

尼格摩尔,魔界的地下海。海中有着危险的怪物,但也是魔族科技的发祥地。 从赫尼尔缝隙中掉落下来的艾尔搜查队,已经无路可走的他们继续探索,终于来到了魔界的地下海洋。他们找到了一条封闭的深海隧道,在隧道的另一头等待他们的将是……



EP.37 意料之外的相遇

EP.37 意料之外的相遇

While the El Search Party decide to return to Elrianode, they are ambushed by monsters. Just when they thought it was all over, the mysterious girl, Laby, decides to come to their rescue. However, they eventually end up far deeper than they have ever. After being attacked by machines, they are under suspiciousness by Winster, but it's cleared when he learns that Laby knows him.

EP.38 为了回归的交易

They make an emergency landing, due to the number of members, which hasn't been this high in a long time. The party meets Haivan, the son of Winster, and decide to retrieve the core. After getting back the core, Haivan is shocked to learn that Luciela is the Steel Queen. The group learn that Aegirp had traded with the Elrios continent. Lu considers going by herself, but Elsword and the group would rather stay together, and they, along with Winster and Haivan, decide to head to the laboratory to make a secret key.

EP.39 尼采 <上层>

Rena, Eve, Elesis and Laby decide to head to top level to defeat the monsters around the nest. Laby decides to reveal her feelings to Elesis, however, Rena had managed to hear them. While subjugating the monsters and talking about the realm, they hear a big monster coming over.

EP.39 海云 <中层>

Elsword, Aisha, Raven, Ara and Add decide to head to the middle level with Haivan, although Haivan is really suspicious. However, they have their troubles, as Ara worries about Eun.

EP.39 温斯特 <下层>

Chung, Luciela, Ciel, Rose and Ain decide to head to the bottom part. Luciela talks about her initial hatred for the Elrios continent and her disinterest, though Ain has his thoughts as well. Chung has slight hope when he learns that Helputt may have changed locations. Eventually, after the conversation with demons, Ain starts to doubt himself, and wonders if he's going face the change.

EP.40 另一个交易

EP.40 另一个交易

Although the group had obtained the potential key and soul, they get a nasty surprise when Haivan decides to betray the group, following his idealistic way. Despite beating the machines, however, the group, especially Elsword, is shocked to learn that Berthe is present, and stronger than eve. They were prepared to fight, but Add manages to trick them into gathering around the main power source to activate the portal, although it was Winster's request, as they return to Elrianode.


[娜薇]EP.12 与艾尔搜查队的相遇



[诺亚]EP.12 大地的情报




任务需求 任务 描述
  • 达到Lv.99
  • 完成‘进入帕尼米尔’史诗任务
  • ‘尼格摩尔地区副本’通关 0/1


货币/经验 固定奖励 可选奖励
ED 0    
EXP 0    
AP 0    

  • 地区1~6
  • 地区7~12
  • 地区13~18
  • 地区19
  • 娜薇
  • 诺亚
  • 其他