves here, in this village. We were all going through hard times together, so villagers and refugees alike, gathered energy to build new homes. Everything was peaceful then. But... Perhaps we were too much. Not long after, the Lord of this land took his family and fled.''
*'''Laby''': ''Ehh? That's weird! Fleeing from where fleeing people come together!''
*'''Mao''': ''Yeah, some people say that it doesn't match up, that the Lord couldn't have fled... But no one knows for sure. Anyway, the current Lord, 'Nenya' came during this time. Nenya told everyone that he will protect the village with his army, in place of the Estranged Lord. In exchange, he wanted to be appointed as the next Lord. Everyone welcomed Nenya and the protection that he offered, and it seemed the village was peaceful again.''
*'''Laby''': ''Peaceful is good, right? It looks like everyone wants to fight now though...''
*'''Mao''': ''You're right. Because that wasn't the end of it. When the village began to settle down, Nenya began to show his true colors. He began to forcibly take things from the villagers, locking them up, in some cases, kicking them out of the village. When that started to happen, people began to change. In order to remain in the villge they worked so hard to settle in, they looked the other way when misfortunes laid on their neighbors... Some began to act horribly to gain Nenya's trust.''
*'''Laby''': ''Nenya is so mean! making people fight each other is the baddest! He's the meanest among all the bad guys that Laby knows!''
*'''Mao''': ''Anyway, this bridge was built during that time. A famous architect made it in hopes to be in good grace with Nenya.''
*'''Laby''': ''Mmmrrr...''
*'''Mao''': ''Though, I heard he was sent to prison when Nenya tripped on the bridge several months ago.''
*'''Laby''': ''Mmmmmr..... Oh! Mao! There's a reeaaaally big house over there! is that Lord's Keep?''
*'''Mao''': ''Yup. That's where Nenya lives. Let's hurry Laby. I'm worried about Gramps.''
*'''Laby''': ''Ok! Be safe Calonne...''
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|Description= The two arrive at Lord's Keep.<br>However, the Captain Guard blocks the gate.
|Description= The two arrive at Lord's Keep.<br>However, the Captain Guard blocks the gate.
*'''???''': ''-''
*'''Lord's Keep Captain Guard''': ''Who are these kids? This is no place for brats! Go back where you came from!''
*'''Laby''': ''No!!''
*'''Lord's Keep Captain Guard''': ''!? What do you want!''
*'''Mao''': ''We don't mean to cause a ruckus. We'll leave if you let Gramps go.''
*'''Lord's Keep Captain Guard''': ''Gramps? Don't tell me, you're here for Calonne? Hahaha You better give up ever seeing him again brat! Calonne has personally offended Lord Nenya. He will be punished for his crimes for a very long time!''
*'''Mao''': ''Crime? Punished? Give me a break! He never even met Lord Nenya, when could he have offended him?''
*'''Lord's Keep Captain Guard''': ''I'm starting to lose patience having to deal with yapping brats... Why don't I send you to be with your family...? In prison!''
*'''Laby''': ''No! Mao won't go to prison! Laby won't let you!''
*'''Lord's Keep Captain Guard''': ''This power...! Hmph, no matter. You're only human. So you're also here to save your family?''
*'''Laby''': ''Family? That's not the reason why Laby wants to save Calonne!''
*'''Lord's Keep Captain Guard''': ''What other reason is there? Don't tell me you're here to save a complete stranger!''
*'''Laby''': ''It doesn't matter whether Calonne is family or not! Laby's here to help Mao! Because teacher told Laby to help anyone that needs help!''
*'''Lord's Keep Captain Guard''': ''Foolish girl. Did that teacher of yours tell you to help criminals too?''
*'''Laby''': ''What? Calonne is not a criminal!''
*'''Lord's Keep Captain Guard''': ''That's your wishful thinking! Do you even known what kind of man he is? What he's done in the past?''
*'''Laby''': ''Calonne's past? What he's done?''
*'''Mao''': ''Shut up!''
*'''Laby''': ''! Mao?''
*'''Mao''': ''You're the one who doesn't understand, so shut up! Gramps saved me! He gave me a home! A place to stay! Even if it started as pity, Gramps still treated me with warmth! I don't forgive anyone who makes light of it!''
*'''Laby''': ''... Mao is right. No matter what Calonne did, you guys are worse! Kidnapping nice people and ignoring people who need help!''
*'''Lord's Keep Captain Guard''': ''Hmph, even though I was only telling them the truth. Foolish brats... Play time is over. I'll send you both to prison... no, I'll send you both to hell!''
*'''???''': ''-''
*'''Lord's Keep Captain Guard''': ''Damn it...! You won't get away with this!''
*'''Laby''': ''That's what they all say! Laby will never lose to someone like you! He just talked too much! Right, Mao?''
*'''Mao''': ''Tell me about it. Are you alright, Laby?''
*'''Laby''': ''Yeah! Laby is all good! Laby don't lose to a meanie like him! He said Calonne is in somewhere called prison, right?''
*'''Mao''': ''I think so? He said Gramps was just moved there. We don't know where the prison is located, so we should start searching inside. We've caused quite a scene. Let's hurry inside before anyone comes.''
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